What did your church do for Easter?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 9:06 am
This year in my church my Pastor asked the Youth Group to organise thr service.
We chose the songs, we chose the scritpures. I requested of my Pastor to speak on a specific topic (which he did) and it all turned out very well.
I was leading this one (we've done a few things before and each time a different member gets to run it)
I had this killer idea for a while to do it in a way totally different from the standard traditional Easter service.
I had an idea on how to do it, I'm pretty certain it didn't originate in my head, was too good an idea for that.
Anyway the idea was that instead of speaking on the betrayal, trial crucifixion etc. That We'd show the reason WHY Christ has to die!
We did just that. We alternated between giving a scripture to playing a song and went through the scriptures on origins of sin (Genesis) to all having sinned (Romans) to forgiveness requiring blood to Jesus being our sacrifice (Hebrews). My Pastor spoke on how Christ's death and resurrection affects all of us
Not once was a scripture from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John mentioned Yet even without them the entire Easter story got told
We chose the songs, we chose the scritpures. I requested of my Pastor to speak on a specific topic (which he did) and it all turned out very well.
I was leading this one (we've done a few things before and each time a different member gets to run it)
I had this killer idea for a while to do it in a way totally different from the standard traditional Easter service.
I had an idea on how to do it, I'm pretty certain it didn't originate in my head, was too good an idea for that.
Anyway the idea was that instead of speaking on the betrayal, trial crucifixion etc. That We'd show the reason WHY Christ has to die!
We did just that. We alternated between giving a scripture to playing a song and went through the scriptures on origins of sin (Genesis) to all having sinned (Romans) to forgiveness requiring blood to Jesus being our sacrifice (Hebrews). My Pastor spoke on how Christ's death and resurrection affects all of us
Not once was a scripture from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John mentioned Yet even without them the entire Easter story got told