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Thoughts on the Princess Ai manga?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 2:39 pm
by Rauken
I bought the first volume about a month or so ago and really like it so far, the only bad things I've noticed are Ai's workplace and her choice of fashion (a bit revealing). What does everyone else think about the series?

Also, I heard that the 2nd volume is due in February even though I haven't found it listed anywhere else. Can anyone confirm it?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:06 am
by Mangafanatic
I haven't read the manga. THe art style looks really interesting and I flipped through it one day, but the fact that it was made in collaboration with-- who was it? Courtney Love-- just took something away from it to me.

And concerning the rumored release date of volume two, I went to Tokyopop's website, and there wasn't a volume of Princess Ai on the February calendar. So that's probably an unfounded rumor. My guess would be that Tokyopop's gonna pull a stupid "One year between volumes", or something. It's wouldn't be the first zany release increment they've thought up. *rolls her eyes in the general direction of Tokyopop, but more so in the direction of Viz. She ven throws in a fist shake at Viz for their craziness.*