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38th Parallel ||| rappin' and rockin' for Christian teens across America!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:50 pm
by Takuya
Talk about WOW!!! I went to Rainbow Christian Book & Gift with my mom for reasons I have by now long forgotten, and decided I wanted some half decent music.

I'm a moderate fan of Linkin Park, out of all non-Christian groups they're my favorite in America. I like their sound and their lyrics are... well they're not the Christian cup of tea, but they're GOOD. They're not like Mudd and their storyless lyrics in Rise Above the Storm. The song's sound is good, the lyrics aren't.

That's all I got!!! Linkin Park, Gackt Camui, Bivatchee, All American Rejects. I mean, hey, GOOD songs from all of them. Bivatchee's Taiyou no Mannaka he (To the center of the sun) is my favorite out of pretty much everything I've ever downloaded.

But they're not CHRISTIAN!!! They have the sound I like but not the tone or lyrics even though Move Along does have awesome lyrics in my eyes... err... ears?

So here I'm on Yahoo! Instant Messenger and... I think it was Zooky... ...or Christian Kitsune...? Anyway SOMEONE sent me a link to a Lord of the Rings music video... I'm all "I dun like LotR" ...funny... somehow she convinced me to watch the video...

Didn't watch the video at first but I DID listen to the song, the reason she gave me the link. Awesome song. Five Iron Frenzy's On Distant Shores. They were the very first Christian group I'd heard that I could listen to over and over and over for the rest of my life. ...Though I kept having to reload it (crappy Youtube)...

But this isn't about FIF... and I'm not really a fan, I just like that one song...

well whadya know??? Here I'm in RCBG (the bookstore I mentioned earlier) scanning their selection... I look up all their rock music... apperantly the first thing I found was 38th Parallel.

So I listen to their one and only album, Turn the Tides. Apperantly they're new. But from the start, when I turn it on... BAM!!! I FOUND IT!!! I FOUND EXACTLY WHAT I'D BEEN WANTING MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!

38th Parallel is one of those awesome groups that ANYONE, Christian or not, could probably listen to and LOVE.

I tried to order their album, but after a couple weeks RCBG called to tell me "Sorry, but we couldn't get the album." ...FUN!!! *Sarcasm* ...It's been discontinued. I guess I'm gonna have to order it, eh? WOOT I found place!!!

Oh well, I'll shutup now and quit ranting XD

But yeah, 38P is a great rap-rock group with a hardcore sound and... well I don't have all the lyrics but I know they're great XDD

Here are some songs on Youtube:

Higher Ground: ... ed&search=
You are my God: ... ed&search=

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:42 am
by Hitokiri
Ahhhhh....this band brings me back.....way back. I discovered them when they just released that cd. That was like my....junior year of High School? They were one of the bands that got me into more harder music. Anyways, they are a great band. While I don't like that style anymore, they are still fun to listen to. They are also very good live. I saw them at a Christian festival. There was a moshpit (haha) but I didn't want to join.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:40 pm
by GrubbTheFragger
Hitokiri wrote:Ahhhhh....this band brings me back.....way back. I discovered them when they just released that cd. That was like my....junior year of High School? They were one of the bands that got me into more harder music. Anyways, they are a great band. While I don't like that style anymore, they are still fun to listen to. They are also very good live. I saw them at a Christian festival. There was a moshpit (haha) but I didn't want to join.

Yes it was long long ago good stuff though. I miss them

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 5:37 am
by Okami
Yeah, I've only heard their song "Horizon" ('cause I have the Let's Roll! cd) But I like it enough that I'm going to look into more of their stuff someday ^_^-