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God, I know what your will is, why don’t you agree?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:41 am
by holysoldier5000
If my life was a book, and the last several months was a chapter, then the title of the chapter would be: God, I know what your will is, why don’t you agree?

A know a lot of people struggle with what to do with their lives. Particularly when it comes to serving God. It is always a debate over service to God, service to self, service to family, service to the world…and so on. Well I too was at that point. My struggle was whether I should get a good paying secure job (that I don’t love,) or do what I do love (writing sci-fi stories.) Being a writer is not is secure job, particularly when tonight’s dinner rests on whether or not the audience likes the book. It’s a gamble, and I was unsure if I wanted to make it. “Throw my life into becoming an author, am I crazy?â€