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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:58 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
Has anybody else read this? Or did you stop after vol. 1? It's such an awosme manga. But there's a catch in this awsomeness. figures... One of the main characters is a gay crossdresser. Has anybody read on? I want to know how it's handled. I really want to read more, but I doubt I'd be able to stomache it.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 9:04 pm
by chibi_chan
It's get's really interesting^^about the gay thing I did'nt notice anything and later on a girl kisses him (she's drunk) I don't know how that will turn out scence I havn't read any further. Overall he is my favorite character so it doesn't really bother me but if you can't stomach it then don't force yourself. Though I would recomend reading on. XD

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 9:08 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
Maybe I will. But it's hard to think that anyone's favorite character would be the homosexual...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 9:40 pm
by chibi_chan
I don't think you should hate a character just cause they're gay.....>.>
But I like him cause he's energetic and just so happy all the time^^ (I like guy's like that)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 8:52 am
by Shao Feng-Li
He is a good character but a total pervert. THe bible does **** dressing like a woman and being gay to the greatest extent. It's an abomination. It's like being an "Sir" Elton John or Mana* fan... I really need to install the bible software.

*That one I'll never understand.

I think I will continue though. It's not like FAKE or Gravition where the thing is about a homosexual/ perverted characters... Then again, what is right in the eyes of the King?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:45 am
by Jasdero
Shao Feng-Li wrote:THe bible does **** dressing like a woman and being gay to the greatest extent. It's an abomination. It's like being an "Sir" Elton John or Mana* fan... I really need to install the bible software.

*That one I'll never understand.

>.o why is it okay for girls to wear boy's clothing, but not the opposite?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:27 am
by true_noir_chloe
Good question, Sunako. ^___^ I've never thought of that before. *hehe*

Shao, I believe in Scripture it also speaks wonders about how we should not be underhanded in our comments, meaning one thing and in our mind thinking another, and thus challenging our brethren in their walk. (Galatians 5:22-26;6:1-7)

It is funny how you brought up your true feelings toward those here who happen to be fans of J-rock, Gothic Lolita and Mana. I, myself, am not into this type of look, but whoa to me if I ever count another's spirituality against mine for enjoying the music of Mana or his style of clothing. I think we've lost the point of Christ if this is all we can consider through our day.

You really need to tread with caution here, Shao, and let us get back to the subject of Bremen and why you originally made this thread.

Now, I've never read Bremen - haven't wanted to because it has this cross-dressing guy that "freaks" me out - Haha. I hate when I'm not sure of the gender of a character - it's my own bias. It didn't bother me in Fruits Basket, when Ayame wore that dress-like outfit. I think Ayame is just one of those very effeminate characters that mangaka's like to make in Japan. However, I've heard Bremen is a reallly enjoyable manga and a very original one. It also has some beautiful art. My daughter and son have bugged me to check it out and maybe I should. I just really don't have the time. I barely have the time to read the mangas I truly WANT to read. ^___^;;

I found this overview of the manga, Bremen, that you might want to check out, Shao. :) I think this will give you the information you are looking for:

Overall, after reading this it seems very non-Christian (well, duh) and very on the fringe of society. It is not your usual shoujo manga. ^__^

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 8:35 pm
by MasterDias
Bremen is technically shonen as it ran in Weekly Shonen Jump for 9 volumes.

At any rate, I've never actually read any of it either, mostly due to the "rockstar" look which I'm not that big a fan of.
But, I might check it out sometime when I'm looking for something to read...

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:22 am
by Shao Feng-Li
NOte that I am not dising anybody's style of clothing but wareing women's cloth to look and act like a woman.I often ware cami's and a big T- Hsirt, but in no way do I look like or act like a boy. THe charater in Bremen lives to be a woman though he's a man, and that is wrong. Mana, I don't know about, but cross dressing is very wrong, no matter how good it looks. Like girls say he's hot. Hot? Okay, guys are hot when they look like women. >.>...??? Men's clothes are a bit more universal anyway. Like I can ware a boys T- Shirt, but imagine way a guy shouldn't ware a tube top.

Okay I'm done. Let's contimue with Bremen once I get home to read vol. 2. I'm in Albany, New York right now.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 11:36 am
by Debitt
I'm not a mod or anything, but this really isn't the place to debate the ethics of men in dresses. 1) It's the manga forum, and the discussion should remain manga oriented 2) it's CAA and debate-free is the policy. And, as a fan of visual kei style music, I don't think it's very nice arguing about it on either end of the debate. O.o but anyways.

I looked into the manga and it looks very intersting. I'm not too wild about the style of art (it seems a bit too....DBZ-esque to me. >>; ), but the story sounds like something I might want to look into.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:58 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
That's why I said,
Okay I'm done. Let's contimue with Bremen once I get home to read vol. 2. I'm in Albany, New York right now.

It's not like Dragon Ball Z at all. If anything, the art's more realistic. Reiji has been the only guy I've ever seen to make a mohawk look really, really, cool.