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Shinshi Doumei Cross: A Warning

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 2:45 pm
by Ashley
For anyone interested in this title, I suggest reading this post. I believe you guys are capable of making the right decisions, but I want to be here to provide the right information for you BEFORE you get into a series like this. Please note this is ONLY through chapter 5, and I will continue to update as the manga is released if you so wish.

For starters, Shinshi Cross (translated "The Gentlemen's Alliance") is Tanemura Arina-sensei's newest work. It's being published in Japan right now, but a few scanlators have thru chapter 5 up. The story focuses around Haine Otayima, a former deliquent school-girl who goes to a very schnazzy private school, who only let in the children of rich or noble families. At this school, student council rules all and the whole council answers to the Koutei (council president), who this term is Shizumasa Touga. Who also happens to be Haine's crush. Between trying to get close to Shizumasa and fighting off the Gedou (the rivals of the Student Council), Haine's got her hands full at the Imperial Academy!

Now then. The Good: It's by Tanemura-sensei so you KNOW the art is going to be breathtakingly, mouth-watering, awe-inspiringly beautiful. And you can expect a great love story with lots of cute guys. Also touches on themes many can relate to, like unrequited love and its struggles (the central theme) and the message money can't solve everything.

The Bad: The story is a little hard to follow (after reading it through twice I'm starting to make sense of it). It's a little weak for Tanemura-sensei. And several characters look a lot like her other ones (I hear Yuu Watase suffers from this as well.

The Ugly
- Right from the start there is a central character who is thought to be gay. Later on they explain he did this to keep away the fangirls, but by chapter 5 we're left guessing if that was the truth or not (i.e. he might really BE gay). The closest this comes as far as representation goes is a close up of two guy's faces being close

- One of the girls is...shall we say, not a virgin. We see a young man straigtening his shirt in front of a curtain, and a girl fully clothed on a bed. The dialogue implies what happened.

- The health teacher is a lot like Shigure from Fruits Basket--has a weakness for high school girls and makes an off colored comment or two, but nothing insanely perverse. If you can handle Shigure, you can handle the teacher.

- One of the girl characters in chapter 5 explains she is really a guy. I have no idea what the motivation is (cliffhanger for chapter 5) but it REALLY put a sour taste in my mouth.

- One of the girls could be construed as a lesbian--she "hates men" and constantly is hugging/protecting Haine. I did not interpret it that way, but I see how it could.

I'm guessing Tanemura-sensei wants to "explore" sexuality and how it shapes people/their relationships. Why such a best-selling author would need to do this when she has already done so well on strictly heterosexual relationships is beyond me. I will be reading this work all the way through (unless something INCREDIBLY disgusting happens) so I can keep everyone updated and informed. I would rather take the bullet on my favorite mangaka's work and warn you guys what's ahead than you find out by yourself. If you have any questions or want to see any of the pages/scenes in question, please just drop me a PM and I'll be happy to help! I hope this helps anyone thinking about reading this series.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 6:42 am
by Mave
Ashley wrote: And several characters look a lot like her other ones (I hear Yuu Watase suffers from this as well.

Hi, Ash, I think this happens to any mangaka who have created many popular titles since they've established a unique style of character design OR they could be forced to stick to what works by their editors. <.< >.>]Why such a best-selling author would need to do this when she has already done so well on strictly heterosexual relationships is beyond me. I will be reading this work all the way through (unless something INCREDIBLY disgusting happens) [/quote]
Man, it really beats me. It's just like singers who don't need to dress immodestly when they already have a great voice the public loves. :shake:

All in all, thanks Ash for the headsup!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 2:23 pm
by Mangafanatic
Yes, chapter five has me concerned. To say the least.

It seems you couldn't throw a stone at the characters in this manga and not hit someone who's gender confused.

Why Tanemura Sensei!? For the love of creme puffs, why!?