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D. Gray Man

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:29 am
by KBMaster
Could someone please tell me the extent of any sexual content, nudity, gore, or language in D. Gray Man? I'm already aware of the blood in the first few chapter. Does it get gory or anything? And I'm also aware of the religious content. Thankies muchly! I just don't want any nasty surprises... :P

Also, what is with the name?! Weird...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:40 am
by Tigerchu
I'm also concerned about this series. Was it made with actual Christianity in mind? It's also a bit creepy.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:46 am
by KBMaster
Mm, I don't think so. The Japanese are kind of ignorant about Christianity, yet they implement it in many mangas. I keep that in mind when reading mangas of this sort. If it were taking a stab at Christianity or was PURPOSELY twisting it, then I would be offended.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:10 am
by Debitt
D.Gray-man was meant to be creepy, methinks. :3

I follow this manga very closely, so to put things in brief:

- As Japan is a largely secular country, it would be silly to automatically assume that any manga would be written with real Christianity in mind, and D.Gray-man is no exception. The religious undertones are mainly a vehicle for the plot, or are designed to look cool. Which, admittedly, they do. If you're very sensitive about biblical elements being portrayed "correctly" in media, then I'd reccommend you not read this one. I personally think that it doesn't go into any subjects that could theologically lead a solid Christian astray (most of the elements that are misrepresented are very obviously 'not right', and stem from a general ignorance of the bible - there's no ideological ninja-ing here.), however it's best to take the series with a grain of salt.

- as I reach back into the depths of my Nyquil dulled mind, I'd have to say sexual content and nudity are nearly nonexistent. I think the worst of it is a skimpy outfit or two, and a male character commenting about how a girl has a nice body.

- the first few chapters are, so far, a good gauge for how violent the series is. If it bothers you, then it doesn't get better, and if you're okay with it, then know that it won't get worse.

Last edit: Not quite sure what is up with the title, but from later chapters you can deduce that it has something to do with Allen's cursed eye.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:12 pm
by KBMaster
Yay! I read the first two chapters and it looks really good, but I didn't want to read it if it had sex or nudity.

Blood doesn't bother me. If that's the extent, then that's fine. Thanks, KD!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:32 pm
by jon_jinn
yep. much of the offensive content in this manga is featured in its violence and its creepy spiritual overtones. the story's quite dark but there's some comic relief to keep it sorta on the happy side. some of the action in this manga is quite hard to follow, and at times, the story is rather confusing at times. that's one of the reasons why i stopped reading the manga after about chapter 65.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:14 pm
by That Dude
From what I've read it's quite enjoyable if a little hard to keep up with. And pretty much no nudity or sex.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:44 pm
by jon_jinn
yes. a good clean manga (sexual content-wise).

PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:56 pm
by Xiao-Mei

I think the meaning of the name has something to do with the spectrum of good and evil. Traditionally, white represents "good", and black represents "evil", right? Therefore, Innocence = white and Earl = black.

But when you're thinking along those lines, humans can't exactly be classified in that manner. They're neither purely "good", nor all "evil". Also, what about the akuma? They are humans, who want no part in the Earl's plan. But they are still some of the main villains who slaughter and pose problems for the exorcists. What about the Noahs, who are humans that are helping the Earl? What about the humans who called on the Earl to bring their family back? Are they grey, but closer to black? The exorcists are also human, but they posess holy tools. Are they greys that are closer to white? They can't be classified as purely 'black' or 'white'. Even if it's bending more towards one of the ends of the spectrums, they are still grey.

Allen can see the akuma hidden in humans' skins, and also the souls that are suffering inside the akuma. Also, Allen called on the Earl for help before he became an exorcist. Because of that, he is cursed, and the akuma's curse (black) mingles with the pureness of his Innocence (white). Therefore, he is "The [color=DimGray]Gray
Man", or "D. Gray-man".

At least that's how I see it...[/color]

PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:21 pm
by jon_jinn
Xiao-Mei wrote:SPOILER ALERT!!!

Also, Allen called on the Earl for help before he became an exorcist. Because of that, he is cursed, and the akuma's curse (black) mingles with the pureness of his Innocence (white). Therefore, he is "The [color=DimGray]Gray
Man", or "D. Gray-man".

At least that's how I see it...[/color]

holy cow! i did not know that. some mangas that i read and animes that i watch, have titles that make no sense to me. like bleach and fate/stay night.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:27 pm
by Debitt
Never thought about it that way. :D Interesting. I'm also wondering if:

[spoiler]The D in the title has something to do with the skull that appeared from Allen's eye while he was fighting Eliade. There was a big D over the skull's eye socket, and the entire event was quite out of the ordinary and even though it hasn't been revisited since, it probably has some importance.[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:58 pm
by Xiao-Mei
I agree. It might appear again later.

A guy I know nicknamed Poetfreak (who wants to be credited for his explanations) pointed out that the letter "D" is the start of many words associated with unpleasantness, such as: demon, dark, damned, death, dundgeon and dank. I don't know if that's of great significance, but since the manga D. Gray-man deals with good, evil, etc, that might also be of importance. We'll find out eventually... but I bet fans will tear the title apart and discover its meaning before Katsura-sensei tells us. :lol: