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Bye, Bye, Mubarak!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:37 am
Mubarak has stepped down from the presidency! I'm so happy for the Egyptian people! My parents lived in Egypt for years, and my dad would always talk about Mubarak's dictatorship. And now, they've ousted him from power. There are a lot of challenges ahead for the Egyptians (and certainly for the U.S. in terms of how they'll help and building relationships in the country and the middle east), but a new time has begun.

I also hope that the Christians there will be positively effected by the change. It seems like maybe the protests have helped repair schisms between Christianity and Islam in the country. If you don't know, Christians are discriminated against there. While they can practice their faith, they often had difficulties under Mubarak's regime. I visited one Christian part of Cairo that was in squalor and filth I'd only seen in documentaries - much more so than orphanages and other poor places I'd visited in Mexico. My pastor in the city also died under strange circumstances, and many believed he was murdered.

But the Christians there are vocal (many signify their faith openly by wearing quite-large crucifixes) and allowed to practice their faith. I'm just worried about Islam gaining a foothold in the new government, as with other Middle Eastern countries.

Mubarak Leaves Office

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:00 am
by Midori
While this is (probably?) good news, I think it is also outside of the scope of our general forum, being politics and all. However, if you want to give praise about the situation, go ahead and use the thread that's in the Prayer Room here: I don't think general discussion about this topic has anywhere to go that isn't political.