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Suikoden III

PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:19 pm
by Madeline
I read the first volume of this manga at a seemed fine to me.
Has anyone read it, and is it any good? *is clueless*

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 2:23 pm
by Mangafanatic
Can't really give you any advice. I couldn't make myself read it all. It's just not really my style.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 2:35 pm
by ShiroiHikari
I had my eye on that manga...I'd like to have a look at it sometime. Wasn't Suikoden a video game?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 3:18 pm
by Omega Amen
ShiroiHikari wrote:Wasn't Suikoden a video game?
Yes, the Suikoden series is originally a console RPG series. Actually, I am currently playing Suikoden III on the PS2. (Suikoden IV is also going to be released sometime in the near future.) If the manga is as good as the game, then the manga should be worth reading.

One other side note: the Suikoden series is loosely based on the classic Chinese novel Shui Hu Zhan, which is usually translated as either The Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh. For example, the 108 stars reference comes from the novel. However, the plots between the Suikoden series and Shui Hu Zhan are very different.

I cannot comment on the manga since I have never read it. So, I will withdraw from the discussion now.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 7:37 pm
by Lynx
is this an anime too?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:12 pm
by Madeline
is this an anime too?

I don't think so...
I did know that it was a video game but I've never played it before.
The manga did seem pretty cool, I was just looking for advice concerning the content...some mangas look good at first and tend to slant downward after they've got you hooked. That really bugs me...
Well, I guess no one's read it, so I'll just leave it at that.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:03 am
by kaji

Vol 3 of the Suikoden III manga is slated for release September 14th.

I have read volume one of the manga, and played the video game repeatedly (which I highly recommend).
I enjoyed the manga. It included a decent amount of extra content that you don’t really learn about in the video game. Such as how Hugo and Fubar met, or Hugo and St. Joe.

As far as the content goes; so far so good.

There is not really any sexual content, save the antics of Ace who is known to be rather lecherous at times. But his comments are meant to be comical and are typically beaten out of him by the rest of the crew.

Hmm, language wasn’t really that bad. Maybe a ‘darn’, here or there.

Violence. Well, this is a sort of war novel. There is violence, but none that is really senseless. However, the character Yuber has not been introduced yet. Yuber could be equated to a combination of the Grimm Reaper and Santa Clause. Just a Jolly old Killing machine. I was actually surprised that Persimaga did not make an appearance in the Game, but that is another story. (Persimaga was historically always out to get Yuber, his name litteraly means ‘the one who chases after death’)

Religious content. Well, the world of Suikoden is not necessarily governed by gods, but rather Runes. Theses runes supposedly transcend time, and can not really be destroyed (less the world would end). They grant their bearers near immortality, but carry a high price (no spoilers, sorry). Well, so as far as religious connotations go, the Knights of Zexen have a war goddess (don’t know much about her), while Holy Harmonia puts a greater emphasis on the Runes them selves, and the Grasslanders tend to refer to sprits of either Earth, Wind, Water, ect (all of which there are Runes to represent). Oh, it is also through the use of Runes that people can use magic or magic like abilities.
Though all these things are part of the story, you never really feel they are in an overwhelming quantity. However, there is one sacrificial ‘ritual’ that is performed later on in the story. Like I said, I do not think it is a defining moment for the series, but should be noted non-the-less.

Overall, I am excited to see this manga play its self out (and even more excited for Suikoden IV’s release to the PS2!).


PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:32 pm
by Ky Kiske
yeah I've read it and I really like it.
The guy has really captured the game.
And it was probably a hard thing to do given that there is 108 characters.
alot of really good landscape pictures.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:24 pm
by Mave
I've read Book 1 & 2 and didn't notice anything offensive. It's a title I'll recommend simply because I haven't seen any nudity, severe swearing and the violence is pretty mild (IMO). But Kaji did a pretty good writeup so it's best to read what he wrote. I like the art too and it's a nice change to have a cool female protagonist.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:00 am
by Doubleshadow
Excellent. I saw this at the bookstore but wanted to get some reviews before I bought. Sweet timing.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:35 am
by Knives
Madeline wrote:I read the first volume of this manga at a seemed fine to me.
Has anyone read it, and is it any good? *is clueless*

All iknow is that there is a video game of the same name. It looks cool. I like the art.