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Circle of Affirmation

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:11 am
by samurai10
This is like the encouragement thread, except you can compliment whoever you like. There are many good things about people that have remained unsaid, therefore, this is the place to say them. :P There are three rules.

1. Every post must have a compliment. You may comment on other compliments, but every post must have a compliment.

2. No flaming the compliments. You may be surprised at a compliment that somebody paid you, and say, "Wait, no I'm not!" but no flaming.

3. It must be real. What you say, must be what you really feel.

One guideline: Try not to compliment the person who just complimented you. Choose somebody else.

I shall start.

TGJesusfreak is an awesome, amazing friend and when we're talking when I'm feeling down, he always cheers me up by his awesome crazy ways. :D

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:21 am
by Nami
Well, I must compliment you then!!

Samu-chan is one of the best girls I've ever met, I love all my friends, but when we talk she's always there on my level and laughs at my stupidity. She's such a great, sweet, kind and talented young girl! I know she will go places! ^_^ I lurve you guurl!

MOI!!! I must compliment MOI! :3 He's too awesome, with his awesome ways! He made me think a few things over about my comic! Thank you for being awesome when I'm freaking out dude!

acgifford is such a sweet girl! I love her so much. She talks to me almost every day and laughs at my insanity. You are too cool for skool!! *hugs*

Gelka!! You are one of the sweetest, awesomest girls EVAH! Thank you for always letting me believe in my dreams like a weirdo and for geeking out with me about David Bowie and hot asian boyz~! :3

There are millions of others ^^;;

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:34 pm
by armeck
I will complement FU. I haven't really done chat in forever but i used to, i talked to FU a lot and she really made me feel welcome to the forum :)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:54 pm
by aliveinHim
TGJesusfreak is an awesome friend. We can share our feelings with eachother. He's like an older brother.

Nami is great because she's so sweet and darling.

Ella Edric was the first one to message me and made me feel welcome here.

Seto Sora is another awesome friend to talk about life with.

FU is such a sweet girlie.

Yamamaya is a funny guy.

Nate is the best brony ever!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:06 pm
by Lynna
Ella Edric is the amazing little sister I never had.
TGJesusfreak is probably the friend I've had the longest on this site, and he's one of the greatest guys I've ever met!
Fu is...actually a lot like one of my real life friends. She's a sister to me too ^_^ She's a very unique person ^_^
Yamamaya is always so funny!
Nate often makes my question things I've always assumed to be true. This makes it really hard to win in a debate. And he's funny also !
I'll think of more things to say later. And also...
Thank You to everyone on CAA. Because this is my favorite site in the whole internet. Everyone here is so warm and caring, it's like a miricle that there is such a place. Thank You!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:08 pm
by FllMtl Novelist
armeckthefirst (post: 1486476) wrote:I will complement FU. I haven't really done chat in forever but i used to, i talked to FU a lot and she really made me feel welcome to the forum :)
aliveinHim (post: 1486480) wrote:FU is such a sweet girlie.
Lynna (post: 1486482) wrote:Fu is...actually a lot like one of my real life friends. She's a sister to me too ^_^ She's a very unique person ^_^

Wow... thanks so much guys. ]Nate often makes my question things I've always assumed to be true. This makes it really hard to win in a debate. And he's funny also![/QUOTE]Thank you Lynna, you said that better than I would have. XD Also he got me to watch MLP: FIM so he's a good great guy. XD

EllaEdric--She's so sweet and encouraging to me. She gives me a lot of advice about stuff I'm clueless with. XDDD And of course, she's a lot of fun. :3

TGJesusfreak--Another of the first people I met on this site. A smart, friendly, kind, awesome guy. :D

Vega--Wacky and nice and a lot of fun.

Nami--A creative, young-at-heart, easy-to-be-around girl. :)

Furen--Sweet and loving.

Yuki-Anne--She's smart, funny, and inspiring.

...I could go on. XD; I love all the members. Special shout-outs to the mods for making this a great site.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:52 pm
by TheMewster
ChristianKitsune---best mod on here (though all you others are cool too!)

Nate---what would we do without his sarcastic humor?

TopazRaven---posts so many thought-provoking threads and is so kind!

And don't forget to give a shout out to Jesus Christ whose blood saves and unites this whole forum!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:02 pm
by Darth_Kirby
Mewster ~ Is honest, earnest, and not afraid to ask good questions! :)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:07 pm
by Lynna
Oh yeah! Topaz Raven! She's awesome! She's a very sweet and sincere person!
same goes for Atria: another awesome CAAer!
The Mewster is so kind!
Samurai is awesome!
I kind of with I knew you all better though :(

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:04 pm
by Furen
I'm quite tired right now, but I really felt I should let you know you all here are absolutely amazing people, and if I don't know you well, I'll try and really hope I can meet the other amazing people here, I'll do a better job for specifics later, but I wanted to know you are all such special people to the CAA community, we thank you for the hard work (to put up with us when we're annoying) and dedication for things as wonderful as these encouragement letters through threads is truly inspiring, and I hope I see it continue and flourish ten fold (1024x) in love and admiration for one another :)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:54 am
by rocklobster
Phantom_Sorano is a great friend and I feel a great closeness to her. Same for Atria35, Furen, and FllMtlNovelist.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:30 pm
by steenajack
Okay! I must go on to say that TGJesusfreak is an incredible, wonderful guy. He was my very first close friend...ever....and he always makes me smile. XD!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:24 pm
by That Dude
KhakiBlueSocks - What can I say about him besides the fact that he's my "melanin enhanced brother"?

MakaChop - The Choppers is one of the coolest people on here.

Furen - He's the happy heart of encouragement here on CAA.

Kaori - I've known her for longer than almost anybody and she constantly impresses me with wisdom and godliness beyond her years.

Also I know that they aren't really on here anymore but I totally want to give shouts out to some oldies...Kkun a true bro, CreatureArt and Photosoph, the closest I've ever been to having "online sisters."

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:42 pm
by Nate
aliveinHim wrote:Nate is the best brony ever!

Lynna wrote:Nate often makes my question things I've always assumed to be true. This makes it really hard to win in a debate. And he's funny also !

Fu wrote:Also he got me to watch MLP: FIM so he's a good great guy. XD

TheMewster wrote:Nate---what would we do without his sarcastic humor?


PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:47 pm
by SincerelyAnomymous
Edit: Oops...