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Chasing Victory : Fiends

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 8:35 am
by GrubbTheFragger
Anyone but me and jamie had the pleasure of being blown away buy this excellent album. I mean wow i bought it expecting another solid but not great hardcore screamo record like I call this abandoment. Instead what i got was a completly different Hardrock record with lots of screams ( I will not call this record screamo) I was amazed at the musical maturity that Chasinvictory has gone threw.

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 8:40 am
by Kkun
It's brilliant. I Call This Abandonment was totally a piece of crap. I mean, not totally, but Fiends is better. Way better.

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 8:42 am
by GrubbTheFragger
Kkun wrote:It's brilliant. I Call This Abandonment was totally a piece of crap. I mean, not totally, but Fiends is better. Way better.

Agreed after listening to Fiends compared to I call this abandonment yeah ICTA is crap. Very same old same old.

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 9:42 am
by Kkun
ICTA sounds like everything else that came out at that time, only not as good. It has one or two good songs (Oceans Away and The Night Your Guardian Fell Asleep come to mind). Fiends is just solid all the way through, though.

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 10:36 am
by That Dude
I love "Fiends" but I'm going to be the voice of oposition and say that ICTA was an awesome CD. They are like two different but awesome bands on the CD's.