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bands/songs you can't stand

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 5:00 pm
by Rachel
i was just wondering what are some of the bands or songs that y'all can't stand and why, if there is a reason. anyways, here are some of mine:

michael w smith- for some reason this guy strikes me as sort of phony

coldplay- could chris martin's voice be any more annoying?

nsync and all other boybands- i really don't think that i need to explain this

that's all i can think of right now. i will post more later.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 6:23 pm
by cbwing0
I can't stand most rap/ just isn't my kind of music. :shady:

Specific bands I don't like:

OC Supertones

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 8:15 pm
by TheMelodyMaker
If I've already heard it hundreds of times at work, it annoys me greatly. *nods emphatically*

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 1:42 am
by LorentzForce
In theory, I can stand anything. Afterall, my music taste is diverse enough that one day I listen to metal rock, the next minute some classic, ballad, jazz, techno, then rave, trance, soft rock, acid, instrumental, and on and on and on.

But even the midst of such choices, there are music that I just can't stand. That's pop music. You can bring me the weirdest rock bands in the world, even force me to listen to some punk artists (like Pixies for example, they still suck at singing IMO), or one of those absolutely boring classic ones that shouldn't be classic, but some guy rambling. But really, I beg you, not pop music!

I HATE PORN WITH LYRICS! AGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! *stabs lots of ladies who don't have enough clothes on and can't sing better than my 56k modem*

Must... grasp... back my... proper.... music... like Initial D OST... or Vivaldi... Oh yeah, that's better. I'm alive once again!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 3:05 am
by Ren_sama
50 CENT: Its pretty self-explanitory. . .man, his lyrice don't even make sense!
Chingy: Can't even speak proper english... v.v
Britney Spears, Christina Agulera, Beyonce:-_-'' Sick...just...sick...

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 11:19 am
by Zedian
I am not too fond of Linkin Park...sorry dorry I just find them repetitive and not very original. And there songs are always about running away, breaking out, etc. Aside from that the only genre I REALLY dislike is rap about girls being objects, money and all that 'bling'. Stuff like 50 Cent, Ludacris, Chingy you know.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 12:07 pm
by Hitokiri
i can't stand alot of bands

50 Cent
anything rap for that matter
Michral W. Smith
Rebecca St. James
any of the poppy girl and guy bands
Marlyn Manson
Good Charlotte
Linkin Park
some more but I forget
oh yeah and Newsboys

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 4:50 pm
by purplemoose
me no likey britney spears (pickle spears as i call her no sikness intended),barbra streisand etc. HiTOKIRi how can you NOT like the Newsboys there so KEWL!!!! c'mon man!!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 5:03 pm
by ShiroiHikari
The Newsboys USED to be cool...they're not anymore...

Anyway, on my "hate" list...

· Rap.
· Rap.
· Christina Aguilera. Put some clothes on plzkthx.
· Rap.
· Britney Spears. Learn to sing please.
· Rap.
· "Pop punk". Examples: Blink 182, Good Charlotte, etc etc
· Metallica.
· The White Stripes.
· That "are you gonna be my girl" song.
· Nickelback. Or at least I think it was Nickelback.

It seems like a lot, but I like a lot of artists so it kinda balances out XD

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 6:10 pm
by Hitokiri
purplemoose wrote: HiTOKIRi how can you NOT like the Newsboys there so KEWL!!!! c'mon man!!

As Shiroi Hikari stated, they used to be good (i was a huge fan of thiers) but as my music tastes chnged to more heavier, louder stuff...I soon discovered I didn't like them.

I do like a few of thier OLD stuff but thier new stuff....blah.

I also don't like...

Dave Matthews Band (dave matthews band does not rock - Futurama)
Hilary Duff
Jump 5
any teen girl music

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 6:21 pm
by Stephen
Bands with "The" in the title.

The White Stripes
The Strokes
The Hives

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:41 am
by Ren_sama
wow, and I thought i wa the only one who hated rap...O_o guess I was wrong...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:58 am
by bigsleepj
I don't know what the band's name is, I don't know what the song's name is, but I HATE that song.

It's a South African band and the song is 10 minutes long. It's 10 minutes of the same line repeated OVER and OVER and OVER. What's the line?


You've got to hear it to believe it...and after that you'd run away.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:04 am
by ThaKladd
I cant stand bands like ZAO... screaming in the mic as high as possible with some kind of extreeme heavy music(if you can call it that) in the backround... *argh*

and... 80% of all rap is crap..

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:11 am
by bigsleepj
Hmmm. Some more.

• Everything that raps (although gift-wrappers don't bother me)
That includes Eminem, Bart Simpson, 50 Cent
• Britney Spears (duh)
• Christina Aguilera (she used to be good...but that was a long time ago)
• John Lennon singing "Imagine". My head feels like exploding when he sings it.
• Most Madonna songs
• Most music from the 70s (Disco, dude!)
• Hip-hop
• Modern R&B (the old stuff from the 50s and 60s I like)
• Bad Opera (I like good opera)
• Idiotic Dolly Parton - Ken Mullen Country Music where everybody sounds like they're singing through their noses. Give me Johnny Cash and Bluegrass!
• Koos Kombuis (South African)
• Piet Botha (South Africa - recites all his songs)
• Backstreet Boys

Well, that's about it.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:26 am
by Rachel
more from me-

dixie chicks
dave matthews band
the white stripes
jet- if you think that " are you gonna be my girl" song is bad, you should hear their new one. it sounds like " back in black"
toby keith
kenny chesney
country music in general
gospel music in general
music with no words

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:33 am
by Icarus
Country music (and pop in general) can basically be divided into about five categories.

1. I love you.
2. Do you love me?
3. My baby is gone!
4. I'm better since s/he left.
5. I'm the man.

I remember once, I was watching CMT, and saw a song entitled "Drink, Swear, Steal, and Lie." "Finally," I thought, "a departure from the norm!" And then I heard the chorus.
...Drink from your lovin' cup, swear I'll never give you up,
steal all your kisses underneath the moon.
I wanna lie here, close to you...


A song in particular that I wish had never been written is "Slow Jams"

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:23 am
by skynes
Anything anti-God. I don't like heathen bands.

Anything pop. Especially girl pop as LorentzForce said - Porn with Lyrics...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:38 pm
by ShiroiHikari
Ahhhh, I had almost forgotten about the wonderful world of country music. :shady:

Ugh, ugh, ugh ugh ugh. But! If I had to be strapped to a chair, and the only kind of music available was either country or rap...I'd pick country without hesitation. I hate rap THAT MUCH.

The only things exempt from my hatred of rap are as follows.

· TobyMac and early 90's dcTalk.
· Linkin Park.

Oh yeah, and I forgot about "R&B". This stuff nowadays isn't R&B. R&B = rhythm and blues. The stuff nowadays is like...rap/hip-hop meets pop. I don't know what it's called. Wait...isn't that stuff called "urban" now? Like that makes any more sense...e___e

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:02 pm
by DrNic
Could everyone please stop putting Metallica, The White Stripes and Linkin Park into your hate list. Yes some of Metallicas stuff is dodgy (like Leper Messiah and The God That Failed, *slaps James Hettfield on the wrist*) and yes The White Stripes have gone mainstream (*slaps Jack White on the wrist*) and... why are you even dissing Linkin Park (*pats Mike Shinoda on the head*). At least its not 50 Cent or Eminem talking bought their money, cars, women and other ridiculous things. Ok, *switches rant button off*, I guess people do have there own opinions. Heres some bands that annoy me:

-Eminem (nuff said)
-50 Cent (don't even get me started)
-Good Charlotte (sumore of that cheap wannabe 'pop-punk' music)
-Blink 182 (this isn't even 'pop-punk', its 'wannabee pop-punk', so lame and girly)
-The Darkness (hey, if we wanted a flamboyant sounding band we'd listen to Queen... but we don't so go away.)
-Nickleback (laughs)
-Pop (Well...its just pop isn't it...not really anything to add)

And some songs:

-Last Train Home (Now it isn't the song that annoys me, the songs kool, its the fact that this song made The Lost Prophets mainstream. I hate it when bands go mainstream, especially good ones like The Lost Prophets)
-Toxic (Britneys song has the same sound at the beginning that Faint by Linkin Park does. Stupid reason but thats it.)
-Sound of the Underground (I bet Girls Aloud couldn't even name 3 underground bands)

The only other thing that annoys me is when people diss Nirvana or AFI. Thats it. I love ranting 'bout stuff :D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 2:45 pm
by Mave
You know, you really can't expect ppl to stop discussing how they can't stand Metallica or other specific bands, especially in a thread such as -this-, right? oh well....

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:54 pm
by ShiroiHikari
Well, the reason why I don't like Metallica is because their music makes me feel funny. Like...I want to go out and either shoot myself or someone else when I listen to it. So I don't listen to it at all.

I don't like The White Stripes because their song was too repetitive for my tastes and I don't like the just grates on my nerves. It's not that I think they sold out or anything by going mainstream...I didn't even know who they were til I heard them on the radio, so XD

Now I like Linkin Park. I can relate to the lyrics (heck, probably anybody could) and their sound is nice and edgy without being -too- edgy. Although I do hope they start writing about new things, because another album like Hybrid Theory or Meteora would be too repetitive.

Also, LP, to me, stands out a lot against all the other bands. Their lead vocalist has a distinctive voice, unlike a lot of other vocalists right now. They write about anger and pain without being violent and using "bad words". They don't write about sex, which is amazing.

Anyway...</offtopic> ^___^;

Here's something I don't like right now...there seems to be a trend in rock music (if you can still call it that) of writing songs that are solely based on hating someone else. There's this one by Nickelback or somebody that starts out like "I like your ___, I like the way you ____, " then by the end of the song he's talking about how he hates her. :shady: (Not to mention the song was pretty distasteful anyway. It came on the radio when my sister was in the car with me and I was like ":red: Uhhhh...*switches off radio*")

There's another one that says "I hate everything about you, why do I love you". Okay, how much sense does THAT make? >___< Grr.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:52 pm
by Kenchii
I dislike/hate:

Eminem (I HATE him... I rather listen to KJ-52)
50 Cent (every day I am tourcherd with his songs at school..)
Anything, or was it, one, in the RAP/R&B industry!!

I also dislike..
Coldplay (ever since I heard him once on the radio, his voice made me sick..)
Marlyn Manson (anti-christ don't work for me)
Kid Rock (trailer trash)
Limb Bizcut (I hate him just as much as Emenem)
Creed (once was deticated to christ, now, no more. "whats this life for" :shady: )
Anything in POP, love songs, relationship songs, pop, jazz.

Country I can stand, I like some.. Jonny Cash, and err.. heh..

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 3:21 pm
by AngelSakura
The Dixie Chicks used to be better...
Me hate rap, pop (I don't mind j-pop), and....Most English versions of anime music.
The English version of "Cha-la Head-cha-la" made me want to puke. *blearg*

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 6:24 am
by skynes
Ppl diss Metallica based on song names without knowing what they're about. Even the nasty ones like Leper Messiah have a reason to them.

Leper Messiah (to my the best of my memory) is about hypocrital money grubbing preachers who are only interested in using Christ to boost their bank account.

The God that Failed makes me sad. James had a Christian Aunt who was one of those Hyper Faith types (you can get ANYTHING if you believe enough). She got cancer. She refused ALL medication and help because she believed God would heal her miraculously. She died. So in his eyes God failed there.

I don't support the songs or the reasons but once you get what they're about it makes you feel a bit more sympathetic toward them

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 10:19 am
by Stephen
"I hate everything about you, why do I love you".

Its from a 3 Days Grace song...if you read the entire song it might make a bit more sence.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 10:51 am
by Ingemar
If I dislike most rap, it's usually due to the subject matter, not the style itself. I am talking of subject matter which glorifies killing one's enemy (especially if he is white), priding oneself in jewelry and cars, and glorfying treating women like swine. I find Christian rap tolerable, and all other raps (especially gangsta rap) totally disgusting.

Snooty politicians should be careful when they praise rap music in order to "reach out" to the black community. (That they need to "reach out" shows how pompous and self-aggrandizing they are).

PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:07 am
by righteous_slave
My additions:
Hootie and the Blowfish: the most boring music ever to be put into heavy, HEAVY rotation on MTV and Top Fourty radio.
'Everything I Do, I Do It for You" Started out a decent pop ballad, but by the 500th time you hear it in one day, you start choking the radio.

Agreements with previous posts:
bubblegum divas: ABC Family is doing a movie produced by Britny and her mother about a girl who starts as some small town singer and becomes a pop self serving can you get?
bad rap: I like rap in and of itself, but too many artists can't use words with more than four letters, and don't know anything but sex, drugs and violence. To quote Knowdaverbs "Rakim and KRS replaced by Shawn and Snoop?"
Other topics:
Metallica: I tossed my Metallica albums for two reasons A: James' bad attitude toward Chritianity as shown in "God that Failed" and "Dyers Eve" (I think that was the other one) and B: they sold out hard after the black album. Load wasn't bad, it just wasn't Metallica. And then I see them on the MTV video awards a couple of years ago including a Michael Jackson song in a medly!?!?!?!?! Master of Puppets is probably the only album I might replace some day.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 4:33 pm
by DrNic
Ppl diss Metallica based on song names without knowing what they're about. Even the nasty ones like Leper Messiah have a reason to them.

Leper Messiah (to my the best of my memory) is about hypocrital money grubbing preachers who are only interested in using Christ to boost their bank account.

The God that Failed makes me sad. James had a Christian Aunt who was one of those Hyper Faith types (you can get ANYTHING if you believe enough). She got cancer. She refused ALL medication and help because she believed God would heal her miraculously. She died. So in his eyes God failed there.

I don't support the songs or the reasons but once you get what they're about it makes you feel a bit more sympathetic toward them

Thanx Skynes. I didn't actually know that. I like to know that theres a reason behind blasphemy because I hate bands that diss down christianity 'just because...'

I still don't like the song very much but I don't listen to Metallica all that often anyway. Im more into high energy punk like 'Black Sails in the Sunset' or 'The Art Of Drowning' by AFI... or their new album Sing the Sorrow which most hardcore AFI fans diss down because it isn't the same as their previous albums...

Hey, thats another thing that bugs me. AFIs new album DOES sound different, but it also sounds different to ANYTHING else I've EVER heard. So why are the 'fans' not supporting the band? AFI are evolving (not literally of course) into I new breed of band and I, personally, think they are one of the only bands that are trying something new at the mo. More power to them I say!!

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 5:13 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
I don't like The White Stripes because their song was too repetitive for my tastes and I don't like the just grates on my nerves. It's not that I think they sold out or anything by going mainstream...I didn't even know who they were til I heard them on the radio, so XD

Yeah, the White Stripes are kind of an acquired taste due to their simple, unrefined sound and variety in style (garage rock/blues/folk). It took me a couple times listening to their "White Blood Cells" album to fully appreciate it, but now they're one of my favorite bands.

But anyway, this thread is about bands we don't like, so I'll put in my entry:

The Neptunes. Destroying classic rock one song at a time. I hear it in the bowling alley every Sunday night. They take all these great old songs and make them into techno/dance remixes. It's not that I don't like techno, I just don't like the end result of what these guys do.