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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 2:59 pm
by Kisa
Ah ok, I was gonna say I thought we all got along! LOL My bad . . . ><
Looking forward to next week!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:14 pm
by Jaltus-bot
The book arrived today. :)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:43 pm
by true_noir_chloe
sheherazade wrote: The book arrived today. :)

:jump: PTL!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 11:51 am
by Kisa
YAY! Now you gotta catch up! LOL, I'm still trying to ^^'

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:08 pm
by Jaltus-bot
What page are we up to?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 9:27 pm
by true_noir_chloe
Sher, we should all be done with Week 2 in the workbook by the Sunday afternoon chat. That would be up to page 49. If you go back on this thread I have the answers to page 50 posted.

Just do as much as you can. ^_____^ I know everyone may be a little behind.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:27 pm
by Kisa
I can't seem to find if you posted the answers for the Video Responses 1 and 2 . . .
If you didn't, could you please post them Chloe?
Thank you! ^^

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:04 pm
by true_noir_chloe
Hey Kisa, ^____^ the Introductory Group Session sheet on page 7 was us writing the letter (the one you should have placed in an envelope and stuck in the back of your book;) ).

The First Video Response Sheet, Group Session 1, entitled, "Fresh Winds Over Galilee" on page 29 of the workbook is at the bottom of this thread on page 5. Here is the link:

The Second Video Response Sheet, Group Session 2, entitled, "Sights and Insights" on page 50 of your book is at the bottom of page 6 of this thread, here:

You will notice they are the ones with the answers because the "fill in the blank" sections are in red.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 10:28 am
by Kisa
Ah ok! Thank you so much! *hugs*

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:37 pm
by Jaltus-bot
Thank you for doing this True_Noir_Chloe.

Part I; Scripture - Our Love Letter

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:26 am
by true_noir_chloe
(You are very welcome, Sher. :hug: )

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

He was in the beginning with God.

All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

[i][size=100][font=Times New Roman]And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend (overpower) it.â€

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:32 am
by Kisa
*hits self on head*
I forgot AGAIN!
*puts up big sign in front of desk to remember*
*quetly bows out of thread to stop further embarrassment*

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:05 pm
by Ducky
First off, sorry I missed the chat ... I finally got a ride to church with my roomy and her friend from Ohio ... which was cool cause I missed for like a month b4 that, then we went to lunch and looking for pet fish (of which we got two (1 male 1 female whom we named adam and eve)) and by the time we got home it was seven so yeah... that was rather longwinded....

The story about the word was really cool too! I anxiously await part two. (it was a teensy bit convicting though because I know I've been skipping out on my scripture time waaaay too much recently ... sadness... anyway ... I'll try really hard to be at next week's chat! and done with week 3's stuff

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:10 pm
by true_noir_chloe
No worries, Kisa and Ducky.:hug: Kisa, do you want me to SPAM you this week with pms?:evil: *evil laugh*:grin:

Anyways all, here is the chat from Sunday. I enjoyed the small group, however, I would love to have more this coming Sunday. ;) Always looking forward to chatting with you all.

Prayer Request Updates

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:11 pm
by true_noir_chloe
Allright, I've had some prayer request updates. If you haven't given me a prayer update, then I'll just place the only ones I've already got on my list. I am, however, always praying for you all to grow closer in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. :)

Shiroi - She has been getting some very bad headaches with pain in her jaw and eyes, so please pray for her as she goes to the doctor and has this checked out this week. Also, she is in need of a job and pray a door opens for her to find one.

Madeline - She and her family have weathered one mishap after another. Please pray for their protection from these hurricanes and for them to just feel the overwhelming comfort of the Lord through these times.

Spirit_Wolf - Her family is in need of prayer. Her mom and dad as they grow in the Lord, like Spirit_Wolf, and for her little sister who is struggling greatly. Please pray they grow closer to the Lord these days and for Spirit_Wolf's wisdom and witness through all this.

Lynx - Pray for encouragement from the Lord for her as she lives in a very non-Christian setting at college, and for her witness there.

KisaTohru - Please pray for her grandparents; especially her grandfather who has cancer. And Kisa, I'm sorry if there is something else - let me know, okay?

Sheherazade - She is having tests this week and really needs prayer that she will do well on them. Also, she has struggled with headaches as well.

EireWolf - She and her husband are looking into buying a home. Please pray for wisdom with finances and the right house will come if it be His will for them to own a home.

Mave - She needs to have the right data for her thesis. Also, she would really like the internship with Kelloggs in Michigan. Please pray, if it be God's will, that she would get that internship.

Ducky - I will guess for Ducky that she would love to grow closer to the Lord and that she would be guided by the Spirit through these years in college, as she is a witness to those around her.

Chloe - My husband still needs a job. Please pray for him to be encouraged by our wonderful Lord during this time. Also, just pray that my heart is in the right place as I make decisions these days. And, please pray for my kids, that they will grow closer to the Lord, as well. I think you all know who they are here; chibi_chan and Elric_kun.

Thank you everyone, for your prayers.:hug:

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 6:30 pm
by Kisa
LOL sure PMs would be good ^^'
I put a big sign up infront of my computer to remind me . . . hopefully it will work. . . lol
Again sorry, and I am right on track in the 3rd week now, right?
Will pray for the requests too ^^

Chat Time Change this week

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:41 am
by true_noir_chloe
Well, Kisa, :grin: it seems this week you'll have to change your note.

I pm'd everyone with a chat time change, but I will reiterate here that this week our chat will be Saturday evening between 8-9:30 p.m. CST. This means it will start at 6 p.m. PST and 9 p.m. EST.

And for those who are working on and finished the 3rd week in your books - Yay! :jump:

Hope to chat with you all on Saturday. :hug:

Oh, and Part II of that study is being prayerfully edited, for any who were waiting. I hope you at least enjoyed and were encouraged by "Scripture - Our Love Letter." :)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 12:41 pm
by Kisa
*changing note*
Looking forward to part 2 Chloe! ^^ *hugs*

PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 8:01 pm
by Jaltus-bot
I was just reading this, "Chaotic events don’t place us suddenly out of control nearly as much as they remind us how little control we had all along. See 2 Thessalonians 2:3." and in the goal setting homework assignment that I had to do recently, there was a question about who or what controls the events in your life, and I was just thinking, it's like some people just let whatever comes by control their life, then the world says that you need to take control of your own life, but God shows us as Christians that we need to let Him be the one in control of our life.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 8:15 pm
by Spirit_Wolf8356
Okay, I'm starting on editing the chat we just finished. If there is anyone who wanted their names changed on the chat, please let me know. I'll hold off on posting until...Tuesday, I guess...3 days for people to see? If you want your name changed, please let me know between now and then.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 6:24 am
by Mave
Hi SpiritWolf, I'd like to be known as Mave. ^_^

We spoke about faith the other time and this song popped into my head. I've always been a Jars of Clay fan and I would like to share this song.

Like a Child - Jars of Clay

Dear God
Surround me as I speak
The bridges that I walk
Across are weak
And the frustrations fill the
Void that I can't solely bear

Dear God
Don't let me fall apart
You've held me close to you
But I have turned away
And searched for answers
I can't understand

They say that I can move the mountains
And send them falling to the sea
They say that I can walk on water
If I would follow and believe
With faith like a child

When I feel miles away
And my eyes can't see your face
I wonder if I've grown to lose
The recklessness I walked in
light of you

repeat chorus twice (change falling to crashing)

They say that love can heal the broken
They say that hope can make you see
They say that faith can find a Savior
If you would follow and believe
with faith like a child

I pray for a child-like faith for all my sisters here. ^__^

PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 10:34 am
by Jaltus-bot
Posting this was mentioned, so here is my latest poem. I hope you enjoy it and get something out of it. God bless.

Thank you for hearing my cry
I’m no longer left to die
I’ve taken so much I’ve lost track
But You still gave me my life back

You’ve unlocked all the doors I was within
And helped me slowly from this dark dungeon
From a world as dark as night
I now have a path of light

Once darkness reigned in this place
Now I have hope in your grace
You’ve opened up my heart with your love
My spirit soars with peace from above

You have opened the chains that bound my soul
And freed my heart to follow it's true goal
By your hand I now walk along
To the place where I belong

PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 10:03 pm
by true_noir_chloe
Thanks Mave and Sher for placing those here, and to Spirit_Wolf for working on the chat edits. *hugs you all*

PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:09 am
by Kisa
Nice poem Sher!
I like that song too Mave! ^^
I was glad to finally make the chat, lol. Hopefully I will again next week! ^^

PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 4:34 pm
by Madeline
Wow, I love that poem Sher! It's so pretty and awesome and meep! Yeah...^_^
*hugs* Would it be okay if I posted it in my siggy?

P.S.- I ordered the study guide from a local christian bookstore and it should come in sometime between Thursday and Monday. ^_____^

Group Session 3, "Defining Moments" (pg.71)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:26 am
by true_noir_chloe
Group Session 3 (pg. 71)

[i][size=100][font=Times New Roman]“Defining Momentsâ€

Chat for the Week

PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 6:52 pm
by Spirit_Wolf8356
Hey, ladies! Here's the chat we had for the week! I went ahead and changed everyone's names, just for the sake of doing it.

Anyway, since my computer is randomly dumb, there's little holes in the conversation here and there. Not much to miss, and the one spot there was, I wrote in what was supposed to be there. (My AIM screen clears off everyonce in awhile. Dumb thing.)

Prayer Request Updates

PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:39 pm
by true_noir_chloe
New Updates, so please read carefully, since there have been some changes. Also know, I am always praying for you all to grow closer in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ, please pray the same for me. Thank you. :)

Shiroi - She is in need of a job badly, so please, please, pray for her to get one. She is also still getting headaches, so please continue to pray that those will go away.

Madeline - She and her family have weathered one mishap after another. Please pray for their protection from these hurricanes and for them to just feel the overwhelming comfort of the Lord through these times - and that NO MORE disasters strike them. Also, for her grandparents who recently divorced.

Spirit_Wolf - Her family is in need of prayer. Her mom and dad as they grow in the Lord, like Spirit_Wolf, and for her little sister who is struggling greatly. Please pray they grow closer to the Lord these days and for Spirit_Wolf's wisdom and witness through all this. Also, for her friend who is known as EvilSporkofDoom here on CAA; she recently broke up with her boyfriend.

Lynx - Pray for encouragement from the Lord for her as she lives in a very non-Christian setting at college, and for her witness there.

KisaTohru - Please pray for her grandparents; especially her grandfather who has cancer and for Kisa who watches him get weaker each passing day. Pray that her family especially feel His loving hand at this time and the granddad as he prepares to be with the Lord. Also, Kisa is having a hard time getting over the death of her cat of 9 years. Please, pray for comfort over this loss as well. :(

Sheherazade - She struggles with headaches, as well. Also, one of her classmates with MS has not been to class for two tests, and she is hoping she is all right. Also, another classmate has an abusive boyfriend. Please pray she has the strength to stay away from him and Sher could be a witness to her during this time.

EireWolf - She and her husband are looking into buying a home. Please pray for wisdom with finances and the right house will come if it be His will for them to own a home.

Mave - She needs to have the right data for her thesis. Also, she would really like the internship with Kelloggs in Michigan. Please pray, if it be God's will, that she would get that internship.

Ducky - Please pray for her family. :) I would also guess for Ducky that she would grow closer to the Lord and that she would be guided by the Spirit through these years in college, as she is both a witness to those around her and her family.

Chloe - My husband still needs a job. Please pray for him to be encouraged by our wonderful Lord during this time. Also, just pray that my heart is in the right place as I make decisions these days. And, please pray for my kids, that they will grow closer to the Lord, as well. I think you all know who they are here; chibi_chan and Elric_kun.

Thank you everyone, for your prayers.:hug:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:58 am
by Kisa
Nice chat everyone! Looking forward to this weekend!
I will keep the requests in my prayers! ^^

Chat Time, Sat.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:27 am
by true_noir_chloe
Hey you all *spoken in Texas accent* how you all been?

Anyways, I am pleased that most of you responded to my pm and answered which day is best for chat. Thank you all for your quick responses.:hug:

Just a quick reference point - we had the most young ladies at our chat this last Saturday evening, which right there makes me assume Saturday works best.

Now, we had 3 who said they can ONLY chat Sat. evening, and 1 who said they can ONLY chat on Sunday afternoon. Two said their preferable day, although either might work, was Sunday afternoon. Two of us said it made no difference.

So, this week we will chat on Saturday evening between 8-9:30 CST. That will be 6-7:30 PST on the west coast, and 9-10:30 EST on the east coast.

I think the following week, however, we will have the chat on Sunday afternoon, and just hope more can make it.

I hope this works out for everyone as best as possible. Thank you all again for taking part in this wonderful Bible study. BTW, we should be going over Week 4 at this next chat.