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PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 5:53 pm
by Yamato145
*shakes head at all the people puttin down lp*
poor fools
everybody is entitled to an opinion is suppose

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 11:51 am
by Heart of Sword
FISH HEADS!!!!! Arrgh!

Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, Yum!
Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, Yum!

In the morning, laughing happy fish heads
In the evening, floating in the soup

Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, Yum!

Ask a fish head anything you want to
They won't answer, they can't talk

Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, Yum!

I took a fish head out to see a movie
Didn't have to pay to get it in

Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, Yum!

They don't play baseball, they don't wear sweaters
They're not good dancers, they don't play drums

Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, Yum!

Roly-poly fish heads are never seen drinking cappucinno (sp?)
In Italian restaurants with Oriental women...yeah

Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, Yum!
Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, Yum!
Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, Yum!
Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, Yum! Yeah!

Oh and the Mighty Mouse theme song. @@x

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 12:36 pm
by Bobtheduck
Most Christian Bands

Gospel Music (Supposedly Gospel singers are supposed to have superior rythym, but if that's the case, why don't they know when to move on with the bloomin song?)

Gangsta Rap (I like honest, storytelling rap, but when they're bragging about how many girls they've used and how many people they've killed, it's just stupid)

Bon Jovi - It's my life (it's the antithesis to the Christian life, though the song is rather energetic)

Mambo Number 5. (read gangsta rap)

Nelly - It's getting hot in here

The American DBZ theme... (rock the dragon, the dragon ball z... GAH that's so retarded in the bad way)

I'm not too fond of the "Color 9" song by Chris rice, either... I actually saw him live at APU when he did one of the chapels on a friday morning, and he did that song...

Speaking of Chris Rice, "Cartoons" is a horrible song... At least he concurs...

Saliva - Click Click Boom... My nasty roommate played that all night to exact his revenge against me for playing waterdeep all night... It's a horrible song... Horrible...

While I actually quite enjoy the song (it's very beautiful), I really probably shouldn't enjoy "Bittersweet Symphony." It's also an antithesis to the Christian life, and it's very depressing. I really like the AMV that went with it and Cowboy Bebop, because it fit perfectly... It's still not a very good song, though.

BTW, if you reverse "fishheads" it says some interesting things...

Kenchii - Ooh, KJ52 is great... I take a day about once a month to watch the "Dear Slim" video abour 4 or 5 times.

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 4:15 pm
by Nightshade X
songs or band I can't stand... there are waaaay too many to mention, but I'll go with what I can't stand about certain genres:

Pop - as someone stated, porn with lyrics. You got that right. Plus, it's annoying as I don't know what. I'd even go into how annoying Christian pop can be, but... I think Stacie Orrico kinda redeemed the genre for me. Barely.

Secular Rap - Why? why does the travesty go on?! They aren't saying anything!!! Why do people buy the crap?! Seriously, though, I hate anything that degrades women, glorifies violence, advocates drugs and alcohol, or whatever. And there's way too much of this crap in this genre for something to ever hope to redeem it for me... unless they do something very VERY different. On a side note, being black in L.A., not liking rap at all, and living in an area where everybody else can't get enough of it really doesn't do much for my social life...

Techno - only the stuff that has way too much high-pitched effects and not enough bass. Such a headache...

R&B - There's really only one thing I don't like about r&b: The majority of r&b is focused on being in love... among other things. Unfortunately, I haven't had much luck in that arena, so it all ends up either annoying me or depressing me. I just can't relate...

Gospel - I agree with Bobtheduck. He pretty much nailed it. Plus, the fact that my mom is the choir director at my church doesn't help much. Think about it: my mom is the director, my sister is a soloist, and I'm staying as far away from it as possible. Though it's kinda hard to do that when everybody's always asking if I'd ever consider joining up (by the way, the answer's NO!).

All the english versions of anime songs (with the exception of the DDR version of Sobakasu) - if it wasn't translated to begin with, DON'T BOINKIN' MESS WITH IT!!!

I'd add more, but I ran out of ideas and I have to go fix my car. Bye!!!

PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2004 3:25 pm
by cbwing0
Nightshade X, you seem to dislike quite a lot. What do you like?

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 2:45 am
by Hikage_Ninja
Ah...haha...this could be long...I'll try and keep it short.

The Darkness- Ayyyy...that band scares me SO much.

Linkin Park- Sorry...for me...I really don't like the vocalist's voice. It sounds like he's taking a crap. (Err...if that's considered a bad word here...I apologize....) And me all the songs sound the same...with the same general lyrics and stuff... I mean if you hear just one of their songs and that's it...they're ok...but hearing more than like...3 they get a bit repetitive in my opinion. "Yeah...I feel like I don't one understands me...why try anymore...? I'm so numb to all that's around me...the pain and hurt of life is so hard...and with no one to listen to me blah blah blah."

Rap/Hip Hop- I really REALLY can't stand this genre...which is horrible because my sister plays it all the time. ::shudders::

Most Country- Yeah...I was raised listening to this...(Dad from Kansas 'nuff said)...but it's all too poppy now. Especially the female vocalists.

Singers like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera etc... - Promiscuous ducks... Plus...I bet they don't even write their own songs. :P

Hilary Duff - Something about her just...grates on my nervs.

Avril Lavigne - Epitome of's really irritating and her lyrics are stupid...and GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. She irritates me more than any female singer ever...because I least Britney Spears admits to singing pop...but with's like..."Yeah...I sing punk and hardcore."!

Good Charlotte/Simple Plan - O.O Epitome of pop punk...or happy punk as I prefer to call it...since pop punk is such an oxymoron. But yeah...they're a little too...happy for me.

Coldplay - Their stuff is waaay too lethargic for me.

To be honest...I dislike most of the stuff on the radio. Of course, sometimes you will eventually hear a couple of decent bands...but I don't listen to the radio. LOL. See...because...I feel like once a band gets on the radio...they tend to be a lot more "mainstream" and they stop putting as much effort into their music than they did before they were obscure. Such as bands like Alkaline Trio (Oh my goodness...their latest album "Good Mourning" almost killed me...).

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 7:19 am
by Zedian
Wow Hikage Ninja, you covered The Darkness, Good Charlotte, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Simple Plan, Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park and secular rap. That's just about everything I dislike in the music world.

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 7:47 am
by LorentzForce
Oh yeah, one more kind.

Any band/artist that can't sing.

I'm probably biased because I can sing well (how does getting asked to join the choir sound like?) but really, if I wanted to hear good music with good lyrics I want a good voice to go with it too! How do I define good singing skills? Clarity, definition, and emotion. Lyrics don't count here because I'm to describe the pure part of just singing.

Clarity. Half the bands on the radio, you'll notice you don't get what they're exactly saying in the lyrics, and only after repetition of listening or reading the lyrics directly will you get what they're saying. That's not singing, that's mumbling! If I can't hear what they're saying, why not just listen to my computer's harddrive spinning all day?

Definition. When a note goes off, it has to be that note. If it stays for three seconds it stays at three seconds, not waver. I have to agree this is something only the high-ranking opera singers achieve so I won't go too far, but still ridiculously lacking in most known artists.

Emotion. Now this, is why generally all pop music sucks. If that music has vocal in it, and it was pop, chances are the artist just sings to the tune. That's a big no no. In fact, I hate vocals without emotion. Music is there to move you, not just make noises. It's there to make you feel, to experience, to go with the flow or listen to the beat. If the vocal, one of the main components of most music, lacks emotion the whole piece goes to the bin. And it just so happens SO many of the songs these days just don't get in your heart.

Yep, I'm in angsty mood about bad music tonight.

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 8:19 am
by Kisa
Hmmm, letsee . .
Boybands, Britney Spears types, Rap (any kinds), phony type Christian bands/singers . . . can't really think of more right now, but basically thats it, lol.

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 10:57 am
by Sephiroth
Boybands : Nuff Said
Most Pop :
Annoyning Rap/hip hop : Normal Rap/Hip hop is ok, but stuff like eminem suck
Busted : AAAAAAAARRGHHHH (see boybands)
Cradle of Filth : There so crap, and really try too hard...

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 3:08 pm
by Hikage_Ninja
Yeah LF...I can agree with you about the emotion and stuff... That's why I don't listen to the radio and prefer obscure and smaller bands because usually their stuff has A LOT more emotional energy put into their songs.

As for's pretty much the same for me...but there are a couple of bands out there that I like with vocalists that can't sing worth beans... Like Against Me! LOL! The vocalist is incredibly bad...but for some reason I still love this band anyway.

PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2004 11:26 am
by Knives
convoybutterfly wrote:i was just wondering what are some of the bands or songs that y'all can't stand and why, if there is a reason. anyways, here are some of mine:

michael w smith- for some reason this guy strikes me as sort of phony

coldplay- could chris martin's voice be any more annoying?

nsync and all other boybands- i really don't think that i need to explain this

that's all i can think of right now. i will post more later.

Hmmn ilike coldplay and michael w smith. THis thread seems a bit...mean.

Would someone please lock this thread? I mean if ppl could be nice about bands they dont like such as sasying "I dont like the band because its lyrics are deppressing" i wouldnt care but i mean ppl are saying things that i dont know...dont seem very kind

PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2004 11:41 am
by Solid Ronin
Most Christian bands and song.

I agree

PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 6:08 am
by Inferno
Knives wrote:Hmmn ilike coldplay and michael w smith. THis thread seems a bit...mean.

Would someone please lock this thread? I mean if ppl could be nice about bands they dont like such as sasying "I dont like the band because its lyrics are deppressing" i wouldnt care but i mean ppl are saying things that i dont know...dont seem very kind

Ya I agree with knives here, I think we could try to be abit nicer with our words. I mean about everysingle band I love just got slammed into the ground/demeaned

PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 7:10 am
by Mave
Knives wrote:Hmmn ilike coldplay and michael w smith. THis thread seems a bit...mean.

Would someone please lock this thread? I mean if ppl could be nice about bands they dont like such as sasying "I dont like the band because its lyrics are deppressing" i wouldnt care but i mean ppl are saying things that i dont know...dont seem very kind

I'm sorry for those whose fav. music got demeaned but in this thread, I suggest you take everyone's opinions lightly since it's really just a preference thing. Like I said in the previous post, you can't stop ppl from dissing your fav. music.

For example, I can't understand why ppl say they can't stand Christian music. I hope it's not representative for ALL Christian artists. But either ways, whoever said that is entitled to their opinions.

I love christian music coz their lyrics encourage and motivate me in my Christian faith.

Oh wait....this thread is about stuff you CAN'T stand. ok...

I usually tolerate most music but this week, I finally found a song I can't stand.

"Californication" by Salt and Pepper. Music's OK but I hate hearing that word "fornication". That word keeps popping in my head everytime I hear that song.

PS: I respect Michael W. Smith for what he has done.

PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 8:52 am
by Sieg9986
meh... i like michael w. smith, and hearing someone say that they don't like him isn't going to change my opinion. I think he does great music, and that's that as far as i'm concerned.

I don't like rap that demeans women, but there are quite a few christian artists that i do like that do perform rap, such as John Reuben, his song Do Not, is a great song that speaks of all that is wrong with society *decides to listen to it again*.

I don't like music that puts bad ideas into peoples' heads. Suicidal ideas in song, or killing people, IE let the bodies hit the floor by that one band...I don't like...simply because they are depressing and spread IMO bad ideals and views on the value of life. I find it disgusting....

Some things you have to take with a grain of salt...other be the judge of what affects you.

PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 11:32 am
by glitch1501
Sieg9986 wrote:meh... i like michael w. smith, and hearing someone say that they don't like him isn't going to change my opinion. I think he does great music, and that's that as far as i'm concerned.

I don't like rap that demeans women, but there are quite a few christian artists that i do like that do perform rap, such as John Reuben, his song Do Not, is a great song that speaks of all that is wrong with society *decides to listen to it again*.

I don't like music that puts bad ideas into peoples' heads. Suicidal ideas in song, or killing people, IE let the bodies hit the floor by that one band...I don't like...simply because they are depressing and spread IMO bad ideals and views on the value of life. I find it disgusting....

Some things you have to take with a grain of salt...other be the judge of what affects you.

agreed! i like the music sieg likes, and i dislike what he dislikes lol

PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 6:37 pm
by Sieg9986
hehe, glitch ^^

That's cause he got me to like the same musics ^_^

PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2004 5:00 pm
by Inferno
I know but people were saying that like this one band had ONE bad song and then they were like: "It's evil you shouldn't listen to it!" I mean Come on what's wrong with Dave Matthews?

PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2004 10:59 am
by Hikage_Ninja
I don't believe anyone ever said "It's evil, you shouldn't listen to it." But then again I have a bad memory and I don't feel like reading through all the posts again.

As for people talking about who they don't like and why, I see no problem with it. Even if they totally dissed on my favourite bands. Why? Because it opens up my views a bit...I mean I doubt I'll agree with them, because it all depends on opinion anyway...but at least I know what other people see in them... And we should able to respect each others opinions. Besides, it helps to get us all to know each other a bit better.

As for Dave Matthews...the reason I don't like him...well 1) becuase his music genre just doesn't appeal to me and 2) because he supports abortion...and that's just not cool in my opinion. It says something about his character as a person and his moral values. long as people can back up WHY they don't like a band or whatever...I think that's cool. ^_^

PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 4:17 pm
by Inferno
Ya I guess you right, as long as back up why they don't like the band it's all cool with me. ^__^