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my testimony...

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:24 am
by c_hunter
Here's my testimony, a testimony that I should have posted before, well better late than never...

Last year we went to vacation and became absent at school for 1 month, we did it at that time because that was the only time when my mother was allowed to go to vacation. When I returned to school I was suprised or rather shocked because I had to catch up with them! I was 1 month late! Oh well... that was for the first quarter(we had 4 quarters in a year), my average was 87.41, low for my parents. And so, the next quarter I studied hard which earned me a 91.4 on my card! For most of us it would be impossible. But for God, nothing is impossible. I also got high grades on the next 2 quarters. On the recognition day, I got a medal! wohoo! So praise God for His goodness to us!
:dance: :dance: :dance: