Pilgrim Jager

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Pilgrim Jager

Postby soul alive » Thu Mar 24, 2005 9:46 am

i finally found this manga again, and did a quick in-store read of it the other day. thought i'd share a quick review of it.

note: spoilers will abound. you've been warned. XD

Pilgrim Jager by Tou Ubukata

each of the two main female characters has a "special ability." one carries a spear-like weapon with a cross shaped blade, called the 'alpha cross' (which is not related by any way to the Cross) that can burn different things (flesh, spirit), and she is possessed by some kind of evil spirit. the other main character sprouts nails and fortune telling coins and other metal objects from her hands. they escape the notice of the Church by posing as "gypsy performers" (one as an acrobat, the other a fortune teller) to avoid being captured and burned as witches. they travel throughout Europe seeking to find out the reason for their abilities. they use their abilities to exorcise demons.

age: personally, i'd say over 16; though the recommended age on the book might be younger.

violence: chicken heads burstinging out of peoples' eyes and coming out of mouths; people being killed with medieval weaponry; quite a bit of blood.

language: none, or only minor swearing.

sexual content: in context, the two main characters wear outfits that would have been considered highly immodest in their time, but they are "gypsy
performers." by today's standards, their outfits aren't very immodest, but are rather low-cut.

nudity: bath scene with one of the main female characters, frontal nudity, in several panels.

bad religion: Christianity in the 1600s from the point of view of a history book. it shows the corruption of the Church, some of the black arts, including tarot cards and fortune telling, the poor masses caught in-between the two, people disobeying the Church in private by reading the Bible for themselves, but no one actually Christian, by the defination i understand, appears anywhere.

would i recommend buying/reading it? not unless you are very sure you can handle everything i listed above. while the idea of manga set in 17th century Europe is intriguing, but there are too many cons for me to enjoy it.



A Cruce Salus, a webmanga. --- Status: Undergoing rewrites, currently offline


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soul alive
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