convoybutterfly wrote:i was just wondering what are some of the bands or songs that y'all can't stand and why, if there is a reason. anyways, here are some of mine:
michael w smith- for some reason this guy strikes me as sort of phony
coldplay- could chris martin's voice be any more annoying?
nsync and all other boybands- i really don't think that i need to explain this
that's all i can think of right now. i will post more later.
Knives wrote:Hmmn ilike coldplay and michael w smith. THis thread seems a bit...mean.
Would someone please lock this thread? I mean if ppl could be nice about bands they dont like such as sasying "I dont like the band because its lyrics are deppressing" i wouldnt care but i mean ppl are saying things that i dont know...dont seem very kind
Knives wrote:Hmmn ilike coldplay and michael w smith. THis thread seems a bit...mean.
Would someone please lock this thread? I mean if ppl could be nice about bands they dont like such as sasying "I dont like the band because its lyrics are deppressing" i wouldnt care but i mean ppl are saying things that i dont know...dont seem very kind
Sieg9986 wrote:meh... i like michael w. smith, and hearing someone say that they don't like him isn't going to change my opinion. I think he does great music, and that's that as far as i'm concerned.
I don't like rap that demeans women, but there are quite a few christian artists that i do like that do perform rap, such as John Reuben, his song Do Not, is a great song that speaks of all that is wrong with society *decides to listen to it again*.
I don't like music that puts bad ideas into peoples' heads. Suicidal ideas in song, or killing people, IE let the bodies hit the floor by that one band...I don't like...simply because they are depressing and spread IMO bad ideals and views on the value of life. I find it disgusting....
Some things you have to take with a grain of salt...other be the judge of what affects you.
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