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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:31 pm
by blkmage

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:17 pm
by Lynna
I just started the anime ^_^ I love it! though I Haven't gotten a sense of my favorite characters yet, I think Tamaki is pretty cool. Normally he's the sort I'd write off as arogant and fake, but he actually seems pretty genuine. I'll ship TamaxHaru for now, though everyone seems to think she's better paired with hikaru. We shall see...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:36 pm
by goldenspines
Lynna (post: 1420340) wrote:I just started the anime ^_^ I love it! though I Haven't gotten a sense of my favorite characters yet, I think Tamaki is pretty cool. Normally he's the sort I'd write off as arogant and fake, but he actually seems pretty genuine. I'll ship TamaxHaru for now, though everyone seems to think she's better paired with hikaru. We shall see...

Not everyone~
I don't support many couples in anime/manga, but TamaxHaru is one of the few.

blkmage wrote: Sup guys, Ouran is ending in September.

For those of us who cannot read much Japanese, here is the only semi readable google translated version of the site: Click here.

(also, in case anyone is confused by "Visco bird leaf/leaves", that's Bisco Hatori. XD; )

But, yes it does look like the series is coming to a close in September (in Japan, that is. There will be a bit of lag time for the final volume, 17, to be released in the states and elsewhere in the world). Thanks for the link, Blkmage! ^__^

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:09 am
by Sae-chan
:3 Ending was beautiful, as Bisco's works usually are. :) I love the art in Ouran. So, so beautiful.

[spoiler]I was a bit disappointed at the end, though. Mainly because the whole host club follows Haruhi. I realize that it's supposed to be a nice, heartwarming ending... which it is. But I didn't see the need for the whole host club to follow Haruhi. I think I was just disappointed because I wanted to see the members grow up, I guess. The fact that they joined Haruhi just implied that they hadn't really grown up from the kids who indulged in every whim of theirs... that they still were really dependent on her.
Sorry, that probably came out harsher on them than I'd intended. :(
Was anyone else disappointed? [/spoiler]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 4:37 am
by Fangirl4God
I loves Ouran so much! I wouldn't say it's my absolute fave anime, but it used to be and I still think it's one of the best! Hunny ish my fave character! I've seen every episode of the anime but only read a few of the manga that's in the library at skewl lolz. Yes, they have Ouran at our school! How awesome is that???

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:03 pm
by Chibi0saka
and this is why I feel like Hikaru and Kaoru got screwed over. Both of them love Haruhi and both of them are aware of it, but most importantly, both of them went through ridiculous amounts of character development because of it. With the realization that they’re both competing for the same girl, they had to struggle against each other. Eventually, this ended in Kaoru deciding to step aside for Hikaru and both of them having their worldview changed from the focus on themselves.

OMG!!!!! Kaoru is my FAVORITE Ouran character out of everyone because of this. Just saying.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:48 am
by aliveinHim
I love Ouran!!!!! It was one of my first real animes (Pokemon doesn't count).

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:27 am
by wildpurplechild
Has it finished in English yet? I have been getting it from my Library but they don't have the last few yet.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:18 am
by Atria35
wildpurplechild (post: 1488482) wrote:Has it finished in English yet? I have been getting it from my Library but they don't have the last few yet.

Nope. THey just finished releasing volume 16, and the series is 18 volumes long. 17 is expected to be released in December.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:13 pm
by Asuka Neko
I love the manga of Ouran so much... I watched the anime a long, LONG time ago, but read the manga more recently and it's got to be one of my favorite shoujo mangas. The later volumes are my favorites too. It's just getting so exciting~

I'm really, REALLY trying not to read that spoiler tag. I'm not. I won't read it. I promise.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:28 pm
by Atria35
I'm wishing I had budgeted to buy Ouran v. 16 >.>" I might just save up and buy the last three volumes all at once, or the suspense would kill me! I still have to wait until next summer to finish the series, though. So disappionting.