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PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 12:38 pm
by Knives
Read this
These articles are the kind of things that scare ppl away from christianity. Entering sarcastic mode: Ooooh im so sorry that wuv and marcos "supposedly" cussed during an interview. No christians EVER CUSS. And im sorry about the symbol of POD symbols are EEEVIIILLLLL

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 2:00 pm
by CephasWhite
Yeah you are right Knives. I just read the thing and I was just :wow!:...:shady:...I listen to almost all the songs from P.O.D. and I did not hear any cussing or swearing in any of their songs or interviews. :mutter:Whoever did that web page should get his head out of his rear-end and gets some facts from the people themselves. That is just stupid.:mutter:

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 4:54 pm
by AngelSakura
My parents have a web blocker, so I couldn't get on to the "POD and the Works of Darkness" page. What did it say?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 5:23 pm
by Hitokiri
It pretty much talked bout Marlyn Manson and how P.O.D. doesn't condemn him and hate him even though POD criticizes some Christians (like them :shady: )

I just ignore these guys