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White Day

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:23 am
by Hitokiri
Ok, it's official. Thw process of White Day Issue #1 has begun. For those who are not sure what I mean. My friend and I have created a manga that draws alot of similarities among the Harem genre (love Hina, Tenchi, etc) as well as parodying various anime (Evangelion, Kenshin, Excel Saga, FLCL). It's not a "Christian manga" per say but one thing that is different that it contains next to none fan service. We refuse to write or draw any fan service scenes though some will be implyed but none will be showed.

He has written the first 3 chapter summaries and I have begun doing pilot chapters from where he will create the script, so we both get some creative liscences.

We're extremely excited about this project and I'm starting to open p for the possibility of a liscence that he is trying to get for us :lol: I just felt like mentioning this since I posted a large deal of artwork of it in my art thread.

oh BTW thier will be a website for White Day as well as our other manga sometime in Febuary.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:36 pm
by Kisa
Sweet! Definitley let us know!
Could you give a link to your art thread where there is pictures from White day in it please?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:16 pm
by Hitokiri
It's inmy signature :lol: It's the last button on the top row.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:19 pm
by Mave
You also know what I think of this. I'll be keeping a lookout for it. ^__^

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 5:12 pm
by Kisa
Cool I love the characters, will look forward to it ^^

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 6:59 pm
by Hitokiri
I just recently launched a simple forum for it. Nothing really to do on the forum cause it's basically for direct communication between "staff" (meaning just the two of us) when we usually can't talk. There will be stuff update for the "public" hee hee (all the categories save for two have a password lock that just us two though...sorry but some stuff abou the series, we dont want people to know. Not even our best friends or those who are semi related tot he manga know most of it.)

White Day forum

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 7:29 pm
by Hitokiri
Well, it's been a while but I thought of updating this.

Currently, Chapters 1-3 are done and 4 is being started on. We ar elooking into self-publishing the first volume with a printing company. Hopefully.

We had planned so far chapters 1-8 which will consist of Vol 1. I may some updated images soon.