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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:33 pm
by Nate
Forgive me if there is already a thread about this...I checked the first five pages of this forum and didn't see any, so... ^^;;

Anyway, I just picked up volume one of Tactics by Sakura Kinoshita, and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it! The plot is kinda...well, difficult to explain...okay, actually, so far I haven't been able to put together a coherent plot...but that doesn't make it bad.

Things I didn't like...well, to be honest, the dialogue didn't read well. It didn't sound natural...I don't know how to describe it, it's just not...good dialogue. I don't know if the translators were trying to keep it true to the original Japanese and it sounds weird, or if they changed it...but it just doesn't read right to me.

Second, I didn't like the main character preaching Shintoism at me...but, that's a minor flaw, really. Not too sure about the "power of words" thing in the last chapter either...that was partially due to the weird dialogue (IMO).

So, anyone else read it? Besides Kokoro-chan, I mean...though I'd love to hear your opinion too. ^^

Now, I should probably go check out that Mythical Detective Ragnarok Loki, or whatever...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:59 pm
by Mangafanatic
Hey! I got this one for Christmas. I thought it was-- good. Yeah.

I totally agree with you on your two "negatives" though. The dialogue was TERRIBLE! it felt really labored and disconnected. Plus, the bloodprinting every other sentence annoyed me to no end. I wish there was a bigger plot to it, though. It just felt episodic. They seemed like mimi-stories.

And the whole, creating your own religion thing was a little disconcerting, but I can handle it.

On the plus side, I loved Haruka and Yoko. They were really funny! the art wasn't quite my taste, but it was definitely VERY cute. Overall, I enjoyed it.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:11 pm
by Debitt
*comes dashing into the topid* =D!!!! TACTICS! <3 Anyways, yes I love Tactics. I love it good. xD I love it lots. *nods - stops rambling*

I agree that the dialogue was so shoddy. T^T Although it's fairly obvious that ADV's translation of the manga is partially to blame (I still need to pick the first volume up in japanese. >.O) I think they ended up being both too literal and trying too hard to "westernize" the translation. Example: the "goblins" and "demons" mentioned in the manga actually refer to one of three creatures from Japanese mythology: oni, youkai, and, in Haruka's case, tengu. Lumping the terms together really bothered me, too. T.T I <3 mythology.

The first volume was really episodic, but I promise it sprouts a plot by the 2nd and 3rd volumes. ^_^ The cast literally doubles, too, adding characters like another tengu named Sugino (and his wife Muuchan), an English exorcist named Edwards (>O Another thing that bugs me! The summary on the back of the book says the manga takes place in medieval Japan, but it DOESN'T! T.T; It's the Meiji era, dangit!), and a few old anquaintances of Kantaro's.

And Kae: If you want to pick up Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok, I HIGHLY recommend that you find scanslations for its predecessor, Matantei Loki/Mythical Detective Loki (yes, there is a differece) or possibly get access to the anime series, otherwise reading it will probably be rather difficult. A lot of character relationships and events that occured in Matantei Loki aren't explained to the reader in Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok. =/ Why ADV decided to only translate the 2nd half of the series is beyond me.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:30 pm
by Kaori
Well, I haven't actually read the manga, but I've seen part of the anime, and it seems that a big focus of the series is going to be the budding yaoi relationship between Kantaro and Haruka. To me, it seemed clear that such was the case even after seeing the first episode, and a friend of mine who has watched more of it confirmed that prediction. It's kind of a shame, since it seemed like an interesting series. The yaoi element will doubtless be more of an issue for some people than others, but it's probably something you should be aware of before going out and investing in the manga.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:34 pm
by Mangafanatic
Yaio! No! Say it ain't so!!

But the manga must be different. You've read most of it, haven't you, Koko-chan?

And, yes, if you read Loki-- take Koko's suggestion and read the prequel(-ish thing). You will be so lost without it.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:38 pm
by Debitt
I have up to volume 4 of the manga, and I definitely don't see any boy on boy action budding between Kantaro and Haruka. x_x; Well...I really didn't see much in the anime either (I'm naive like that), but in the manga Kan-chan makes it clear that he wants to be good friends with Haruka.

Alright, so Kantaro may come across as a little pushy, but he has good intentions at heart, and they do forge a friendship as the series goes on. I think the anime was probably playing down on the shounen-ai (there's a difference between shounen-ai and yaoi. x_x; yaoi is much much more adult than shounen-ai) in the fanservice end, but even then I thought that Kantaro and Haruka were friends. o_o;

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:38 pm
by Nate
I agree with you, Kokoro-chan...I don't think they had cars in medeival Japan. ^^

Heh...I knew I couldn't be the only one who thought the dialoge was messed up. Oh, and Yoko is really funny! And cute, too! ^^

That's stupid to only release the second half of a series...*Goes to find first series*

Wait a second...YAOI?! NOOO!!!!

*Flees in terror*

Maybe...the manga will be must be different...please say it's so?

EDIT: Okay, I see your post. Good. ^^

*Wipes sweat from forehead*

I didn't see any hints of that at all in the first volume, personally. It seemed that Haruka was more of a hero to Kantaro than anything else.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:57 pm
by Kaori
Kokoro Daisuke wrote:I have up to volume 4 of the manga, and I definitely don't see any boy on boy action budding between Kantaro and Haruka.

Ah, well I guess the manga must be different, then. That's good to know. Please excuse my ignorance.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:59 pm
by Debitt
xD; No problem. Actually, if you watch ep. 4 of the anime they make it pretty obvious that Haruka likes his ladies. x3