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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 7:33 pm
by Linksquest

OK, I know there were threads made a while back about Yotsuba&!, but those were only volume specific, and there wasn't a thread about the first volume anyway... <_<

Anyway, I read the first volume today and I must say that I have caught the Yostuba fever! She is sooo adorable, and the situations she keeps getting into are hilarious. I love all of the characters. I was having laugh attacks at almost every page!

Talk about all volumes and other things here about the series. I hope it becomes an Anime. That would be awesome!

Ok, and I have question: when will volume 4, if ever, be released?

I also didn't want to gravedig, but here are the links to the threads to volumes 2 and 3:
VOLUME 2 Thread
VOLUME 3 Thread

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 8:58 am
by termyt
To my knowledge, ADV has not announced any release dates for volumes four and five. It seems to me that ADV is backing away from the manga side of the business. They aren't doing all that well at acquiring new anime, either.

At the ADV panel at last year's Cleveland Colossal Con, the ADV gal said that they believed that licensing had become too expensive and they were waiting for the prices to come back down. Not a good business decision, IMHO.

A little off-topic, I suppose. It appears that even I am given to spreading rumors, now and again. Hopefully, if ADV doesn't do anything with Yotsuba, someone else will be able to.

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 12:04 pm
by Linksquest
Thanks for the info, termyt!

The most annoying thing is that at the end of the third volume they said "To be continued..." If ADV does not actually intend on acquiring 4 and 5... then they have dropped down by miles in my book. They will have basically lied.