Giving thanks everyday!

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Giving thanks everyday!

Postby Roy Mustang » Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:48 am

As this day draws to a end, I think alot about things on Thanksgiving.

I'm very thankful that I'm still here. I feel that I have cheated death so many times in my life.

Being born with a heart problem and was giving a 50% of living when I had my open heart surgery, when I was 16 months old. I'm thankful for all they have done to fix my heart, so that I can be here today. To be bless on living with only having half of you heart working and to fight aids that I got from the blood that I was giving at the time of my open heart surgery.

I have been blessing in my life more then I should be. One thing that I don't talk about is all the stuff that I had to deal with at that time.

When I found out that I had aids, my t-cell count was three. Because of this, a very powerful germ called the MAC germ enters in my body. It had been in me for some time, and maybe years. Having the MAC germ was your body was worst then having Aids. I had fevers of 104 to 107 every day and night, having the chills so bad that I would shake so badly. One of the meds to fight the MAC germ was a shot that nurse would come to the house two times a day to giving. It was no small shot and the shot had to go into my thigh and the med would burn like hell for a min as it went into my body. Because the shot very big, it took a told on my legs, to where I started to have problems walking. This got so bad that, when I would go out, I had to use a wheelchair to really get around, because just walking would hurt and because I would get tired very easy. I'm very thankful for my family being there and how my faith was. End to this day, I don't know how I did it, all I know was that prayed and kept having faith that something would happen. My mom was the big reason for that, and I'm thankful that for her. She never would let me give up and she kept telling me that she felt something every time she prayed that things would get better. Something that my mom and dad never told me still years later, one time the doctor call them in and talk to them. Because I wasn't doing so well on fighting the MAC germ and aids, he told them that it look like I only had six months to live and that was when I was 14. My mother told the doctor that she didn't believe that, that there are so many people praying and I feel that I will get better. A few weeks later, I had to go to the hospital. That day, the doctor had hint on doing a blood test on me and they found out why I wasn't getting any better. Then on the same day, my mother was praying and some odd happen. She felt a clam feeling over her and that everything would be okay with me.

The doctor found out that just about all of my fluid levels were so low that my body wasn't fighting anything at all; really my body was shutting down on me. But by the first night stay at the hospital and taking the IV fluids, I was up, wanting something to eat and feeling really good. The doctor had just about everyone that was a doctor at the hospital came to my room. He was trying to found out someway on how I just got better just like that. Really the doctor thought that I would be coming home in a body bag then coming alive and feeling better then I had in years. I finally got over the MAC germ and then I slowly, I started to show signs of my body fighting aids. Little by little, my t-cells went from three to 300. Now the aids virus level is so low in my body that it doesn't even show up in my blood. My doctor asks my family on if there was anything that they did that may have helped me on fighting the MAC germ. My mom and dad said nothing really, other then praying and having a lot of people praying for me. He said, well they need to keep doing that, because I don't know how he got better like this and that we should be all thanking God for this, because I'm one of the few cases of people that had the MAC germ and Aids to live.

I think about all that I dealt with. On a day like this, I'm very thankful. I had someone ask me if all this was worth it. I know that some would look at as it wasn't. Sure, I have to take aids meds every day, I lost half of my hearing because of one of the MAC germ meds was so powerful, I know that if I fall in love with something that I maybe get turn down, because of what I have. But to me, dealing with all of this was worth it to me. I learn and have grown deeper into my faith and learn how great life is. I learn to be a better person and try to understand others. I have got to meet a lot of people over time. I'm thankful for this chance to be here with my family and to be around my friends and my friends online and at CAA. I'm thankful that I have both legs; arms and that I can walk. I'm thankful for the days that not everything goes right, because it makes you more thankful for the good days that we have. Really, we don't have badly days, as along as we have our faith in God, family and friends then everyday is a good day.

We can think of all the bad stuff that happens in our life. But we should be thankful for what we all have or had to deal with. There are a lot of people out there that don't have much, or are born with health problems that they may never get any help with.

There is a quote that I live by and that I will always will.

Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight ... when we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our own life, or the life of another. -Helen Keller

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Roy Mustang
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:12 pm

Wow... Praise God!

We quite often take the simple things for granted and forget to be thankful for them.

Thanks for sharing.
Everywhere like such as, and MOES.

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Postby c_hunter » Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:25 am

Praise the Lord!
God has a plan for each of us
He wants us to fullfill
And He'll provide the strength we need
To carry out His will.

God bless.. :jump:
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