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Yaoi Mountian
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:29 pm
by AlBhedNikki
Okay, this is a topic that is very sensitive, but very wrong: Yaoi. Has anyone herd of Yaoi mountain? Well, it all started with all my anime girlfriends. They made up a place in Japan called Yaoi Mountain, where all the gay men live. Now, at first, i was cool with it, then i became stronger in my faith, and it began to disturb me... Alot. They began to hand out rolls to people rolls on Yaoi Mountain. My friend Amanda would be baker, Shannon would be the nightclub/sexshop owner, etc etc. Then they got to me, and said somthing that really desturbed me. They said I would run the church for Yaoiism, since I'm so "churchy." I replied with, "Um, no. I'm going to be the protestor outside the gates of Yaoi Mountain."
Well, that was about a year ago, and now its gotten worse. Alot worse. I just went into an anime chatroom, and they began to talk about 'Yaoi Mountain.'
This' spreading and we need to stand up against the evils! Who's with me?
P.S: My friends just added Heero and Duo as the owners of the Anime shop. >.<
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:35 pm
by CobaltAngel
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:36 pm
by Alexandra-chan
Hello there! Yaoi is a very complicated matter. I don't think its wrong, but I totally understand why you're uncomfortable. Just stay away from it if it disturbs you, but don't go around sayin its bad. I really don't think it is, and you might hurt peoples feelings if you protest against it. Thats just my opinion. Have a happy day!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:37 pm
by AlBhedNikki
You too!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:37 pm
by CobaltAngel
Uh, actaully the bible says its wrong. There's nothing wrong with saying, "I don't believe that's right."
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:41 pm
by AlBhedNikki
:Nods: In Philipians or Leviticus? I dont remember... >.<
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:42 pm
by SManBeyond
How about Romans 1?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:43 pm
by shooraijin
I was originally going to PM this, but I'll put it out in public for purposes of disclosure since Alexandra commented on it. This site's official policy is anti-yaoi as this site and its administration believe gay lifestyles are not compatible with the Bible's teaching, and that means that yaoi in all its forms is similarly incompatible. We fully support anyone with similar beliefs.
While I respect AlBhedNikki's convictions, this thread will likely be a troll magnet, so I'm going to close it publicly (but please continue in PM -- that's perfectly okay).
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:46 pm
by Ashley
I've been in a similiar spot, Nikki. A good friend of mine got very addicted to yaoi, and I am very strongly against it. At first I tolerated it even though it made me feel very uncomfortable to say the least, but finally I told her how I felt. How as a Christian (she wasn't one) I couldn't support that kinda stuff and how uncomfortable talking about/reading the things she wanted me to made me and that frankly, to stop talking about it to me. Eventually we grew extremely dissimmiliar and went our seperate paths, but it was something that needed to be said. As a Christian, if you feel uncomfortable about what your friends are doing I think it is only right, and I might even dare say you ought to, tell them at least why you dislike it. It may cost you their friendship, but distancing yourself away from that is the best thing to do. Let's face it, you may offend people, even your friends--but as Christians we're going to do that. People don't like to be reminded they are sinners or that they might suffer in hell. Christianity offends, and we're not called to be pleasing to the world, but instead remind them through our courage, faith, and the way we live our lives that Christ died for us and offers us salvation.
As for "stopping" this, well I think the best course of action there is to pray on how God can use you. This whole thing may die down without you raising a finger against it other than stating your beliefs on the matter and asking your friends to stop bringing it up around you. Don't back down; be strong. As I said, you may indeed lose ties with your friends, but it will be worth it. Pray about what to say, too.
And Alexandra-chan, I just want to say that a good many of the members here are very vehement anti-yaoi fans and that sort of stuff is not tolerated in the least here. So, I hope you will remember to be respectful of those who may feel this is indeed wrong.
Edit: sorry Shoo, I was typing this while you were posting yours.