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Rouroni Kenshin vs. Naruto

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:45 pm
by Solid Ronin
Im sorry is it just me or has anyone else seen past the hype of R. Kenshin..I mean its a decent book ,I'll read it but personal I just don't see what it has going for it to get this big.

As far as I'm concerned Naruto is a much better read by far.

In R. Kenshin I have a short girlish looking read head whoes an almost invinsible swordsman of whom wonders from place to place.

In Naruto I've got a short blond ninja with a demon in within him and trying to become the best ninja in his land.

Kenshin = Champ

Naruto = Rocky of ninjutsu

I'll take Rocky anyday.

Could anyone please share what they think on these matters?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:50 pm
by Kireihana
I like them both, but I do enjoy Naruto more. However I think the Kenshin anime series is funnier than the Naruto anime.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:01 pm
by oro!
I've never read or watched Naruto, so I guess I can say much. I don't know if I'd read it because of the demon thing. Rurouni Kenshin rocks! What can top it?(rhetorical question)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:10 pm
by Ichigo_89
I'd still definately say Naruto ownz over Kenshin! In Naruto, it draws you in alot more, the battles are very epic and jaw-droppable, and I just think it's better overall. It's more fantasy, but that's what makes it surreal. And the Demon thing is more of an inner struggle with rage I think. (Like the hulk, with a Japanese flare. ^_^)

Rurouni Kenshin doesn't exactly have the best art, the battles are even more unrealistic (and not as entertaining) than Naruto, and the characters can be so shallow at times. They explode at the smallest thing, it's not even funny! "WHAT'D YOU SAY U LITTLE....!?!" I just get sick of it. This is just my opinion, so no need to flame me, k? :cool:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:16 pm
by Mizumi-Kun
Personally, I prefer Kenshin. Why? I can sum that up in one sentence. (Being of ninja blood, of have some room to say this.) Naruto bastardizes ninjas and the art of nin-jitsu.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:23 pm
by Solid Ronin
Mizumi-Kun wrote:Personally, I prefer Kenshin. Why? I can sum that up in one sentence. (Being of ninja blood, of have some room to say this.) Naruto bastardizes ninjas and the art of nin-jitsu.

It does just as much as your incorrect spelling of Ninjutsu....Hatsumi himself writes stories on ninjas.

And then would R. Kenshin do the same thing to Samurai.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:24 pm
by John316
Kenshin OVA kicks both of their butts.

Btw, Mizumi-Kun: I'm not sure what alucard is saying, but I'm pretty sure it's not what your caption reads :p

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:25 pm
by Debitt
I find the characters and the different plot arcs to Naruto to be much more enjoyable. :)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:26 pm
by Mizumi-Kun
Ronin of Kirai wrote:It does just as much as your incorrect spelling of Ninjutsu....Hatsumi himself writes stories on ninjas.

And then would R. Kenshin do the same thing to Samurai.

And, yes, I do realize that Kenshin does upset history of samurai. But overall, it stays closer to the history and the everyday living.
(And by the way, my grandmother, a Japanese native who grew up during the Meiji Period, still spells it "nin-jitsu", so I go off from what she says.)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:27 pm
by John316
Ronin of Kirai wrote:It does just as much as your incorrect spelling of Ninjutsu....Hatsumi himself writes stories on ninjas.

And then would R. Kenshin do the same thing to Samurai.

Kenshin's not a Samurai though. He's a wandering swordsman, and even if he's not wandering, he would be considered a Kenshi (plain swordsman).

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:28 pm
by Debitt
Mizumi-Kun wrote:And, yes, I do realize that Kenshin does upset history of samurai. But overall, it stays closer to the history and the everyday living.

But from what I gather of Naruto, it's not supposed to be based off any history the way Kenshin is. o.o

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:29 pm
by Mizumi-Kun
John316 wrote:Kenshin OVA kicks both of their butts.

Btw, Mizumi-Kun: I'm not sure what alucard is saying, but I'm pretty sure it's not what your caption reads :p

It's only for fun.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:30 pm
by Mizumi-Kun
John316 wrote:Kenshin's not a Samurai though. He's a wandering swordsman, and even if he's not wandering, he would be considered a Kenshi (plain swordsman).

The word "rurouni" itself roughly translates to "wandering swordsmen".

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:35 pm
by Solid Ronin
Mizumi-Kun wrote: And, yes, I do realize that Kenshin does upset history of samurai. But overall, it stays closer to the history and the everyday living.
(And by the way, my grandmother, a Japanese native who grew up during the Meiji Period, still spells it "nin-jitsu", so I go off from what she says.)

I see but what from Soke Hatsumi says its "jutsu" perhaps it's pronouced or something

But the fact is Naruto isn't supposed to be realistic..and draws from the myths of the shinobi to make a story.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:40 pm
by Mizumi-Kun
Here's one thing a lot of people don't know about Rurouni Kenshin: Seijuro Hiko, Kenshin's master, was a real person.
(Just throwing out random trivia...)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:59 pm
by John316
Mizumi-Kun wrote:Here's one thing a lot of people don't know about Rurouni Kenshin: Seijuro Hiko, Kenshin's master, was a real person.
(Just throwing out random trivia...)

As was Saitou Hajime, Okita Souji, Takasugi Shinsaku, Katsura Kogoro, etc etc...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:01 pm
by Sephiroth
Theres a lot of chars in kenshin that were real people (especially in Truth & Betreyal OVA - Saitoh, Katsura, Okita, the police commissioner etc.) and alot of other chars were based off real people (Soujiro Seta from Okita, Aoishi from Toishu Hijikata etc.) oh, soz bit off topic...

I think both Kenshin and Naruto are cool animes for different reasons, but i have to say i prefer kenshin (though i used to prefer Naruto..) but there both cool

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:30 pm
by MasterDias
I enjoy both. As for which is better, it all boils down to personal preference. Both Kenshin and Naruto ran/are running in a shonen anthology so some comparisons could easily be made as they both have similarities and are both action/fighting-based manga, however they will still have a fair amount of differences.

What's next?
Comparing Inuyasha to Shaman King?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:07 pm
by Kkun
Kokoro Daisuke wrote:But from what I gather of Naruto, it's not supposed to be based off any history the way Kenshin is. o.o

Kenshin isn't necessarily based on history. Nobuhiro Watsuki himself said that RK takes the Japanese history and twists it to fit the needs of the story.

And as for Naruto vs Kenshin, Kenshin wins. I read through 100+ chapters of Naruto and just got bored after a while. Naruto is good, but I much prefer Kenshin. And as for the whole art of the Naruto TV series vs the art of the Kenshin TV series, Kenshin WAS made in 1995. It's not poorly drawn, it's old.

And as for the manga, just wait until the Kyoto arc gets further along and the Jinchuu arc arrives in America...we'll see how Naruto can stack up then...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:58 pm
by Raiden no Kishi
As far as main characters go, I vastly prefer Kenshin to Naruto.

Kenshin is a lovable, at times slightly clueless, kind, caring guy. He used to be this ruthless assassin, but he realized the value of life and changed, now avoiding fatalities at all costs (unless he goes Battousai again, but he wants to erase that part of him).

Naruto is, for the most part, an immature brat, at least from what I've seen of him. He doesn't want to become a legendary shinobi to help people (keep in mind I've only read about the first 3 volumes or so), he just wants to be the best for its own sake, and to be able to rub it in people's faces who thought he was a failure. He's just not very likeable IMO.

Mind you, they are still two series with two audiences in mind, but this thread compares the two, so here's my take. The fight scenes in Naruto are indeed cool, I'm just looking for a main protagonist I can identify with and like.

Maybe it's just my personality, but I'd say the androgynous redheaded swordsman has the spiky-headed blond kid ninja beaten. Your mileage may vary.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 7:03 pm
by Aka-chan
I'm putting my vote in for Naruto, personally. I guess I just like the characters and art better as well as that it's more of a fantasy-type, though there's not really a term for it's genre...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:31 pm
by uc pseudonym
I would respect people who have opinions either way. I have never seen enough of Rouroni Kenshin to make a legitimate opinion, though I was not at all impressed by what I saw (then again, I think it is just as likely that I would be not at all impressed if I only watched a similar amount of Naruto).

However, I will say this: it is very unfair to compare all of Rouroni Kenshin against the scarce beginnings of Naruto. If you have seen all of both series (or at least as much as currently exists of Naruto), feel free to contrast. I will say this for Naruto: its characters develop as the story progresses, slowly and fairly realistically becoming different people. I feel this approach is far superior to characters that begin with better motivations but never change (I do not mean to point fingers at Rouroni Kenshin or any other specific series with that comment).

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:21 pm
by Heart of Sword
...I mean its a decent book ,I'll read it but personal I just don't see what it has going for it to get this big.

...In R. Kenshin I have a short girlish looking read head whoes an almost invinsible swordsman of whom wonders from place to place.

One of the main reasons it's so big is because Kenshin being short, somewhat-girlish, having long red hair, and being an almost invinsible wandering swordsman makes Kenshin a big hit with us fangirls. :drool: Oh, and the scar is reeeeeeally cool...*pinches Kenshin's cheeks and accidentally hurts him* Oops sorry :evil:

Kenshin is a lovable, at times slightly clueless, kind, caring guy. He used to be this ruthless assassin, but he realized the value of life and changed, now avoiding fatalities at all costs (unless he goes Battousai again, but he wants to erase that part of him).

Slightly clueless...? Heheh. It's funny to watch the OVAs, with dark and mysterious-y Battousai, then to see the show and hear "Aaaaahhh! Miss Kaoru, it hurts when you do that, orororororo!!!!!!" :lol:

Oh, but Battousai's eyes are so glowy and yellowy and cool... *_@

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 4:46 pm
by Ichigo_89
Heart of Sword wrote:One of the main reasons it's so big is because Kenshin being short, somewhat-girlish, having long red hair, and being an almost invinsible wandering swordsman makes Kenshin a big hit with us fangirls. :drool: Oh, and the scar is reeeeeeally cool...*pinches Kenshin's cheeks and accidentally hurts him* Oops sorry :evil:

Slightly clueless...? Heheh. It's funny to watch the OVAs, with dark and mysterious-y Battousai, then to see the show and hear "Aaaaahhh! Miss Kaoru, it hurts when you do that, orororororo!!!!!!" :lol:

Oh, but Battousai's eyes are so glowy and yellowy and cool... *_@

I really don't see how "pinchable" cheeks and piercing yellow eyes can decide if a series is better than another. ;)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 9:09 pm
by Psycho Ann
I guess I can make a legit comparision since I've read all the Kenshin manga, watched all the anime (well skipped one or two episodes of the Amakusa arc since it sucked), as well as the OAVs and read/watched the Naruto manga and anime up to it's current in Japan.

My vote goes to Naruto simply because I like more aspects of it story, pacing, art, and character in comparison to RK. It's more "original" in a sense it's the only series so far that actually made fantasy ninjas cool starring 12-13 yr old kids. For RK, it has it's own merits, but there are instances I found myself having to suspend belief one too many times durings fights, I don't like the style as much (especially when it became slightly too Capcom-ish during the end of the manga), and well it's a matter of taste.

Though, personally, Battousai (yes, I like the hitokiri rather than the rurouni), Soujiro (Sou-chan as I affectionatly call him) and Saitou will beat any of my favorite chars in Naruto.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:04 am
by Mizumi-Kun
[quote="ZIPO_MASTER*"]I really don't see how "pinchable" cheeks and piercing yellow eyes can decide if a series is better than another. ]
Oh, you'd be surpirsed...

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:06 pm
by nightblade
I'd have to say I like Naruto a lot better, but the themes are so differing as well as the characters that it's hard to compare them in my opinion.

Kenshin is a Jekyll with a dangerous Hyde whom he is trying to redeem himself for, and the spectors of his past constantly come back to haunt him. Also, with characters like Misao (sp?) that are ninja, if not Naruto-like personality-wise, it has plenty of lovable characters. Also, one of the themes I loved was "the will to Live is the strongest thing of all" that Hiko told Kenshin. That's not only beautiful but you see it in many things, even Naruto ^_^ And I absolutely loved a lot of the characters from Kenshin, from Sanosuke, Yahiko, Kaoru, Soujiro, Saito, Misao, etc. They're all fantastically created and lovable characters.

On the other hand, Naruto is an orphan who is discriminated against, and for every step takes he must exert the force of two to get by, because he isn't naturally strong. He has to work hard for it, and doesn't have any real strengths except his undeniably strong will and determination. Also, Ann had a good point about making ninja kids cool ^_^. Plus, you can visibly see them growing up, in attitude and in physique both. The personalities of the characters are all different (except a few), some are tremendously freaky and scary (Kimimaro and Gaara anyone?), some lovable (Naruto, Shikamaru, Chouji), some you love to hate (Orochimaru), and some you laugh at no matter what they do outside of a fight (Tsunade, Jiraiya, Ino, Hinata, etc)

I don't think you can really compare the two, but it just depends on what you like. I love them both and really only pick Naruto because I like ninjas better than samurai.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:05 am
by Solid Ronin
EDIT: It be better this way

Mizumi-Kun..Please stop your comments as it is hard feeling but its best I'd stop now

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:22 am
by CloudStrife918
In my opinion, Naruto and Kenshin both have their distinctive qualities: good and bad. I can't say which one I like best, because I have come to love the characters and the stories in each. The Kenshin anime is one of my favorite shows because of the almost poetic battles, beautiful scenery, and music. The manga is just as good. Naruto is obviously a little bit more playful in nature (not to say that Kenshin isn't funny or anything- Kenshin cracks me up sometimes), but it is as just as entertaining and suspenseful! I hope you don't disagree, because I think there's room in the anime industry for both!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:47 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
naruto by far