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My hopes (Anything that is God's Plan for your Future)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:28 pm
by Wind
I just thought I would start a post where people could freely talk about fears, Plans that they believe God hold in their futures and So on... So here it is I hope no noe thinks it is stupid and someone gets some use out of it

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:53 am
by Uriel
I just haven't got any hopes for the future...I can't get a job, I hate living at home, I draw and write but I can't get noticed and I have to do all the chores every day.

It's really awful for me, because I want to get married to my fiancee of 11 years and move on, I want to get a great job, but it just isn't happening. I'm's not good. So I do suffer every day. Every day I never have time to sit down to anime or chill out.

But you know, I still hope in God and enjoy nature.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:50 pm
by Mave
Well, let's see, I guess I do worry about my future alot coz I'm merely a resident alien in the U.S.

I don't know whether my current relationship with my boyfriend will ever work out.

I don't know whether I'll ever find a job since companies generally don't want to sponsor a visa for me.

The only thing that keeps me sane is remember that whatever I think is good for me, isn't necessarily good for me. Only God knows best and sometimes it's best to just leave it to the One who knows all. (^__^) It's hard but the sooner you let go of your own plans and desires apart from His plans, the easier it will be to trust GOD with your future.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:55 am
by Swordguy
the most awesome thing about God is the closer you get to Him...the more fearless you become. because you learn that no matter what happens...your DADDY knows the way home thru the storm, thru the pain, thru it all. and when it becomes to tough that He will lift and carry you. but that is not something you can learn by people telling you, it is something that the exspeace of God doing it instills into you. but remember God gives hope to the hopeless

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:29 am
by Sammy Boy
Hi all,

My hope is that I can use my knowledge to help people overcome genuine obstacles against faith in Christ. To this end I am studying theology and hope to do something in apologetics later (God willing).

My fears are becoming blinded to my continued need for God due to my increase in knowledge, as well as hurting people in the heat of the moment (I believe I have a short fuse).

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:28 am
by Warrior 4 Jesus
I have a fear of change, no job (but welfare style payments) and its a real pain sometimes. I want to have a job but its so hard and I'm almost paranoid of anything related to that which I'm not familiar with. A real problem. I go to a Christian counsellor and that helps a bit with my anxiety which stems into mild depression. I don't feel I have the proper skills to find a job. Competition is so strong. I enjoy drawing but don't seem to improve which really frustrates me.

I feel that God is growing me in my faith at this point (personally and also as a youth group leader) and that pretty much is the only thing that gives me hope at the moment. My hope is that I draw closer to Jesus, can find it easier to talk to people about Jesus, get a job. All in God's time.
We humans sure can be impatient.

God Bless!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:57 pm
by V8Tsunami
As far as my hopes are concerned, I'd like to get out on my own, have a family, and a hotrod. Right now it seems like that is almost out-of-reach with my low-paying tech job, but at least I am employed.

My biggest fear is thinking that I am saved when in reality I'm not, and, if I am saved, getting my mind around the concept of eternity. It's kinda scary when you think about it. I guess our minds weren't meant to comprehend it.

However I don't worry about life like I used to. I have a few friends (albeit long-distance but friends nonetheless) and I can pay my bills with a bit of spending money. No matter what happens I know the Lord will take care of me. Most of all I finally have a chance at a relationship, albeit that is long-distance too, but at least it's a chance after so many years of waiting.