uc pseudonym wrote:This may have been posted here before, but one of Murphy's laws of anime (which also applies to manga) is that if a series has any nudity or fanservice whatsoever the person most likely to be offended will walk in at the very moment it appears. I've found this to be surprisingly true...
GreyRauken wrote:I know what you mean, but alot of times its not portrayed grotesquely...Nudity used in a mature art form (Portreyed a certain way) isnt all that wrong. Ive read plenty of mangas were the nudity causes no question because *Points up to previous sentence* it was done well... But o/ than that, i totally agree with you. (Like in Naruto, which sucked anyways so it wasnt thay big of a dissapointment )
GreyRauken wrote:I know what you mean, but alot of times its not portrayed grotesquely...Nudity used in a mature art form (Portreyed a certain way) isnt all that wrong. Ive read plenty of mangas were the nudity causes no question because *Points up to previous sentence* it was done well...
uc pseudonym wrote:That's an entirely semantic position... let me ask for some clarification.
For one, how, exactly, can nudity be well done? What is your definition of well done? In general, I would term it something that significantly adds to the overall plot... I can't say I can think of a situation in which nudity would contribute. Also, note that this thread is opposed to pornography, which by definition does not mean nudity, but merely something intended to cause sexual arousal. Literature, photographs, manga: it is all the same.
But do not take that as an attack. I am merely asking you to define your position so that it is more clear.
John316 wrote:I for one, have never been told by God to be ashamed of the bodies of his children.
Linksquest wrote:How many times has this happened to you? Your reading what you think is great manga. I mean, the jokes are hilarious, the anime is superb, and the storyline is amazing. You get to page 30, and then you flip the page to find... naked characters!!! ahh!!! I mean... is that really necessary?!?!?!? How many times has it happened to you, and how did you react? Did you continue reading it hoping it would get better, closingyour eyes to the nakedness, or did you shut it immediatly?
Knives wrote:THe pen is the greatest of all editing tools. Usualy for me if there is some partial stuff i can stand it but any full frontal and I might rip the page out or put duct tape over it.
snapdragon76 wrote:For me it depends. If a character (mostly a woman) is taking a bath, I'd go, *sigh* "OK, you can't wear clothes in the bath. I understand that. Let's get past this." I've been lucky and that's been the majority of the case. It wasn't just nudity for the sake of nudity. However, one of my favorite series, Mars has a sex scene in it. Needless to say, I flipped past it pretty quick. You didn't really see anything, but you still knew what was happening. And luckily, it only happened once.
snapdragon76 wrote:For me it depends. If a character (mostly a woman) is taking a bath, I'd go, *sigh* "OK, you can't wear clothes in the bath.
Mangafanatic wrote:See, I can't excuse it that easily. Unless a character will die unless they take a bath ever volume-- a bath scene is still stupid fan service. I do not care that this woman is taking a bath, please spare me the three page ordeal. Just my two cents.
uc pseudonym wrote:This may have been posted here before, but one of Murphy's laws of anime (which also applies to manga) is that if a series has any nudity or fanservice whatsoever the person most likely to be offended will walk in at the very moment it appears. I've found this to be surprisingly true...
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