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Fanservice - Scum of the Mangaverse

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:18 am
by DrNic
Yeah, so basically, I just bought some manga. I was just looking to buy either something cutesy and girly or adventurous and action packed, but once again, I'm faced with another shameless older-guy-walks-in-on-an-underage-girl-having-a-bath scene. Why?! What is the point?! I just wanted something funny :( I also brought something called Claymore - haven't read it yet but I'm dreading the content now >_<

So yeah, scrap that, I'm looking for some girly drama story or something that won't have any underage girls or blatent fanservice in it. Just a normal romatic story or something, don't mind mild nudity as long as it's not shameless (as with the above) - just something with no fanservice! Just once! 'falls down on the floor and bleeds to death'

Oh, was looking at Vampire Knight. Anyone read that? Sounds good, and I like vampires. Is it good?

(Yeah, and hi everyone, haven't been on in a while :sweat: )

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:31 am
by Fish and Chips
From what I've flipped through, Claymore has a fair bit of nudity, but it's all circumstantial, not fanservice. UC Pseudonym is the one to talk to about Claymore in detail.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:09 pm
by The Doctor
Fanservice sucks, yes....unless you're drawn to that. Or...if you ARE drawn to it but don't wanna be drawn to it but are drawn to it nonetheless.

Anyone wanna sing Billy Joel's "I Go To Extremes"?

I wish there were an easy solution man. Your best bet at this point is check out the manga reviews here on CAA. That'd be your best course of action, me thinks. And pray for wisdom on these things, a better course of action.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:31 pm
by uc pseudonym
Fish and Chips wrote:UC Pseudonym is the one to talk to about Claymore in detail.

That I am. DrNic, I think you'll probably be okay with it (though tell me, I'm curious). There are a few scenes where the protagonist isn't wearing anything due to bathing, but she's generally in the water and it's from behind - there's no sense of the gratuity (though the scenes didn't have to be that way) of typical fanservice. The series has almost no sexual content for a fair bit.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:56 pm
by jon_jinn
if you don't mind an action series, try Fullmetal Alchemist.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:07 pm
by Fish and Chips
jon_jinn wrote:if you don't mind an action series, try Fullmetal Alchemist.

Seconded. Definitely a worthwhile series.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:33 am
by Fantasy Dreamer
Fish and Chips wrote:
jon_jinn wrote:if you don't mind an action series, try Full Metal Alchemist.

Seconded. Definitely a worthwhile series.

Definitely! I'm currently reading it and loving it. There's no fan service, really, but there is one character who dresses immodestly. But there's a 'reason' for it and she is a villain.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:12 pm
by Fish and Chips
Actually, I've read Hiromu Arakawa (FMA's mangaka) is careful to keep sexual content out of her work. So that one character looks the way they look because she refused to depict her any more "Accurately," like she had done with the other villains.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:59 pm
by jon_jinn
some other recommendations i have are:
Whistle (a sports manga if you don't mind...)

Hunter x Hunter (this one does have some suggestive themes and one brief scene of a guy talking on a phone with some immodestly dressed dolls in the background. however, it's a VERY good action/adventure manga.)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:31 pm
by ChristianKitsune
hmmm If I remember correctly..Vampire Knight...isn't all that clean.. I only read one chapter of it out of one issue of Shojo Beat...and... I think...there was almost a violent..."scene" >_< not sure though I can't remember...

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:15 pm
by uc pseudonym
Fish and Chips wrote:Actually, I've read Hiromu Arakawa (FMA's mangaka) is careful to keep sexual content out of her work. So that one character looks the way they look because she refused to depict her any more "Accurately," like she had done with the other villains.

Right. I would say that FMA has zero fanservice because of the general way that it is presented. And I'll give the series a third recommendation.

jon_jinn wrote:Hunter x Hunter (this one does have some suggestive themes and one brief scene of a guy talking on a phone with some immodestly dressed dolls in the background. however, it's a VERY good action/adventure manga.)

You may want to mention how violent the series is. While it isn't terribly gory, the body count is one of the highest, especially if you mean characters that have some personality and are involved before getting killed off.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:47 pm
by jon_jinn
quite right UC. Hunter x Hunter is an extremely violent series. there's lots of killing in some pretty disturbing fashions. as i am currently doing a review on the manga, i gave the violence rating a 9/10 so you might not want to look into this one...

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 5:39 pm
by Mave
I have a question: Do characters with huge breasts count as fanservice? I was thinking of Bleach and Naruto as decent titles but images of certain female characters leaped into my mind (Tsunade, Orihime, Matsumoto, Kūkaku) and I froze.

I don't have an issue against huge breasted women (come on, it's a reality....some women naturally have bigger breasts and no one should condemn them). But perhaps it's the way they are portrayed in a certain series which can be disturbing, which brings me to ask.....for those who have read Bleach and Naruto, would you count the way these women are portrayed in the series as fanservicey? And if so, how so/why?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:11 pm
by MasterDias
I suppose it counts as a form of fanservice, although I don't have an issue with it personally. Other than that, I don't have much to say, as I haven't thought about it a good deal.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:15 pm
by rocklobster
The Seikai Trilogy has one bathing scene, but it's tastefully presented. However, this is a romance manga, so I don't know what you'd think of that.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:30 pm
by DrNic
Whoah! Lots and lots of help, thanks guys. Yeah, sorry bout that, was having a bad moment and needed somewhere to take it out, seemed like the best place. I've just read through Pricess Ninja Scroll (vol 1) and started Claymore.

I was really impressed with Claymore, and I've only read the first chapter! (usually takes me a few chapters to get into a story) So yeah, I've got high expectations for the rest of it ^^

As for Full Metal Alchemist, I've had a couple of friends suggest it to me and it sounds pretty awesome. I'll probably buy the Anime though as I watch more than I read.

And yeah, personally I can't watch anime series with characters with huge breasts. For example, Final Fantasy Unlimited - it might not have much nudity or violence (don't quote me on that, I've only seen bits) - but to me it was one giant fanservice fest >_< I guess thats based on personal opinion though.

I'm alright with violence by the way, I've just finished watching Pans Labyrinth and thought it was excellent, so yeah. I guess that would be concidered as violent.

So, is Vampire Knight nudy in a fanservice way or constructive way...or not at all? Either way I'm going to buy the cosplay costume off ebay and wear it to university because it's awesome, and I'm just that sad XD

Thanks very much everyone ^^

PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 5:23 pm
by uc pseudonym
Mave wrote:I have a question: Do characters with huge breasts count as fanservice? I was thinking of Bleach and Naruto as decent titles but images of certain female characters leaped into my mind (Tsunade, Orihime, Matsumoto, K?kaku) and I froze.

On one hand, I support fairly selective definitions for terms, and fanservice is generally used to denote a plot element (shower scene, very specifically placed slash to clothing, etc) instead of a general element. But on the other hand, I wouldn't have a problem with an expanded definition, though if we include that we should probably include some other things it would be unpopular to mention.

But on the other hand, there is very little doubt in my mind why the authors have made the anatomical choices they have. So in another sense it definitely qualifies. I can ignore this kind of thing on the Bleach/Naruto level, but unfortunately those aren't the worst offenders. It gets disgusting, really.

DrNic wrote:I'll probably buy the Anime though as I watch more than I read.

Then you may be interested in knowing that there will be a Claymore anime coming out before too long.

DrNic wrote:I was really impressed with Claymore, and I've only read the first chapter! (usually takes me a few chapters to get into a story) So yeah, I've got high expectations for the rest of it ^^

That's good to hear. If you continue to enjoy the series there will be three of us on CAA reading it, possibly even enough for a thread.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:53 am
by termyt
Fanservice is popular and will remain a staple of anime and mange. My thought is it only becomes a problem if the the service seems to be a major plot device - as if it is one of the main reasons for doing the manga in the first place.

The bathscenes described from Claymore are certainly fanservice, but the question to be asked is whether the scenes are a significant distraction for you from the rest of the series. That would seem to be a pretty personal decision.

Personally, I don't mind nudity, but dislike sexually charged scenes whether they contain nudity or not.

All that said, for "cute and girl" minus "weird bath scenes" check out Kodocha (aka Sana's Stage, aka Kodomo no Omocha). There's a weird bit in the beginning about Sana "dating" her adult manager, but it's quite harmless.

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 8:15 pm
by ilikegir33
Yes, fanservice is a big part of anime/manga. Claymore does have that kind of stuff but it has a purpose. How about I'S? That has fanservice through the roof! Pantyshots, GIGANTIC breasts, nudity, and that's the tip of the iceberg. No wonder it's now shrinkwrapped.

The My-HiME manga has a surprising amount of fanservice. So that's why it has a M 18+ Rating from Tokyopop.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:27 am
by Kai Robin

I think to most guys the female body is obviously the most gorgeous thing in the universe and there's nothing wrong with admitting that, we're guys after all. I think what strikes me as "disturbing" or "annoying" is when you rob the female form of any grace and only portray it as a purely sexual object.

For the millionth time I'm ALWAYS annoyed by a bikini-claden warrior, or a warrior who just wears nothing in general, your entering a war zone, why would in bob's name would you wear a bikini!!?!?! Ie. Mai Shurina...shirina..something like that (don't play that series) Ivy Valentine from Soul Calibur...ect....or characters with breasts larger than their skull ala Rangiku from bleach.

If we're talking about pure physical form, girls with a sense of elegance are far more attractive, Innphy from Ninety-Nine Nights, Xianghua from Soul Calibur (well, II/III at least), Lenneth Valkyrie from Valkyrie profile...ect

anyways my 2 cents

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:58 am
by Yeshua-Knight
i recommend rurouni kenshin, for the most part there's very little fanservice and while it is primarily an action based story, there is a very present romantic aspect to its storyline concerning two of the main characters

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:06 am
by AsianBlossom
At the moment, I'm reading a series (Kitchen Princess) that I hope to write the review for when the whole thing is finished (book three comes out at the end of this month...aaargh!! Why can't it come sooner??? >.< ), and it's a cutesy girl drama without a mega helping of fanservice. So far, all I've seen is when the main character, wearing a dress, is climbing out a window and down a tree, and some boy is walking by underneath and looks up. She screams and tries to move her skirt to cover, saying, "Don't look!!" Oh yeah, and then when she's delivering him food later he's in the process of putting a shirt on, and the two become totally embarrassed. But anyways, that's all I've seen so far that I could consider "fanservice". But as for the rest of the series, since it's unfinished, I can't say much. Meaning that if you decide to look into this title and a later book turns out to be trash (though I don't anticipate that happening), you can't blame me.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:32 pm
by ilikegir33
Death Note is violent, and not fanservicey, however there's a little fanservice in Volume 9.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:27 pm
by ChronoShinobi
hmm, i have to agree, fan service and nudity are big problems for me, so i have gone out of my way to avoid most of it, but there are always exceptions. That is one of the reasons that i have never wanted to buy anime/manga off the shelf.

As for suggestions, Battle doll angelic layer is relatively clean, the worst being the scientist that is constantly misconstrued as being a perv (he's definitely not) and the young girl accusing her older brother of "bad thoughts". Tsubasa is reletively clean as well, nothing bad i can remember in it. Megatokyo (a webmanga) is worth a try, but there are parts that you might question...

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 4:01 am
by ilikegir33
I agree with Megatokyo having some questionable parts. But I too have a problem with fanservice even though I like Full Metal Panic (which has some stylized nudity/fanservice).

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:48 am
by Hitokiri
I nominate Death Note again
Trigun Maximum
Azumanga Daioh (well....the fan service is still's just girls wanting thier MAR
Someday's Dreamers (for the most part)
And if you arent totally hung up on "no shoujo", I would try out Kare Kano.

Also I wanted to add this but it's anime - I will watch Witch Hunter Robin. That's pretty clean. Wish it was a manga.