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Can u scream hardcore style?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:33 pm
by The Shadow
:rock: Well who knows how well this will go off
i hope all the hardcore people will answer
but really, any one who reads this should vote
on the poll!!!!!!!!!

So can you do a hardcore style scream?
i esspecially want to know if u can and ur female
cauze i only know one and thats Dacey from "still breathing" :rock:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 10:11 pm
by glitch1501
i can, though it might just be me trying to think im cool :)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 5:12 am
by Sephiroth
my throat can't take me screaming hardcore style, i could do it for about 3 seconds, but then my throat wants to kill me...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 5:31 am
by Knives
The Shadow wrote::rock: Well who knows how well this will go off
i hope all the hardcore people will answer
but really, any one who reads this should vote
on the poll!!!!!!!!!

So can you do a hardcore style scream?
i esspecially want to know if u can and ur female
cauze i only know one and thats Dacey from "still breathing" :rock:

Im not sure If i can or not. Ive tried before but I cant really tell if it sounds good or not.
EDIT: Still breating is awesome

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:02 am
by PumpkinKoRn52
I can do the angry slipknot style scream really well, but I don't like to because it hurts my throat.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:06 am
by kryptech
I voted no because I can't do the scream right (like the style of Underoath or Demon Hunter). Maybe I'm just too timid or something... It either comes out like a whisper or otherwise like I just mashed my thumbnail with the business end of a hammer. And sadly neither case resemble the quality hardcore scream, IMHO. However, I can do a nice job on those lower, throaty growls. Like Point of Recognition and Few Left Standing and maybe a touch like Zao. But I don't enjoy that style as much as the scream. The think the screams in Pillar's songs Hindsight ("I'm never going back AGAAAAIN!") and Simply ("YOU SIMPLY LOOOVE" at the very end). If they are used the whole song it gets a little much but they can excellent for emphasis!

EDIT - Yeah, Pumpkin - it is rough on one's throat. Gghhuuu... With practice it hurts less though. Of course one's vocal chords are probably turning to tatters but hey...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:26 am
by Hitokiri
Im a fairly good screamer. I can do high pitched screams as well as low, growly screams...

Combine the vocals of As I Lay Dying, The Agony Scene, and Zao and you get how I do it...also mixed with super, deep growls. I know a girl who is awesome at that, and yes Dacey rocks my socks. I think my parents have gotten tired of me screaming Christmas carols.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:30 am
by ShiroiHikari
I can't scream hardcore style. it hurts. ._.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:32 am
by glitch1501
i "think" i scream like demonhunter and disciple

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:34 am
by Hitokiri
I have been told that I could easily become the front man of a metal band...I just need to increase my volume on my screaming. I usually put a whispery sound to it which alot o fpeople says it makes it sound erie.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 11:31 am
by kryptech
Whoa - I feel surrounded by talent... I've gotta work on my scream now or I'll not feel worthy to post in the presence of you gifted hardcore-ers.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:59 pm
by Mizumi-Kun
I can, if screaming like Chester Bennington or Davey Havok counts...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 5:22 pm
by Rachel
Mizumi-Kun wrote:I can, if screaming like Chester Bennington or Davey Havok counts...

Hey, that's the way I scream too. By the way, AFI and Linkin Park are awesome.
EDIT: I think I'm the only girl who's voted "yes" so far.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:35 pm
by AnimeKing13
I tried but I can't *sob*. >_<

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:09 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
I'd like to think I can, but I've never really tried. Next time I'm all alone I'll give it a shot.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:30 pm
by Stephen
Screaming is easy. Screaming with melody is somthing else. Too many "hardcore" bands as of late suck. To be honost. I flip on Headbangers ball or Uranium and I see 50 bands with great guitars, good drums and good bass...and this dope screaming at the top of his lungs with less melody then me ripping off gas on a snair drum. I am not saying all screaming is like that though. A good example, Corey Tailor of Slipknot...he can slide from super screaming into melody in the snap of a finger...thats talent. Volume does not equal quality. David Dramin of Disturbed is another melodic hardcore singer. As long as the guy or gal has melody...I love hardcore.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:35 pm
by Riku777
I've never tried it.... I've neve heard sombody hardcore scream so I wouldn't know how...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:37 pm
by Aka-chan
I can do a variety of screams, and, while I'm not sure of your definition of "hardcore", I think at least one could qualify.


I can also scream like a horror movie victim if that counts for anything... <.< >.>

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:41 pm
by Mizumi-Kun
Rachel wrote:Hey, that's the way I scream too. By the way, AFI and Linkin Park are awesome.
EDIT: I think I'm the only girl who's voted "yes" so far.

Those bands rock. I just [Clean], AFI's Greatest Hits Collection, it rocks.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:42 pm
by Mizumi-Kun
Rachel wrote:Hey, that's the way I scream too. By the way, AFI and Linkin Park are awesome.
EDIT: I think I'm the only girl who's voted "yes" so far.

Those bands rock. I just [Clean], AFI's Greatest Hits Collection, it kicks.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:44 pm
by Mizumi-Kun
Rachel wrote:Hey, that's the way I scream too. By the way, AFI and Linkin Park are awesome.
EDIT: I think I'm the only girl who's voted "yes" so far.

Those bands rock. I just [Clean], AFI's Greatest Hits Collection, it kicks.
P.S. I can also scream like a little girl, and like a someone dying.
P.P.S. I do the best death impressions.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:45 pm
by Mizumi-Kun
Rachel wrote:Hey, that's the way I scream too. By the way, AFI and Linkin Park are awesome.
EDIT: I think I'm the only girl who's voted "yes" so far.

Those bands rock. I just [Clean], AFI's Greatest Hits Collection, it kicks.
P.S. I can also scream like a little girl, and like a someone dying.
P.P.S. I do the best death impressions.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:18 pm
by Hitokiri
Shatterheart wrote:Screaming is easy. Screaming with melody is somthing else. Too many "hardcore" bands as of late suck. To be honost. I flip on Headbangers ball or Uranium and I see 50 bands with great guitars, good drums and good bass...and this dope screaming at the top of his lungs with less melody then me ripping off gas on a snair drum. I am not saying all screaming is like that though. A good example, Corey Tailor of Slipknot...he can slide from super screaming into melody in the snap of a finger...thats talent. Volume does not equal quality. David Dramin of Disturbed is another melodic hardcore singer. As long as the guy or gal has melody...I love hardcore.

I hate to brag but that's how my screaming/singing is, the way you said how it carries a melodic tone. I do this thing my friend says where I go into a high pitched unerthly scream that makes his hair stan don end than in a split second, I lower my house to a unearthly low-pitched type growling. It's also fun to weave in screaming and melodic vocals (like old and new Underoath)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:44 pm
by Kaori
That is very cool, Hitokiri. Another vocalist who switches rapidly between screaming and melodic singing is Brandon Rike from Dead Poetic.

While I do listen to hardcore music, I can't say I've ever tried hardcore-style screaming.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 2:19 pm
by Hitokiri
Kaori wrote:That is very cool, Hitokiri. Another vocalist who switches rapidly between screaming and melodic singing is Brandon Rike from Dead Poetic.

While I do listen to hardcore music, I can't say I've ever tried hardcore-style screaming.

The only thing I have against his screaming that he doesnt do it enough but hey...thats how Dead Poetic is like.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 2:37 pm
by SpikeSpiegel306
I can scream if I HAVE to, but my band doesnt do that kind of music unless I am trying to sound like AC/ I only use it in concerts every now and then.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 5:17 pm
by Hitokiri
Im starting to perfect my shrill, banshee scream where it won't hurt as much. If I do it for a minute, I suffer for a couple of days with a sore throat.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:25 pm
by The Shadow
i can do most melodic screams and high screams but i find the real low death screams to hard to reach !!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 11:48 pm
by Jasdero
I can't scream... period... If I just yell for a few minutes, I'll lose my voice for at least 3 or 4 hours.. >.>;;;

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 10:32 am
by Kkun
I can't scream hardcore style but I'm working on finding the right kind of shout/yell for some music my friend and I will be making soon...rock n' roll style. Yes.