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Flames of Recca???

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 2:40 pm
by Tommy
Here is "Is this manga Okay?" Part Three.

I started reading GANTZ and an F word popped up. I asked about the rest of the content thus finding out it was REALLY bad.

Now, I started Flames of Recca and I noticed some "issues" with language. How is the rest of the series for other content?

Is the content even worth a good plot?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 2:56 pm
by Lynx
i've only read a few volumes of it, i liked it plot wise, but there are some content issues... i guess it's really up to you, it is a T+ rated manga

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 6:42 pm
by MasterDias
Viz used strong and really awkward profanity in their translation of Flame of Recca. It's one of the issues that I have with their release.

As far as other content issues are concerned, there is some scattered instances of nudity/fanservice in Recca's 33 volumes. It's not in every volume by any means, but it's enough for me to warn people about.

There is plenty of violence and occasional gore, but it's not really any worse than other shonen manga.

There are a few other minor issues; occasional mild innuendo and a creepy semi-villain late in the series who makes disturbing comments towards Koganei but what I listed above are the main issues that I would take note of.
And for the record, no, the content is not near as bad as Gantz is...

It's plot structure is quite similar to Yu Yu Hakusho's actually(fighting tournaments), although I like Recca's characters and situations(ninjas) better.

If the content bothers you, check out Mar(Marchen Awakens Romance). It's the most recent work by the same author, but mostly lacks fanservice. It has an extremely similar structure to Flame of Recca as well, although I feel Recca is technically superior.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:56 am
by Tommy
Yeah, I thought about if there was ndity in a bad way it would be no where near as bad as GANTZ since the cast of GANTZ are drawn out with realistic body structure.

Thanks, MD, I`m going to be happy to read this series (with a Naruto Simulation).

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:05 pm
by Tommy
I still could`ve used a slight warning for the nudity.
It was Dragon Ball styled (which means non detailed;dead opposite of GANTZ) but still...

Just don`t leave out warnings about certain aspects next time. Thanks.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:33 pm
by MasterDias
[quote="Tom Dincht"]I still could`ve used a slight warning for the nudity.
It was Dragon Ball styled (which means non detailed]
Not sure I would call it "non-detailed" exactly. Non-detailed is more like Love Hina. "Semi-detailed" is probably a better term for early DB, FoR, and Ranma.

I don't know who you were aiming that last sentence at, however, as I warned about the FoR nudity in my post.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:48 pm
by Kami
I really love this series. I read up to 270 and up and stopped, wanting to continue on the American releases XD

The language facter is... kinda bad, as well as spot nudity... Though the series pulls you under, and before you realize it, you're already in book 15 !

It's plot moves this series, and the art style gets VERY good later on.

I agree with MaterDias in which, if you wanted a lighter series with the same art style, and Nobuyuki Anzai Tournaments [ XD ] choose MAR which is a fairly clean one, with little to no cursing, and no nudity as far as I have read. It also has an anime -- Which Flame of Recca does too... but the English dubbing is bad, so if you're going to watch it,.... watch it in Japanese ^_^ MAR's anime hasn't been released yet.. but if anyone is interested in it PM me :3


PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:28 pm
by Tommy
I think Flames of Recca would deserve a spot on Toonami. I would lOVE to see an anime for this (snipping would be done).

As far as bringing a dub to Toonami, it`s a 50/50 chance of it being bad or not depending on WHO dubs it.

If whoever did Naruto tried it, it would rock hard.
If WHOEVER (I know, don`t explain) did ONE PIECE tried it, they would TORCH IT.

Of course, it is Flamed.

X - X

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:58 pm
by GrubbTheFragger
yea this would be an interesting series for toonami to get and i have also been interested in the manga. i almost got the 1st volume of the dvd release the other day

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:12 pm
by MasterDias
Viz is doing the dub of Flame of Recca.

While I agree that it would probably do pretty decently on Toonami, problem is it's a fairly dated series by this point so CN would almost certainly pass it over for more recent series like Mar.

The anime never animated the last two story arcs of the manga unfortunately. They ended around the end of the Ura Batou Satsujin fighting tournament at Volume 16 or 17.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:33 am
by jon_jinn
yep. this manga's pretty good apart from the swearing and nudity. it's also pretty long series and has a very good plot and it's very obvious that the artwork really developes as the manga progresses. anyways, i'm planning on starting the anime series soon but i have an entire list of animes i hope to get and there's too many to pick from.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:56 pm
by Mave
MasterDias wrote:It's plot structure is quite similar to Yu Yu Hakusho's actually(fighting tournaments), although I like Recca's characters and situations(ninjas) better.

If the content bothers you, check out Mar(Marchen Awakens Romance). It's the most recent work by the same author, but mostly lacks fanservice. It has an extremely similar structure to Flame of Recca as well, although I feel Recca is technically superior.

I echo the recommendation of MAR over FoR. Vast improvements are noticeable in MAR, artwise and content-wise.

I've always felt that some FoR character designs mirrored some YYH characters too closely for my comfort to the point I end up flagging it down as a ripoff. But that's just my personal opinion so do take that comment with a grain of salt. All in all, I was mostly turned off by how uniquely and disgustingly vile some FoR villians were and how weak the female characters were. I know Fuuko is an exception to being weak but I believe she substantially contributed to the fanservice.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:12 am
by Tommy
Well, I`m already halfway through FoR, so I might as well finish it. :)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 3:45 pm
by jon_jinn
wow. my friend reads MAR but i put it off because i thought the artwork was really lame in the first volume and the characters looked sorta dumb. i had no idea that the author of Flame of Recca also created MAR. i guess i might just reconsider my opinion...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:15 pm
by MasterDias
Mave wrote:I echo the recommendation of MAR over FoR. Vast improvements are noticeable in MAR, artwise and content-wise.

I've always felt that some FoR character designs mirrored some YYH characters too closely for my comfort to the point I end up flagging it down as a ripoff. But that's just my personal opinion so do take that comment with a grain of salt. All in all, I was mostly turned off by how uniquely and disgustingly vile some FoR villians were and how weak the female characters were. I know Fuuko is an exception to being weak but I believe she substantially contributed to the fanservice.

I find your comments interesting actually. Aside from Yanagi and a few extremely minor characters, I always thought that Anzai portrayed nearly all of the females in FoR's main cast as being quite strong(Fuuko, Neon, Neon's lieutenants, Kogero, etc.)
Especially when you compare it to some other shonen manga like Naruto where Sakura (and most of the other girls, actually) don't demonstrate anything very impressive for most of the manga.