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Kamikaze Girls

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:34 pm
by MomoAdachi
I have the DVD, manga, and am currently reading the novel. Does anyone else? What are your opinions on it?
I thought the movie(which is live-action, BTW) was pretty clean for today's teen flicks. I definately reccomend it to ppl who are interested in learning more about modern Japanese culture, particularly the Lolita and Yanki subcultures.
I liked the art in the manga, and the fact that there's a sequel story in it.
So far, I've been enjoying the novel, but don't like that Ichigo uses the f-word a bit too much. :sweat: :thumbsdow

PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 2:57 pm
by TrigunX89
I'm interested in modern Japanese culture, so maybe I'll look into the movie. I've never heard of it though. What's it about?

PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 5:40 pm
by MomoAdachi
It's about two very different teenage girls from the rural Tokyo suburb of Shimostuma who unexpectedly become good friends, Momoko and Ichigo. Momoko is a Lolita-fashion girl and Ichigo is a Yanki biker-gang member. Momoko fantacizes about living in the "Rococo" period of 18th-century France and a loner. How they met and became friends is kind of a long story, though.

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 12:34 am
by TrigunX89
Is it too girly for a guy to watch?

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 9:22 pm
by MomoAdachi
Well, it IS a pretty girlie film, but it's also very hip and there's some action in too, with the biker gang and all. It isn't Lizzie McGuire, but it might still be a bit too girlie for you.

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 8:44 pm
by Kisa
I thought the manga was good, but the extra about the pinky ring girl was not so appropriate....

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 9:21 pm
by Arnobius
I'd seen the poster at a Japanese bookstore and was interested but haven't seen it. Is it the sort of "Love and Pop" kind of movie about the scandals of modern teens?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:27 pm
by Kisa
No its about a yankee girl (gangster type) and a lolita girl who form a friendship through the yankee wanting an embroidery done on her jacket. Its a good story for sure and definitley enjoyable. Nothing objectionable that I can recall except again, the Pinky Ring Girl extras....