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The "Christian Alternative Band" Thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:09 pm
by Tommy
I never saw this idea before, so if it's just right there in the open, I apologize.

If you have a band that you love the sound of but are ashamed of their lyrics, type the name in and hopefully some music nerd could think of a Christian band or perhaps a band with better lyrics.

I just got into "In Flames" (Their old stuff) and I feel sorta guilty about it.
My favorite song from them is "Cloud Connecting" which you can see the video for on youtube. The visuals are clean but I believe the lyrics support death so I won't post a link.

Base your choice off of that song.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:56 pm
by Eric
Cloud Connected doesn't actually "support death." You really should read the lyrics for yourself before deciding that you shouldn't listen to it.

And Reroute to Remain is hardly old; their first cd was released in 1994. Reroute to Remain is also considered by the vast majority of In Flames fans (and all metal fans in general) to be one of their absolute worst cds, along with Soundtrack to Your Escape. You'd be much better off listening to Come Clarity or their older cds.

Anyways, check these bands out:

Dark Tranquillity (not a Christian band; lyrics are fine, though)
Luciferion--they shared a few members with Dark Tranquillity while they were still active. Despite the name, their last release (with the exception of the demo songs included) is a concept album about alien abductions. This quote from Metal Archives describes why they disbanded:

Wojtek Lisicki ended Luciferion sometime after the release of "The Apostate." He grew unhappy with the band's name as it suggested an affiliation with Satanism. Lisicki is in reality totally opposed to all forms of religious affiliation, and says the band name was chosen when he and his bandmates had a different, more immature outlook. Material written with Luciferion in mind will possibly be used in the future for a different project.

You can listen to a full song from The Apostate here; it's called Destroying By Will. (this link is from their site, btw)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:24 am
by Kkun
I'm not ashamed of any of the bands' lyrics that I listen to... that could be a bad position to take on the subject. XD

But yeah, what Eric said are good suggestions. I enjoy Dark Tranquillity.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:38 pm
by Tommy
Eric, you're exactly right. I meant I liked their old stuff the best altogether, but for some reason I just found myself to like "Cloud Connected" the best.

I actually haven't heard anything from before Colony so just forget I said anything about their "old stuff."

I actually don't think "Colony" is that bad. Ok, at best, but its not 'In Flames' good.
If I like all the crappy stuff, then I would LOVE to hear their old stuff. I know alot of "In Flames" fans and they all say "Come Clarity" sucks.

I'll check that stuff out, thanks Eric.

Anyone else have bands they want Christian alternatives for?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:55 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Ok, here's one.

I absolutely LOVE The Format. Seriously, their music is so amazing, and it has a pretty original sound (compared to the things that I listen to most of the time *not that that's a derogatory statement or anything, I'm just saying*). Unfortunately, they do curse in lots of their songs (something I usually try to avoid, since cursing in music sticks with me moreso than movies or writing), and a good number of their songs mention sexual situations, etc. Still, their songs are ridiculously catchy and it's all just incredible. XD So! If anyone's even heard these guys, I wouldn't mind hearing about a cleaner group that sounds similar to them. Not that I'd stop listening to The Format or anything, but...I think you guys get the basic idea. xD

PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:31 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
Bloodthirsty Bats from Planet Satan.

Okay, just kidding.

I enjoy some of Nelly Furtado's stuff (its not graphic) sexually or otherwise, but there is still an mild unhealthy sexual undercurrent to some of her music. I'm not trying to be legalistic but I don't think its necessary.

Can anyone give an alternative?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:01 pm
by That Dude
I don't know for sure but you might want to check out Souljahz W4J.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:19 pm
by Tommy
Radical Dreamer wrote:Ok, here's one.

I absolutely LOVE The Format. Seriously, their music is so amazing, and it has a pretty original sound (compared to the things that I listen to most of the time *not that that's a derogatory statement or anything, I'm just saying*). Unfortunately, they do curse in lots of their songs (something I usually try to avoid, since cursing in music sticks with me moreso than movies or writing), and a good number of their songs mention sexual situations, etc. Still, their songs are ridiculously catchy and it's all just incredible. XD So! If anyone's even heard these guys, I wouldn't mind hearing about a cleaner group that sounds similar to them. Not that I'd stop listening to The Format or anything, but...I think you guys get the basic idea. xD

I think Copeland would be a good alternative from what I've heard. They're not Christian from what I know of (they could be) but they are more clean.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:26 pm
by Radical Dreamer
I listen to Copeland all the time, and while I love them, they sound NOTHING like The Format. XD Nice try, though.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:28 pm
by That Dude
Copeland is not a christian band but all the members profess
to be christians.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:39 pm
by Tommy
Radical Dreamer wrote:I listen to Copeland all the time, and while I love them, they sound NOTHING like The Format. XD Nice try, though.

Well, I figured you did.

They're the same style of music though, and when you're not into it, they all basically sound the same.

I can't say I dig the Format, but Copeland is okay.

Plus, Copeland features in the only GOOD Underoath song produced in the past 3 years.

"Some Seek Forgiveness And Others Escape."

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:42 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Tom Dincht wrote:They're the same style of music though, and when you're not into it, they all basically sound the same.

Wow, are you serious? Copeland and The Format, though they are indie bands, are VASTLY different in sound. XD Like...really, REALLY different. XD What songs have you heard by The Format?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:47 pm
by Tommy
Radical Dreamer wrote:Wow, are you serious? Copeland and The Format, though they are indie bands, are VASTLY different in sound. XD Like...really, REALLY different. XD What songs have you heard by The Format?

And you notice that because you're into that style and I'm not. For example, people who hate music with screaming (like you) can't see a different between As I Lay Dying and In Flames because you would probably think it's all the same: Screaming with heavy guitars. However, I notice a vast difference and you probably wouldn't.

And I've heard all of the Format's songs on Purevolume.

Sorry, I shouldn't have recommended Copeland with next to no knwoledge of the genre. In all honesty, I didn't even think you were going to see my recommendation.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:52 pm
by Radical Dreamer
But what I think you aren't understanding here is that The Format uses trumpets and tamborines and other different instruments in their music (or at least the sound). Copeland uses guitars and bases with the occasional strings, like most other bands do. Sooo...horns vs. strings...that's pretty much a vast difference. XD But whatever, this thread isn't about why two indie bands sound so different, it's about finding bands that sound similar to the bands mentioned. This most recent one hasn't worked, so let's move on, shall we? XD

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:09 pm
by Tommy
Yeah, you're right. I'm out of it today.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:40 pm
by GrubbTheFragger
Tom Dincht wrote:Well, I figured you did.

They're the same style of music though, and when you're not into it, they all basically sound the same.

I can't say I dig the Format, but Copeland is okay.

Plus, Copeland features in the only GOOD Underoath song produced in the past 3 years.

"Some Seek Forgiveness And Others Escape."

Wow Tom whats made you into such a oppionist as of recent. UnderOath had alot of great songs since the changing times. IMO UnderOath had only like a few songs before the left the black metal market. The only one i liked is A Love so pure. I like 90% of the songs on TOCS and ALL the songs on Define the Great line.

But anyways
ThatDude wrote: Copeland is not a christian band but all the members profess
to be christians.

Also they are on a christian Label even though so was Agony Scene XD

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:45 pm
by Tommy
I'm not really an oppionist (I don't think that word is spelled right. I spelled it the same way you did),I just I compare UnderOATH's old stuff to their new stuff which is why I tend to dislike their new stuff (RUN ON).

Back in the day, Dallas' vocals were set up like this: It's either extremely high-pitched or low pitched. He couldn't ever go in between. The lead vocalist in the Devil Wears Prada, as we know usually uses the middle spot but will eventually switch from high to low.

My comment is void. I was thinking to much of TOCS. Define the Great Line was a good album, so I'm going to restate that.

Also, I just remembered that I like the songs "It's Dangerous Buisness Going Out Your Front Door" and "Down, Set, Go" but I hated TOCS as a whole. It's just I loved Dallas and hated to see him go and thought Spencer was a horrible replacement.

I like Spencer more now than before since DTGL was a good album, but I dislike Aaron more than before. He's a better drummer when he's not singing at the same time.

Anyways, at least we still have Maylene and the Sons of Disaster.

Off topic...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 12:28 pm
by That Dude
Even though Dallas is a great singer I just couldn't get into his voice as much as Spencer. Anyway now off that I've said that lets get back on to topic or at least close to it.

Grubb wrote:Also they are on a christian Label even though so was Agony Scene XD

Actually Copeland isn't/wasn't on a christian label. They were on The Militia Group which though they have "Christian" bands such as Copeland and Lovedrug TMG isn't exclusively a christian label.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 12:56 pm
by GrubbTheFragger
That Dude wrote:Even though Dallas is a great singer I just couldn't get into his voice as much as Spencer. Anyway now off that I've said that lets get back on to topic or at least close to it.

Actually Copeland isn't/wasn't on a christian label. They were on The Militia Group which though they have "Christian" bands such as Copeland and Lovedrug TMG isn't exclusively a christian label.

Oh i though they were on Tooth and nail my mistake then

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:17 am
by That Dude
Tis ok Grubb. Anybody know a christian band that sounds like The Faint?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:02 pm
by Tommy
[quote="Eric"]Dark Tranquillity[/url] (not a Christian band]

Regarding the original purpose of this thread, that band worked the best since the current lead singer of In Flames switched places with the current of DT.