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Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne (American: Phantom thief Jeanne)-what do you think?

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 6:20 pm
by Ryupower
OK, Besides the fact that Jeanne's the 'Reincarnation of John D'Arc', the rest of the show seems very Christian Oriented. It seems to me like the writer of the Manga, Arina Tanemura, may have been a Chrisian (Though Catholic, it seems...), and was trying to get unbelievers saved, or just feel like writing it. Just my oppinion, but what do you think about it?
Criticisms, good points, etc...

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 6:35 pm
by Mangafanatic
Jeanne Christian? I don't really think I buy that. For alot of Christians, actually, I think that Jeanne would toe some lines with the bad religion. Consider, perhaps--

[spoiler]The idea that God forgot he was God and fell in love with a young girl named Jeanne.[/spoiler]

Those kind of ideas are about as contrary to scriptures as is possible.

I completely understand being confused, though. The Japanese are a religiously confused society. Uses of words and symbolism which is exclusive to religion are common in manga because mangaka think it makes their work look cool or makes it the subject matter seem deeper.

Well, I'm sure Ashley's Tanemura spider senses are drawing her to this thread as we speak, so I'll leave a more complete response to her since I haven't been able to read it yet (downloaded the scanlations, then found out CMX had licensed it. Stupid CMX, licensing stuff and not have the decency to release it.)

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:04 pm
by Ryupower
Mangafanatic wrote:Jeanne Christian? I don't really think I buy that. For alot of Christians, actually, I think that Jeanne would toe some lines with the bad religion. Consider, perhaps--

[spoiler]The idea that God forgot he was God and fell in love with a young girl named Jeanne.[/spoiler]

Those kind of ideas are about as contrary to scriptures as is possible.

I completely understand being confused, though. The Japanese are a religiously confused society. Uses of words and symbolism which is exclusive to religion are common in manga because mangaka think it makes their work look cool or makes it the subject matter seem deeper.

Well, I'm sure Ashley's Tanemura spider senses are drawing her to this thread as we speak, so I'll leave a more complete response to her since I haven't been able to read it yet (downloaded the scanlations, then found out CMX had licensed it. Stupid CMX, licensing stuff and not have the decency to release it.)

Hmmmm...I don't remember the
'[spoiler]The idea that God forgot he was God [/spoiler]


Where was that mentioned? :o

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:21 pm
by Ashley
Volume 6 or 7 of the manga. I read them before they were licensed.

Yeah, KKJ has a lot of "Christian" info in it at first glance--but it really isn't what I'd call a Christian manga at all. In fact, I would strongly urge people to be strong believers before they pick up this series.

Don't get me wrong, it's a real cute series. One of my favorites. But that's because I can see through all of the theological lies and the gnarled web they create in the series. Things that throw it off:

1. Maron is the literal reincarnation--we Christians don't believe in reincarnation.
2. God and Satan fighting for people because they are their spiritual batteries--meaning several things. Like Satan can overthrow God. And that God NEEDS us for His supremacy. And that God is using us. None of which is true, of course.
3. There is an underlying sense of "we don't need God"/self-sufficiency that runs throughout the whole piece
4. As Osaka mentioned--God not only falls in love with a mortal woman "because He forget He was God", He invests His power into her.

That's all the major ones I can think of. How do I deal with these serious flaws? The same way I enjoy the matrix, final fantasy X, and other secular forms of entertainment. One, by realizing it is a piece of fiction, not my gospel. I go to anime for entertainment, I go to the Bible for theology. Secondly, a lot of what is said about God comes from the mouths of demons--so of course they are going to try to twist things around. And thirdly staying sensitive to the Holy Spirit and making sure that what I put before me doesn't harm my walk with the Lord.

I highly doubt Tanemura-sensei is a Christian, Catholic or otherwise. I have not seen or heard other "religious" things pop up in her work, nor has she made any statement (that I know of). I think she, like many Japanese artists, realized that Christian symbols are easily used and recognized. They treat Christianity no different than we treat Greek Mythology. I do not think she means to disrespect our faith, but merely to use it for her story.

As I said, I did enjoy this title quite a bit (anime and manga), but I recognize it has some serious theological stuff in it for people to consider. I wrote the anime review; you can find it in our database, and of course if anyone has any further questions on this series you are welcome to post them or PM me and I'll be happy to answer them for you.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:27 pm
by Ryupower
[quote="Ashley"]Volume 6 or 7 of the manga. I read them before they were licensed.

Yeah, KKJ has a lot of "Christian" info in it at first glance--but it really isn't what I'd call a Christian manga at all. In fact, I would strongly urge people to be strong believers before they pick up this series.

Don't get me wrong, it's a real cute series. One of my favorites. But that's because I can see through all of the theological lies and the gnarled web they create in the series. Things that throw it off:

1. Maron is the literal reincarnation--we Christians don't believe in reincarnation.
2. God and Satan fighting for people because they are their spiritual batteries--meaning several things. Like Satan can overthrow God. And that God NEEDS us for His supremacy. And that God is using us. None of which is true, of course.
3. There is an underlying sense of "we don't need God"/self-sufficiency that runs throughout the whole piece
4. As Osaka mentioned--God not only falls in love with a mortal woman "because He forget He was God", He invests His power into her.

That's all the major ones I can think of. How do I deal with these serious flaws? The same way I enjoy the matrix, final fantasy X, and other secular forms of entertainment. One, by realizing it is a piece of fiction, not my gospel. I go to anime for entertainment, I go to the Bible for theology. Secondly, a lot of what is said about God comes from the mouths of demons--so of course they are going to try to twist things around. And thirdly staying sensitive to the Holy Spirit and making sure that what I put before me doesn't harm my walk with the Lord.

I highly doubt Tanemura-sensei is a Christian, Catholic or otherwise. I have not seen or heard other "religious" things pop up in her work, nor has she made any statement (that I know of). I think she, like many Japanese artists, realized that Christian symbols are easily used and recognized. They treat Christianity no different than we treat Greek Mythology. I do not think she means to disrespect our faith, but merely to use it for her story.

As I said, I did enjoy this title quite a bit (anime and manga), but I recognize it has some serious theological stuff in it for people to consider. I wrote the anime review]

Yeah, you do bring up some good points. I know about all the things except: God forgot he was God.

You can't forget it's very secullar in Japan! ^^;

And, NO! It not a gospel! ^^;
Just fiction.

I couldn't find your review...where is it? (am I blind??
:eh: )

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:32 pm
by Ashley

You can't forget it's very secullar in Japan! ^^;

Oh, I know it. As I said, I do not feel that Tanemura was trying to mock us (unlike OTHER anime/mangaka, grr), but merely use familiar symbols for her piece. Yes, sadly, Japan is a very secularized nation--but so is America. We ALL need to hear of Jesus, and I do pray that God would raise up many Japanese Christians soon so that people can know the truth about God.

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:58 pm
by Ryupower
Ashley wrote:

Oh, I know it. As I said, I do not feel that Tanemura was trying to mock us (unlike OTHER anime/mangaka, grr), but merely use familiar symbols for her piece. Yes, sadly, Japan is a very secularized nation--but so is America. We ALL need to hear of Jesus, and I do pray that God would raise up many Japanese Christians soon so that people can know the truth about God.

No, no, th More EAST you go, the more secular it gets! ^^;

America's the most Christian nation, actually (just like Christopher Columbus wanted.)

Who are these other manga(ka) mocking us? ( Is generally strict on the stuff she looks at. )

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:39 pm
by Ashley
America's the most Christian nation, actually (just like Christopher Columbus wanted.)

All I'm saying is that we are not a perfect, spitting image of a Godly nation either. We have some serious flaws in our culture and government--c'mon, abortion? Homosexuality? Do I have to spell it all out? But that's another discussion for a thread that is not on CAA. ^^;;

Who are these other manga(ka) mocking us? ( Is generally strict on the stuff she looks at. )

Well, I have heard quotes from various series that say things like "That monster on the cross" (Evangelion) and I have heard mixed things about how the Krishitans are presented in Rurouni Kenshin.

But since those are BOTH volatile issues, why don't we get back to discussing KKJ? ^^;; I am really, really hoping CMX moves their tailfeathers on this. I want my Jeanne!

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:17 pm
by Ryupower
Ashley wrote:Well, I have heard quotes from various series that say things like "That monster on the cross" (Evangelion)


Lord, get those people saved...

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 4:54 pm
by Kisa
I like the series, minus a few things that concur with Christianity, but overall very good. So is it going to be called Phantom Theif Jeanne here in the US????

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 5:49 pm
by Cedahlia
This series looks very interesting, and the artwork is beautiful! Is the manga in English, and where would I go to find it?

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 7:10 pm
by Ashley
The manga has been acquired by CMX from the start; it was originally slated to be one of their debut titles. Now release has been pushed back and I have no idea when it will be released, but CMX is translating it as "Phantom Thief Jeanne". Personally I think that will destroy some of the dialogue later one about being God's wind (hence, divine wind = kamikaze) but oh well.

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2005 5:32 am
by Kisa
*groans and falls over upon hearing of the horrible thing of changing the title*
I agree with you Ash, its gonna make it weird later on..... I like the origional title! ><
so they did push the date back huh? any idea of when it'll be released?

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2005 10:12 am
by Ashley
Not in the slightest. But the instant I know, I will be sure to tell you KT

PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:50 am
by Kisa
*cries* they just like to tease us.... -_-