Manga Dissection

Post about anime's sister, manga in here. Manga reviews accepted in here as well.

Manga Dissection

Postby wiggins » Wed Feb 18, 2004 11:11 am

Hi guys!
I thought this would be a cool thread. It may work and it may drop to the bottom like a rock. The idea is to take a manga you enjoy - any manga, or manga in general, and look at it and pick out techniques and things that make the manga work to be more effective and things that lessen its effectiveness somewhat. This is not meant to be an appreciation or anti-*insert manga title* thread. I kinda thought it would be cool to see what makes our favorite mangas so good. This will also help all those people who are trying to create mangas, like me. ^^ At any rate I'll try and start this off:

In many mangas, like Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, and Angelic Layer, the first episode, book, or what you will seems to contain a fairly easy victory for the main character/ characters. This same first episode/ chapter also serves as the introductory for all or most of the manga's 'good guy' characters.
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Postby Mave » Thu Feb 19, 2004 7:29 am

I'll start the ball rolling...

Since Naruto is one of my fav. shonen manga, I've started to look closely at the way the manga is drawn. In general, more hard colors are used (black and white) and not as much screentones as a typical *cough* shoujo title would use I guess. The one I attached is has a 'perpective' element(?) coz it gradually backs off from the character. It gives a feeling of movement. The better you portray action or movement in your panels, the better. ^^

Another thing I like, there's some violence but it's pretty clean, IMO...I mean "no guts spilling out" or "unnecessary gore". NOthing in it has gross me out yet except how sick the thoughts and intentions of the villians are.
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