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He brought life to an empty shell

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 5:09 pm
by CrossMovement
I dont know if any of you people have noticed some of my posts on this site.Some of my posts have been very goofy or stupid if you will but thats who I am.I can be very serious and joking but at one point in my life I was sad,very sad.Growing up in high school I soon began to feel very empty and soon I found out that no one could explain this feeling inside of me which I was feeling.I was scared and I thought that I might be going crazy because of depression and I didnt want to see a doctor.Growing in high school I thought that finding love would be the answer.Being heart broken many times,the only thing that mattered to me was family.Then one day my father had a stroke and almost died.As I noticed him in the hospital bed I thought he was the only person who cared for me so I tried commiting suicide but it didnt happen because of family again.I felt empty.It was hard dealing through school day by day.I learned to dig my emotions deep inside my heart and I would always be happy and smile in school or in public which was fake.Inside I was dead.

As things began to get worse I began to have nightmares and they got worse.Why?I think I know why certain family members in my family were Santerians (part of the religion Santeria which is spanish witchcraft).I felt uncomfortable and scared and depressed.I didnt want to live.As I visited my father,friends of my mother were christians and prayed for my father and me.They invited me to church and they had camp going on.The lady of the church that invited me was surprised because one kid wanted to go last year when he first started going the same time as me but they didnt let him.The camp was the best thing for me!It was a royal rangers camp out and I went to the service I just felt weird.One of the guys began talking and began talking as if he was talking right about me so I went up to pray while every other boy was just crying.Before that I was arguing with myself to go up or not.Like I said earlier I didnt want to talk to nobody about my problems I heard a little voice in my heart that just said go up to the altar and I cried my heart out.I never cried like that!From the beginning of the service to almost when the service ended to when we had to go to sleep in the camp was when I stopped crying.I've been a christian for almost two years and during my first year I prayed and I along with my mother and sister with the power of God kicked out the evil spirits in my house.I didnt want nobody to help me with my problem or talk to me about it.God did something better!He looked in my heart I didnt have to say anything and he just lifted my burden and now Im living a normal life and Im walking with the Lord.Like the post says he brought life to an empty shell which was me.Oh and those in my family in witchcraft gave thier live to the Lord.I am proud to say that God is good all the time.