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Peach Fuzz

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:40 pm
by Katyasha
What is Peach Fuzz?
It follows the story of a lonely girl named Amanda and her pet ferret Peach. Amanda struggles to deal with the challenges of pet care and training, teasing bullies, and even her mother, who threatens to take back the ferret if it doesn't shape up. Meanwhile, Peach, who believes herself to be royalty, must learn to survive in a strange new world. Although Amanda views Peach as a furry friend, Peach sees her as a frightening monster. Together, they must learn to understand each other if they ever want to overcome all the obstacles in their paths.
But that is not all there is a chance my art work that I did for the creater of this manga series is going to be in the next vol which is coming out in Dec. So wish me luck guys.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:30 am
by AsianBlossom
Sweetness. Good luck with that! *thumbs up*