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Touhou Plushie: To Buy Or Not to Buy.

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:06 pm
by Yamamaya
You all are probably not aware of this, but I have mixed feelings when it comes to anime and video game related merchandice. I may go on a buying spree and purchase a whole crapload of them, but I tend to show restraint.

Currently I have my eye set on a few Touhou plushies. I want to buy at least one, but they are pretty freaking expensive and I tend to be careful with my cash. I tend to compare the amount of money that I could spend elsewhere on something more enjoyable.

So, should I purchase one or not? I definitely want at least one. And I don't intend to just let it sit in my room. I want to use it for a series of video game/movie reviews I plan to make. So to buy or not to buy. That is the question.

On that note, what other related goods do you have a soft spot for despite how expensive they are?

Edit: I'm honestly just thinking of setting aside a certain amount of spending money for crap like this so I never go over the amount I want to spend :P

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:14 pm
by Atria35
I have no idea whether you should purchase it, sorry! I would never, since I know it would be a dustcatcher in my apartment >.>"

I have a fondness for messenger bags and posters, myself. I desperately want a messenger bag, and would use it, but I can never find it in myself to actually purchase one. Posters, on the other hand.... At this point, I have quite a few, and would love to put them up. Except, since I have a studio, it means any and all visitors will see them. Why that's a big deal when I have my anime and manga out for any and all to see, I don't know. But posters.... those seem like a different matter.

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:38 pm
by Yamamaya
Atria35 (post: 1477441) wrote:I have no idea whether you should purchase it, sorry! I would never, since I know it would be a dustcatcher in my apartment >.>"

I have a fondness for messenger bags and posters, myself. I desperately want a messenger bag, and would use it, but I can never find it in myself to actually purchase one. Posters, on the other hand.... At this point, I have quite a few, and would love to put them up. Except, since I have a studio, it means any and all visitors will see them. Why that's a big deal when I have my anime and manga out for any and all to see, I don't know. But posters.... those seem like a different matter.

Ah well I suppose that's one way of looking at it.

I love posters so freaking much. I have seven of them in my room. Only three of them are anime related. I might take a few of them down since they can so easily be seen.

Except for my Rei Evangelion poster, since I consider that one to be a fine work of art.

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:40 pm
by Sabana-San
it sounds so cute! i would buy it if I were me but if I were you I wouldn't. It's a good idea to wait and, like you said, save for a time like this. And as to the question of whether I go on buying sprees...Yes. Get me into an office supply store or even an aisle and I can NOT stop choosing things to buy! And then I spend two hours in there trying to pick out which things I want most because I can't buy it all. xD

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:43 pm
by ShiroiHikari
Pff, I don't even care if people know I'm into anime. I'm already socially marginalized as it is so screw it.

As for spending a lot of money on trinkets, well, I'd consider it pretty carefully first. Like, if you don't have a lot of money to blow, maybe save it for stuff you can get more use out of. But then, I tend to suffer from pretty strong buyer's remorse.

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:45 pm
by Atria35
Yamamaya (post: 1477448) wrote:I love posters so freaking much. I have seven of them in my room. Only three of them are anime related. I might take a few of them down since they can so easily be seen.

Except for my Rei Evangelion poster, since I consider that one to be a fine work of art.

I am such a nut for anime posters. My pride and joy is my Ah! My Goddess one of Belldandy- it's so pretty! More than half my posters/pictures are anime-related, and some are a little more risque, which makes having them up.... questionable, in a studio apartment. But I want to so badly.

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:02 pm
by Yamamaya
ShiroiHikari (post: 1477452) wrote:Pff, I don't even care if people know I'm into anime. I'm already socially marginalized as it is so screw it.

As for spending a lot of money on trinkets, well, I'd consider it pretty carefully first. Like, if you don't have a lot of money to blow, maybe save it for stuff you can get more use out of. But then, I tend to suffer from pretty strong buyer's remorse.

Well it's not too expensive for one of them. About 13-35 for one(that includes shipping) I probably just want one anyway....All the cheaper ones got eaten up already. :( I do plan to sell some of my old video games either on a website or to a retailer. Maybe I'll break even eh?

Atria35 (post: 1477455) wrote:I am such a nut for anime posters. My pride and joy is my Ah! My Goddess one of Belldandy- it's so pretty! More than half my posters/pictures are anime-related, and some are a little more risque, which makes having them up.... questionable, in a studio apartment. But I want to so badly.

Atria having risque posters eh? I find this awesome. Yep anime posters are pretty awesome. One person who didn't even like anime liked my Rei poster.

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:05 pm
by blkmage
Not a huge fan of posters, since I move a lot and will continue to do so for the near future. I would totally be into gunpla, but it's way too much time and effort. Pretty much the only figures I'm willing to collect are Nendoroids.

I would totally get plushes, but I don't think I've seen any that I've wanted enough to get. But yeah, anime goods are relatively expensive and I wouldn't count on them getting any cheaper.