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Heathen Friend Saved!

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 10:26 am
by SonicRose
Back when I started working at Food Town years ago, I met Chris. We were not saved but we've kept in touch. Chris and I watch anime some times or play games. I shudder at some of his heathen entertainment and have made it a point to tell him when I am NOT amused. So, as time's gone on, I've been his only right wing sounding board for another opinion on things, polotics, evil, religion, etc.

Well, lately when he's come by, he's had questions for my Dad who's been more than happy to reply and give answer as he could..

I invited him to Church finally, and he very easily agreed (I am shocked.)

So we took him there - every service there is an altar call, but he didn't go. Still, I didn't expect he would. I was figuring maybe if we could get him to come again a few times, he might accept. Still... I nudged him toward the front of the church on the way out (rather than immediately to the back of the church), and over to our Pastor Edwards.

At first they just talked about haircuts and beards, (chris has a beard and so does our Pastor. Man he has a flat top tho. Chris said "So does your barber get out a level to get it looking like that?" ^^; ) So just as we were about to leave... Chris started asking Questions.

Dad and I took the hint and sat down nearby and prayed. Pastor Edwards lead Chris through Scripture to answer his questions ... and they prayed and Chris accepted the Lord and was Baptised 001_smile.gif

After 6 years at least of knowing him I'm quite astonished myself. o.o Please pray for him also as he's a n00b to the Christian thing and I know from being friends with him what certain things he may have to consider giving up.

Fortunately, I don't think the Lord will require him giving up drinking Mt. Dew like it's going out of style. lol.

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:40 pm
by Zane
Thats awesome SonicRose, it great to hear about long-time friends getting saved. Help him in his journey and praise the LORD.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:40 am
by Mr. SmartyPants
thats awesome! Be there to help him with ups and downs now sonicrose!

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:50 am
by Angel37
PRAISE GOD! What a victory for the Lord!!!!
<3 Angel