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What Manga For My Age Group??

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2005 7:23 pm
by Alice
So... taking my hat in my hands, and gritting my teeth, I ask --

What manga would I be reading if I was reading for my age/gender level? (Female in early 20s)

I read mostly things that are slated at young children or young teens.

But sometimes I get sick of them. Sometimes the romance comics especially seem very juvenile to me. (I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!)

I wondered if anyone knows what I would be reading if I was reading to my age level... and even harder...

Is any of it *fit to read??*

I'm not sure I could read romance slated for my age, because... I hate filth!

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2005 8:02 pm
by Arnobius
Alice wrote:So... taking my hat in my hands, and gritting my teeth, I ask --

What manga would I be reading if I was reading for my age/gender level? (Female in early 20s)

I read mostly things that are slated at young children or young teens.

But sometimes I get sick of them. Sometimes the romance comics especially seem very juvenile to me. (I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!)

I wondered if anyone knows what I would be reading if I was reading to my age level... and even harder...

Is any of it *fit to read??*

I'm not sure I could read romance slated for my age, because... I hate filth!

Well, Unfortunately, a lot of Seinen (me) and josei (you) manga is pretty explicit, either sex or violence wise, so the stuff I tend to read is usually what would be for Japanese teens

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2005 9:30 pm
by Ashley
You might enjoy Spiral--the one with Ayumu Narumi coming out in the fall, not the one currently out. I've seen a few dvds of the anime, and I was blown away. It is very complex, and deals with laws of logic and physics (in a cool, not boring way) rather than "oo, Ayumu! You're so hot! But I can't tell you!" etc.

The only other manga I could think of would be something like Cowboy Bebop or Kenshin; i.e. more action than romance

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:36 am
by Kkun
Read Rurouni Kenshin, especially the Revenge/Jinchuu Arc when it starts being releases I think sometime this or next year. That's not a kiddie story and deals with Kaoru/Kenshin's relationship in a whole new light.

I know you said manga of your gender as well, but hey, I know more girls who like Rurouni Kenshin than guys. Honestly, I don't watch/read much anime so that's really one of the few that I know.

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:06 am
by Hoshika
Hm, while Rurouni Kenshin does have a some serious themes going it is still a manga for young boys. I am not sure of any manga published in the U.S. for older people to read that does mean adult=let's throw in a lot of sex and violence.
Perhaps, it's just time for you to move on to reading novels more than manga?

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:15 am
by Alice
But I do read novels...

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:40 am
by Mangafanatic
Ever read Fruits Basket? If you haven't, you must go do it now!! [/end necessary plug]

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 10:04 am
by Alice
Well, I'm watching the anime with my brother, and yesterday I took a look at the manga in the book store. I may want to read some of it, if it goes on longer than the anime. ^-^

Which, hint hint, I will want to discuss soon... so if there are any threads about the anime where I won't be gravedigging, I'll be glad. :)

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 2:56 pm
by Ashley
Well, I'm watching the anime with my brother, and yesterday I took a look at the manga in the book store. I may want to read some of it, if it goes on longer than the anime. ^-^

Oh trust me, it does. Starting about hmm, volume 4? It starts mixing up the events seen in the anime, and adding in new stuff. It's still running in Japan.

Which, hint hint, I will want to discuss soon... so if there are any threads about the anime where I won't be gravedigging, I'll be glad.

Actually, gravedigging is less applicable in the entertainment forum threads. We would rather everyone "gravedig" a Naruto thread than make 100 Naruto threads, you know? So that's ok. ^^

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 3:07 pm
by Alice
Entertainment... as opposed to?

Do you mean anime / manga versus goof off / opinion??

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 3:44 pm
by Hoshika
Alice wrote:But I do read novels...

o_O I didn't mean it like that.... I mean most of the manga published in the U.S. that you can read is meant for teens and younger age groups and then the other stuff.... well... bluntly put is for perverts. It's just easier to find a good read that isn't filled perversion. Though I feel you on wanting that in manga form.... but as a writer my opinion is seriously bias when it comes to this.... :mutter: support the sci-fi and fantasy writers! Buy a book!

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 5:14 pm
by Alice
:lol: I usually read 'em from the library.

I admit, I want to read manga for pure escapism -- fun.

But when I found myself getting fed up with some of the romantic elements in anime and manga (yeah, big deal, I'm supposed to go ga-ga over a 13 year old who's good at sports), I started to wonder what I would be reading if I was reading at my age level. (Not that I really planned to do so.)

Anyway, that's when I started this thread. ;)

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 5:43 pm
by Ashley
Entertainment = Anime, Manga, Video Games, Jam Session, the movie board...etc. as yes, opposed to the general/opinion board

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 5:48 pm
by Alice
Okay, thanks for saying so! ^-^

Heh... I'll do my best to find the right one and not start an unnecessary, new discussion. (I know I've been starting a lot recently, but they seemed new to me... I think.)