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New Attitude on Life

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 6:04 pm
by Golden_Griff
Hey hey hey! Griff speaking :) And I have a wonderful testimony I want to share :jump:

Okay, so the reason why I've been gone is...well you can look here:

#1--Griff surprises herself

I didn't think I would make it through all 21 days without messing up ONCE :)...ok ok, I admit, the internet fast didn't go as planned but, hey, we'll try it again next time.

#2--A Change in Attitude as an Artist

Well, we're in the middle of the 21 days and...I was confused. I didn't feel I was gaining anything from this experience. Yeah, everytime I thought about eating a big juicy steak I would remember the fast, which meant thinking more about God. But I felt like there was suppose to be something extra to be gained...and I didn't get it...until...

...during the second week, I was looking at some artwork on the internet. I remember saying how great and creative the art was...and I got depressed. I was thinking about how much better those pictures were compared to my own. But then it hit me, it was like I confronted myself: "Griff! What are you saying?! Okay okay, it's time for you to make a decision right here, right now. Either you sit here for the rest of your life and whine about what others have, can appreciate your own talent that God has blessed you with and do what you can do with that."

Well, from that day on, I chose the latter. No more negative feelings about my artwork. It's all confidence baby! :grin:

In addition, I received a word from God through a night service that gave me peace of mind regarding my academic studies. I went up for prayer and the minister prayed over me, saying things like "God, let her know that she can excel" and such. Well, I left the altar, slightly feeling like nothing happened (and nothing will happen anytime soon). It was as if I prayed without expecting any change. But then, after the service, a lady came to me and said "the Holy Spirit laid it on me to tell you that you can, and will, excel in life." That made me feel a little better, but I felt this kind of doubt, like she was just saying that to be nice or something. Which leads me to my next point.

#3--A Change in Prayer Life

Last Sunday I heard a life changing message on prayer life. The sermon was about praying in confidence, believing in God for what you pray for because you are His child. I really needed to hear that.

Until then, I had this mindset that there are just somethings that God doesn't do for certain people. For example, I had the mindset that, even if I prayed for a new car, God wouldn't grant it to me because I'm just not the one to have such a thing. But the sermon change my way of thinking; since I am a child of God, I can come to Him in prayer for anything I may need, want, and/or desire (as long as it is in accordance to His word). All I have to do is have enough faith to believe that God will provide. And that's a good feeling!

Ah, I'm so glad to have experienced these changes. I feel so confident in my life now! :jump:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 6:23 pm
by Doubleshadow
Cool! Sounds like you've had a real period of spiritual growth.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:39 pm
by true_noir_chloe
Yes, I agree with DS. It sounds like some awesome realizations came about during your fast.

Anyways, I've always loved your art, Griffie. I'm glad you're back with us. ^_^ *hugs*

PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:39 pm
by true_noir_chloe
Oh yeah, double posted again. *kicks computer and CAA* ^^;;

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:09 pm
by CreatureArt
That is so awesome, GoldenGriff! Very, very encouraging and I'm really glad for you.

BTW - I agree with Chloe - I love your artwork also.