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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:39 am
by CreatureArt
Have you ever experienced a miracle?

I'm really interested in hearing miracles God has done for people - they're really encouraging and are such an awesome testimony to God's love and power.

I've written a miracle I've experienced below. This isn't a game of 'compare the miracle' because often the smallest things can be so profound. I'd just love to hear of miracles God has done in people's lives.

* * *

I've experienced a miracle. It was pretty amazing.
I'd gone to bed one night in the middle of a storm - strong wind and rain. I was lying on my bed when the story of Jesus in the boat telling the wind and the waves to be still came into my head, and I had this quiet feeling like I should go out and tell the wind and rain to be still. It must have been the Holy Spirit.

I kind of resisted for a bit - 'how do I know this is God or not'. But I came to the conclusion that it didn't go against the Word and that it was better to be obedient and having nothing happen than to do nothing and KNOW nothing would happen.

So I went out, got the waterproof trousers and coat, and walked past my Dad who was trying to unblock the drain outside the front door. The water was rising and threatening to come into the house - the drain wasn't coping with the speed and amount of water.

I went onto the deck, huddled in my jacket, shut my eyes and said "In the name of Jesus; wind, waves - be still." Waited a bit then said it again.

Within a minute, the rain stopped. I talked to my Dad afterward and he said it was just about coming over the front door.

The funny thing about the whole experience is how normal it was. It wasn't anything to do with me. I just said the words. I didn't shut my eyes and mentally try to work up some spiritual power or think real hard and strive to have faith, if you know what I mean. Just said the words, and God did all the work.

Praise God.

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(I hope this is in the right section).

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:55 am
by Zane
Wow!! Thats awesome!!!
Nothing like that has ever happend to me... kinda wish it would though. But watching people change after being saved by Christ is always miraclous, see them change, become like Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit. That is cool.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:37 pm
by wiggins
That's really cool! I wish something like that would happen to me, and that I would be able to discern that it really was the Holy Spirit talking to me if it does happen. Then again, what Zane says it true, and we should be thankful for every little thing and every blessing.

Speaking of miracles, in Singapore, when I was in primary 6, I had to take the Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE). It is reputedly really hard, and determines your next stage of education (secondary school). A reputed tuition teacher and a few others had predicted my having poor grades. My parents and I prayed about it, and I worked very hard. God came through, and I was one of the top students in my school. This may not seem miraculous to some, but to my parents and I, this was a big miracle, because it's no small feat. I also know from the peace I felt taking the examination which I still remember, that God was definitely with me, working in that examination and even before as I panicked and studied as hard as I could. I know that God still is with me in every test I take, in every moment of my life, awake or asleep - ALL the time. I always pray before I take a test, and even when I study, that God would let me retain the information I need for the test. After all, He know the questions and answers on the test before it is made! He know everything!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:41 am
by CreatureArt
Sorry I didn't reply sooner, guys.

I agree with you, Zane - watching people change in Christ is a most amazing miracle - and seeing the work he has done in our lives as we look back is amazing.

That's also amazing that God did that miracle in your PSLE. That's so cool that you pray when you are studying for a test as well as before you take it. I agree - God knows all the questions and answers so he's the Ultimate one to ask for help. :)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:22 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
my salvation alone was a miracle ~_^

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 11:57 pm
by bakura_fan
I wrote that awhile ago in this thread...I'd consider that a miracle. ^_^