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CAA Musicians

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 2:03 pm
by PreventerWind
I scoured this forum for a similar thread so forgive me if I missed it and this is a dupe ...

Let's hear from the CAA musicians out there!!!

What do you play? How did you learn? Who do you play with? Where do you play?

I got my first drum set 23 years ago although I'd say I've been playing rather seriously for about 15 years now. My father was a musician so it's in my blood. I've picked up tips and techniques here and there and was formally trained playing snare in my high school's drumline. I did the garage band scene for a lot of years. After I was saved, I played in my church's worship team for many years. I had to give that a rest after I became a father. These days I just play classic rock with a few friends for a good time.

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 2:08 pm
by ssj2gohan61
I attempt to play the electric guitar here and there.. so far self-taught but whenever i have time im going to be taking lessons with the guitarist at church

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 2:24 pm
by Spencer
I play acoustic guitar as well as electric guitar. Used to be in a band, but that didn't really work, so now I am just playing on Wednesday nights at church sometimes.

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 2:44 pm
by Hikage_Ninja
My main instrument is the piano (I named it McMahon). I've been playing for about 10 years, since I was 7. I learned...from my teacher. I play with myself...sometimes. friend is trying to start up a band...and they really wanted a I was nominated (probably because I was the only one they knew who played the piano)... So...I've been coming up with piano accopaniments for some of my friend's we play together his basement, isn't that the most exciting place to play? LOL.

I've also been teaching myself the guitar for a bit...acoustic at the moment. (I named my guitar Sellers). And um...I don't play with anyone...and I usually play in my room. Yeah...

I'd really like to start learning the violin...but at the moment I feel as though I don't have the time to start up a new instrument. But if I do, then it would most likely be the's so neat. ^_^

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 5:31 pm
by Hitokiri
umm..well I don't play a instrument but I sing and scream.

yayahyayahayahay!!!!! ::rambles off in some screamo langauge::

me and my friends are thinking of putting a c.d. together

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 5:54 pm
by Zedian
Hitokori, love the screamo langauge. LOL I play guitar, actually I'm pretty much self taught, though I might hold an interest in music since pretty much my brother and two sisters were also musicians. I mainly play accoustic since my Washburn doesn't work right. I hope to learn how to play violin one of these days. Some bands like Cursive and Yellowcard prove you can rock out with a classical instrument.

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 6:42 pm
by AnimePriest
I started playing electric guitar after I heard Carlos Santana play, and I said, "I want to be like him," so I finally bought a guitar and I'm on my way.

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 6:49 pm
by Hitokiri
Zedian wrote:Hitokori, love the screamo langauge.

As in what I put in my post or are you for real?

Screamo is th eonly way to go :lol: :rock:

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 7:18 pm
by Hikage_Ninja
LOL... Screamo and hardcore are two genres that I like...but...I have to be in the mood to listen to. Hardcore more than screamo, but still they're good stuff.

Zedian, yeah I give Cursive and Yellowcard mad props for being mad original and using the violin in their stuff.

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 8:04 pm
by TheMelodyMaker
I don't play an instrument, but I do write music. The Melodies of Heaven page on my site (click "The BASIC FAQs" in my signature) is where I have many of my compositions & arrangements ready for download, if you're interested. ^_^

Incidentally, I used to play piano when I was in elementary school and played in the band's percussion section during junior high & high school. (Love the sound of the timpani. :thumb: )

PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2004 12:20 am
by Hikage_Ninja
You don't play an instrument but you compose such lovely peices? O.o I'm listening to your "Anime Angels Lullaby." It's so precious and cute. ^_^ Such an adorable piece of work.

PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2004 2:05 am
by SwordSkill
What do you play? How did you learn? Who do you play with? Where do you play?

WHAT: Piano
HOW: Lessons from a family friend since I was a wee one
WHO: I play solo

WHAT: Acoustic guitar (hoping to get an electric one soon)
HOW: Self-taught from books
WHO: Depending on the occasion, but nothing constant
WHERE: Sometimes in hospitals or people's houses when visiting the sick. Also used to play in the church's "String Ensemble." Otherwise I just play at home.

Btw, MelodyMaker, nice music there and quite impressive arrangements. Do the MP3s have accompaniment or do you just sing a capella? (I'm just listening to the MIDIS).

EDIT AGAIN: MelodyMaker, your stuff rock. ^^ My mom listened to your Great Is Thy Faithfulness (she does compositions and arrangements too). My bro loves your Wonderful Grace of Jesus "video game" version too; the high school he attends (and I had attended before him) had that song as our school hymn. Wish I could let our old principal hear it! XD

And I love the Scottish strains of your This is My Father's New World Symphony. ^^

PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2004 9:09 am
by TheMelodyMaker
I glad everyone likes my music so much; thank you all. (I can only give God the glory for it, though; He's the one that gave me the talent in the first place. ^_^ )

SwordSkill wrote:Do the MP3s have accompaniment or do you just sing a capella? (I'm just listening to the MIDIS).

There is accompaniment in the MP3 versions of the songs]only[/i] the accompaniment, with an extra track or two added for the melody line(s).

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2004 9:46 am
by DoMiNiQuE
i ono.. may sound corner. but i play the trumpet *blushes*

yah.. i learned in school and now i love my instrument (very rare to see people in my school actually ENJOYING playing)

What: Trumpet
How: 6th grade, Mr Luster!! < cool guy
who? i play with the band at school, sometimes in church and sometimes with my cousins matiarchy band (BAD spelling) but u know the spanish bands .. yeah.. and i play sometimes just b.c i wanna at special occassions
WHere? mostly at home, church, school, and friends house and stuff

at the moment, i learning how to play bass cuz its quick and easy.. i like the background cuz that is what makes the music!!! i know how to play Repitilla by The Strokes on bass all ready .. soo ezz! lol

PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2004 3:56 pm
by Zilch
I play the bass...badly...but I'm getting better.

PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2004 6:32 pm
by SManBeyond
WHAT: Violin
HOW: Lessons from various teachers ever since I was six. Around 14 I stopped taking them because of school, but at that point I could pretty much teach myself.
WHO: Mostly solo now, but I used to play in a group and could probably still do so.
WHERE: Home, College

WHAT: Piano
HOW: Lessons since I was 10. Stopped around 15, but then took them again for one year when I was 17
WHO: I play solo
WHERE: Home, College

Sorry for "borrowing" your format, SwordSkill. :)

PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2004 2:20 pm
by Hitokiri
well...ive been talking to a friend of mine whoose a drummer and also records music and something this early summer, we will be recording some of my songs and songs we wrote together. Most likely his brother will be playing both guiatr or bass...or a friend of mine.

If we do, I will provide a link possibly to some of the songs.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:44 am
by Raskle
I play keys and guitar mostly.
taught myself, after my Dad showed me some chords. I can't read music, which surprises people sometimes, I guess, because of my playing style. Been playing both 5-9 years
my bass-playing and drumming are just barely there.
hmmm.. Irish tin whistle
I jam w/ friends around--most of whom are all going away to college :( and various groups my daddy puts together. Tends to be blues/rock/folk type music. I enjoy trying to play jazz piano.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:06 pm
by Kokhiri Sojourn
- Piano - Lessons for 12 years, played for fourteen. I've played for churches since I was 13, and played a moderate amount of classical, slightly less with just chords, but I can get around a bit, and a lor of sight-reading. I guess it comes from accompanying so often over the years.

- Organ - My minor in College is Organ Performance, and I've taken since I've been in college, so about two years. My teacher loves Bach, so I do a lot of his music, and a lot of church stuff - preludes, hymns, etc. It's fun, and a lot harder for me than Piano.

- Guitar - Took lessons last summer, and only play a little bit, because I don't make a lot of time to practice. Most of what I know is from others that have taught me stuff along the way.

Side note: I've sang in choirs now for most of my life, and have sung every part at one point or another. I'm also picking up a string next semester (lessons). Which one will be determined by accessibility (whether the school will let me borrow either a Cello or a Viola), but most likely Viola will be the instrument.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:43 pm
by CreatureArt
Hitokiri wrote:well...ive been talking to a friend of mine whoose a drummer and also records music and something this early summer, we will be recording some of my songs and songs we wrote together. Most likely his brother will be playing both guiatr or bass...or a friend of mine.

If we do, I will provide a link possibly to some of the songs.

Congratulations, Hitokiri! I'm sure they'll sound awesome - and I hope the recording goes well. :thumb:

I played the piano for a long while, then gave it up in frustration a couple of years back (as I'm 16 that was when I was a bit younger and less likely to stick with something, say 12 or so ). However, I got to Grade 4 and it turned out to be a wonderful base for my new hobby - singing!

So I do classical singing, being trained by someone who has a wonderful voice and who I respect and admire (best of all, she's a Christian!). But don't let that fool you - I sing a lot of contemporary music, in CONTEMPORARY style, using classical techniques to increase my volume and purity of sound, all that sort of stuff. I've got a long way to go in singing, but I'm enjoying it.

What I love most of all, though, is that I can combine the two to compose my own little praise songs, etc. on the piano using chords etc. Writing praise songs while spending time with the Lord is _awesome_ and something I've started to do and improve on lately.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:09 pm
by sunet
violin - i've been playing since about grade 3 i think & uh, i've had about 4 teachers. i used to play in our church's little band-thingie, but then we moved. :(

piano - i started when i was little, but i kinda quit. i wanna get started again, 'cause i know sooo many people who quit when they were little and now they regret it. i've had 2 teachers - my neighbour & my mom. i don't play with anyone really.

guitar - just started this school year. i have it as a subject at school. ^_^ i may start playing in church. i currently play accoustic, but i want an electric sooo bad.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:33 pm
by Raiden no Kishi
I play piano, and have for...I dunno....about 9 or so years. I've just taken electric guitar up about a year or so ago. I mostly play at home, but I do the occasional impromptu jam session on the piano with my friend who plays drums and elec. bass.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:47 pm
by chimera189
I play bass (ibanez), self taught.
used to play in the church band as a sub.
now i just play at home

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:08 pm
by ZionPsalmist
I play the guitar (accoustic and electric). Started playing about 2 years ago, i took lessons untill about 2 months ago. I play in a Gospel/country/clasic rock band with a bunch of old guys from my church, though im trying to start a rock band around me. We play at nursing homes and country fairs and stuff like that. I also play the bass (poorly) and the piano, though its been like 5 years since i last played the piano.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 7:19 am
by Hari
I play the alto saxophone, and had lessons for about ten years (do the math, and you'll see that I could hardly hold the thing up when I started! :).

I play with three groups, a college jazz band, a college concert band, and my family's "group," recently formed by my youngest brother and youngest sister and I. Me: sax, Brother: trumpet, Sister: violin. We call ourselves The Jammers, kind of a von Trapp variety thing when we get the other three (piano, guitar, and percussion) involved! :)

My jazz band had a concert yesteday, and our director was in an accident on his way... He was fine, but the car was totaled... So we had a fantastically panicked time setting up! The fire alarm, nobody expecting us, missing musicians, missing music, carrying two stands and a saxophone through the rain... It was really fun (things went well, despite all that!), and in the words of our trombonist: "This is just like the military, stuff like this happens all the time!" At least I didn't have to direct, as was threatened. :)

If I could add to this thread's general idea, does anyone have concert/recording/playing stories as well as their musical bio? If I'm overstepping, I'll create a separate thread... But I'm curious!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:31 am
by PumpkinKoRn52
As for me, I sing occasionally, not to well though, so I try not to whenever possible. I also play a little bit of guitar, bass, and piano. Whatever music I can read I try to play on those. However, none of these are my primary instrument. My main instrument is drums, which I am the best at. I think I suck, but I hate everything I do anyways because I believe I can always do it better. I've been playing for close to 4 years, and am currently taking a class at my school countys fine arts center for dumming and percussion. I love playing, but have never really had a band that lasted(The other members were idiots. They never wanted to practice.). I got a nice kit, a Pearl Session Custom, which I relly love.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 6:16 pm
by CreatureArt
PumpkinKoRn52 wrote:As for me, I sing occasionally, not to well though, so I try not to whenever possible. I also play a little bit of guitar, bass, and piano. Whatever music I can read I try to play on those. However, none of these are my primary instrument. My main instrument is drums, which I am the best at. I think I suck, but I hate everything I do anyways because I believe I can always do it better. I've been playing for close to 4 years, and am currently taking a class at my school countys fine arts center for dumming and percussion. I love playing, but have never really had a band that lasted(The other members were idiots. They never wanted to practice.). I got a nice kit, a Pearl Session Custom, which I relly love.

Drums?! Wow - that's awesome!
I had the privilige of getting about 40 minutes total of drum lessons at school (shared with two other people), but because I can actually play them (albeit very badly) I've been tagged the drummer of my friends' little band (which we're still just starting up). So, being back on track - I think it's awesome that you play the drums - they're amazing. All I can really play so far is the bass, snares and hihat... :lol:

I agree - it's got to be a bit annoying when people want to be in a band but don't practice. Practice is so important for performing music. My friends' band hasn't been able to practice much yet - but that's mostly because we've had to book the church drumset and we've all got exams.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:43 am
by mastersquirrel
I'm a pianist and have been taking for about ten years now. I don't have the best piano in the world and it's a little off key, but I'm hoping to get a nice keyboard this Christmas. :jump:

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 1:58 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
I am a guitarist ten years running. I play both electric and acoustic. I need to get a better acoustic guitar though, because the main problem with mine is that the action on it is a little too high - not unplayable, but God help you if you wanna play a barre chord on that thing. But it's got a genuine Larry Norman signature on it, so I think I'll keep it around to jam on once in a while ^_^. As for my electric, it was built from scratch by a friend of my dad's. It's pretty good, suits me just fine. I don't usually plug in at home though, because I don't like the idea that people can hear me loud and clear when I screw up.
I play with one of our church's worship teams (we rotate), so I guess you could call that a band.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 2:23 pm
by agasfas
I only played just about the coolest instruement..........THe Trumpet! I konw, not cool :(. But I originally started in middle school; it was either that or orchestra. So of course I piked band. ANyways I played all the way through 9th grade. They put me in the lowest band b/c i refused to do marching band. err..... Then my instructor tried to switch me the tuba... The tuba? I don't even know how to play it and what's the 4th valve for? But I only played to fulfil my fine art credit that was required.
Now, I'm attempting to teach myself the piano w/ little sucess. Though I can play "Marry had a little Lamb." To be honest, I'm not really musically inclined.