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The Gospel According to Music Media

PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 10:10 pm
by alf4office
Hey, My friend Drew, and I are starting a bible study at my church over the summer. The theme is The Gospel According to Music Media. We're going to take different songs and music videos and relate themes found in them back to the gospel.

So far I've found a couple of good songs, but I'm looking for a whole lot more. Whether it's rap, rock, Blues or Show Tunes is irrelevant. I'm just looking for any music I can parallel to the gospel. So please give me and suggestions on music I could use. The name is also up in the air, so any suggestion for that would also be welcome. Thanks for reading.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 12:12 am
by Straylight
what sort of songs are you looking for? are you trying to find themes in secular music or perhaps find songs written by Christians?

btw, I'm moving this to the music forum

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 3:30 pm
by alf4office
Straylight wrote:what sort of songs are you looking for? are you trying to find themes in secular music or perhaps find songs written by Christians?

btw, I'm moving this to the music forum

Thanks, i forgot about this board.

I'm actually looking for secualr songs. I'm trying to take something created by the world, and show how those emotions and themes demonstrate a basic need for Christ.