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So I have been converted to manga reading

PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:05 pm
by desperado
I have never liked reading manga that much, seemed a waste of money to me most of the time along with the delay from Japan to America (hearing all about it on the internet and having to sit around for it ect). All this along with the fact that if I can read war and peace in my spare time in three days how long would a manga actually hold me for? But today I got converted.

A local bookstore is going out of business so I decided to check them out, lo and behold, a manga catches my eye. It turns out to be Chibi Vampire of all things. I decided to read a bit of it and immeadetly was hooked. I immeadetly went back and picked up vol 2-4 from them and spent a while loving every minute of it. I honestly think I am going to read more manga now thanks to the unlikely series of Chibi vampire.

In short, im hooked.