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Meet Leon!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:40 am
by Sheenar
I got an email today from my service dog program with a photo attached of my successor service dog Leon (I will be flying to PA in June to go through Team Training with him.) He will be taking over the job of my first service dog Pebbles who retired last April (a year ago.)

Just wanted to share --he is such a handsome guy!


I am so excited to meet him in 2 months! :D

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:44 am
by Okami
Aww! Labs are so sweet. :)

He is handsome, indeed! <3

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:46 am
by Diamond Dragon
He's beautiful! I'm so happy for you!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:52 am
by Nami
Aww! He's adorable! That's awesome!! ^_^

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:52 am
by Diamond Dragon
I just want to cover him with kisses!!!!! X3

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:02 am
by ChristianKitsune
Aww so cute! ^_^
Out of curiosity what happened to that labradoodle you had so many cute pictures of?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:58 pm
by Atria35
I love dogs, and he's a gorgeous one! Congrats!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:40 pm
by Radical Dreamer
So glad to see you finally got some information on him! He's so pretty! I'll be praying that things go especially smoothly as you start training with him!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:31 pm
by Sheenar
ChristianKitsune (post: 1469744) wrote:Aww so cute! ^_^
Out of curiosity what happened to that labradoodle you had so many cute pictures of?

Back in November, he was washed out of training due to separation anxiety and some pretty severe noise sensitivity issues. He's now in a home with a family as a pet and is much happier. :)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:30 pm
by Wolf-man
what a cute doggie! He looks just like my late dog. I miss him.:waah!:
He is still a cutie though. May I ask (if it's not too presumptuous) why you need a service dog? I hope this doesn't sound like a rude question. I am just curious.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:51 pm
by Sheenar
What my first dog helped me with (and what Leon will help with) is mainly counterbalance while walking so I don't fall, help up/down stairs, help out of a chair, help off of the ground/floor, retrieval, tugging off socks/jackets, opening doors/pushing door buttons, some hearing tasks (like signaling me when someone says my name) and a few other things.

I have a neuromuscular disorder (yet to be diagnosed, but thought to be a form of muscular dystrophy) that affects my balance, muscle strength, endurance, etc. I have also begun to lose my hearing, so the hearing tasks will come in real handy.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:26 pm
by Nanao
awwe! Love labs. Beautiful dog.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:19 pm
by MomentOfInertia

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:14 pm
by Sheenar
I got my Team Training packet in the mail today and included was another photo of Leon:


PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:42 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!!!!!!!!!!!! Total Kawainess!!!!!!! X3

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:13 pm
by Atria35
Too Freaking Adorable! xDD