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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:18 pm
by Sparx00
Okay guys, what's your take on curses? (Note: I'm not talking about swearing I'm talking about curses like the mummy's curse.)

Are they fiction? Or are they fact?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:26 pm
by TopazRaven
Sometimes I'm not so sure. I do think there is a such thing as dark magic and we should stay as far away from it as possible, so perhaps.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:43 pm
by Atria35
I think they can, but only if the person casting them is using very dark magic.

But if I go up to someone, wave my fingers, and say "oogle boogle, I curse you!" then no. That's silly.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:58 pm
by Cognitive Gear
Fiction. And if not fiction, then not something that Christians would need to be in any way worried about.

I think that if they were real, there would be evidence recorded for us to study.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:05 pm
by Nate
I dunno if I feel comfortable saying they're complete fiction, as God curses things a couple of times in the Bible, and Jesus got mad when that fig tree didn't have any fruit and cursed it.

Man, it wasn't even the season for figs! It's like, there's no way that fig tree could have possibly had figs. Jesus totally killed a living thing in a fit of rage. That's like...I dunno man.

As for like...mummy's curses and stuff? I dunno if those things are real. They seem like hoaxes or coincidence to me. I'm sure there are some actual magic rituals for curses and stuff but even if there were I wouldn't be bothered, God is stronger than any curse anyway.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:29 pm
by TopazRaven
I think killing the fig was supposed to be another lesson for the apostles wasn't it? Lol.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:40 pm
by Furen
Gen 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

this is just one of many many times this appears.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:43 pm
by Midori
Whether curses exist or not, God has control over them.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:51 pm
by J.D3
This is pretty dicey topic to talk about, because we don't want to aquire an unhealthy interest in such things as curses and magic (I'd say that's one of the reasons why the Bible doesn't go into that stuff too much).

All that sort of stuff, as perpetuated by humans, is obviously the opposite to what God intends for us (i.e. that we should rely on His great power & not that of our own or the enemy's) so I suppose in that regard that curses & magic could be considered to be another form of rebellion against God.

On a finer point, the Bible does warn quite frequently against such practices (I could send you about half a page of those if you want) & I get the impression that God is saying effectively "don't touch that crap with a 10 foot pole!"

Whether curses exist or not, God has control over them.

Definately agree, God has ultimate and supreme control over all life and death & that's something to consider in this too!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:50 am
by TopazRaven
But, I like magic... Well...fictional magic that is. I'm a Fantasy fan. :sweat:. Won't ever do magic myself though in this world. I do remember once in my youth me and two friends did attempt a spell from a magic book one of them had. It freaked me out so bad I never did it again. I pray God forgives me for my stupedity at that time.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:10 am
by K. Ayato
Back when I was just starting to date the man who's now my husband, this one weird chick who had assumed that SHE and him were an item (since he had taken time out to comfort her on a bad day) threatened to curse his first visit to my home when she found out he was interested in me and not her. I don't know if she carried out her threat or not, but hey, it don't matter now ;).

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:32 am
by armeck
Midori (post: 1456894) wrote:Whether curses exist or not, God has control over them.


I think there are such thing as curses. But. I think they a different than the way they are potrayed in movies and stuff.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:58 am
by Nanao
i don't think they're fiction. however, i don't think that popular fiction/fantasy is an accurate portrayal of them either. as a couple of other people have mentioned, God curses. i think though, that God is probably the only one who can curse someone or something.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:07 am
by Lynna
When You say "The Mummy's Curse" I'm confused as to what you mean, because there was a curse on Tutenkamun's grave( or at least, so they say)
Now there's been a lot of arguments as to weather that "curse" was real or not, but all I know is that if there are curses, then they can't work on people who have jesus in them.
And also, remmember when that guy, Barak, (or whatever his name was) was going to curse the izrealites for money, God wouldn't let him, and told him to bless them instead. So it's obvious some people do have the power to bless or curse, but not unless God Let's them.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:15 am
by Nanao
Lynna (post: 1456964) wrote: And also, remmember when that guy, Barak, (or whatever his name was) was going to curse the izrealites for money, God wouldn't let him, and told him to bless them instead. So it's obvious some people do have the power to bless or curse, but not unless God Let's them.

ooo good point. i had forgotten about that.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:41 am
by bkilbour
I remember a buddy of mine tried to witness to a wiccan, and she got so angry that she tried to curse him. He told her "it's not going to work on me - and God protects me, ma'am. Anything you try on me will likely only hurt you."
She jeered at him, and tried it anyway. The following weeks, her face broke out in boils, she lost her job, and her "spirit guides" left her.

Oh yeah, I believe in curses, but I'm never worried about them XD

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:55 am
by Shao Feng-Li
I believe in curses. I'm not altogether sure what's real or not though. We certainly live under the curse of Adam's fall.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:52 pm
by Doubleshadow
I think it is totally possible to call on some of the fallen angels to do something. They will take the person up on it if they can get there claws in. But Christians aren't subject to curses as Christians because we belong to Him.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:57 pm
by Hiryu
The bible says that if you practice magic, you'll be thrown into hell with a list of other people with viable offenses, so it must be true. Why would the bible condemn a practice that wouldn't even exist?

Although there is very little evidence to fully support it's existence. It's mostly viewed as fantasy. Usually only shown in horror literature/movies/etc. too. I remember reading a book in my English literature class called "Dr. Faustus,"where a man threw away all of his knowledge as a person achieving a doctorate degree in exchange for magic. I thought it was a fairly interesting read.

I remember a buddy of mine tried to witness to a wiccan, and she got so angry that she tried to curse him. He told her "it's not going to work on me - and God protects me, ma'am. Anything you try on me will likely only hurt you."
She jeered at him, and tried it anyway. The following weeks, her face broke out in boils, she lost her job, and her "spirit guides" left her.

Wow, that's totally awesome! Although I must admit, I do feel a bit sorry for the wiccan. I hope she learned her lesson :).

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:16 am
by Atria35
bkilbour (post: 1456981) wrote:I remember a buddy of mine tried to witness to a wiccan, and she got so angry that she tried to curse him. He told her "it's not going to work on me - and God protects me, ma'am. Anything you try on me will likely only hurt you."
She jeered at him, and tried it anyway. The following weeks, her face broke out in boils, she lost her job, and her "spirit guides" left her.

Oh yeah, I believe in curses, but I'm never worried about them XD

You know, the thing I find most amusing of that is if she was really a Wiccan and not just someone to be claiming to be one, she would never have done that. It's a big part of their beliefs that you do unto others as they would have done unto them, and that whatever they do will come back threefold (so if she did curse him, then getting boils should be expected).

Although there is very little evidence to fully support it's existence. It's mostly viewed as fantasy. Usually only shown in horror literature/movies/etc. too. I remember reading a book in my English literature class called "Dr. Faustus,"where a man threw away all of his knowledge as a person achieving a doctorate degree in exchange for magic. I thought it was a fairly interesting read.

That is definitely an interesting read. You should check out a couple of other interpretations about it- being against witchcraft is an obvious thing that it's about, but if you read into the times and the person that wrote it, you discover that it might have been a metaphor for other things.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:07 pm
by Nate
Yeah I'm having a hard time believing that woman was a Wiccan, as Wiccans have a very strict moral code. The Wiccan Rede states "An it harm none, do what you will." The word "an" means "if." So basically the Wiccan code of morality is do what you want, but don't hurt anyone else. This would mean a curse is against the Wiccan morality code.

Performing magic on someone without their direct consent is also against their morality, even spells that are beneficial. So...yeah, I don't buy this woman was Wiccan. She may have said she was Wiccan, but she probably wasn't if she was so ready and willing to violate those rules.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:29 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Lynna (post: 1456964) wrote:When You say "The Mummy's Curse" I'm confused as to what you mean, because there was a curse on Tutenkamun's grave( or at least, so they say)

Interjecting from an Egyptian historical standpoint: the "curse" of Tutenkamun's grave was actually not a curse at all, but the mold and bacteria that grew inside of the years-untouched grave that caused people that entered it to get sick. That's how I understand it, at least. XD

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:48 pm
by KougaHane
A lot of "magic", especially in B.C. times, was probably biologically explainable, except for the timing of it. Even some miracles have been bioligically explained, like the parting of the Red Sea (ok, Geologically explained), there is a theory that says that there was once a land bridge under the sea that was high enough that it would be revealed at low tide. What's not explainable is that it just "happened" to be low tide right as Moses commanded the sea to part.
Miracles aren't magic of course, because in this world "magic" is usually attempting to use your own power or that of a pagan god, or Satan. I heard a story from a local church about how two Satanists entered one Sunday, sat through the service, and when the offering plate was passed to them they held out their hands and muttered under their breath, and the church had the lowest offering they've had in a long time. To a faithful, living church, however, I'm sure God would protect them from such attacks. Not judging that other church, but that's really the only explanation I see for it. Satan can only touch those who are not protected by Christ. And then I think I had somethign else to say but I don't remember.. lol

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:33 pm
by J.D3
KougaHane (post: 1457206) wrote:Even some miracles have been bioligically explained, like the parting of the Red Sea (ok, Geologically explained), there is a theory that says that there was once a land bridge under the sea that was high enough that it would be revealed at low tide. What's not explainable is that it just "happened" to be low tide right as Moses commanded the sea to part.

That's an interesting theory about the 'land bridge', where abouts do you hear it?

[quote]Ex 14:21 "And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea]

It's interesting re-reading that passage, because it indicates that the miracle took place over a period of time & I'd say that a lot of folks may have the impression that it was rather an instant deal (probably because of seeing movies where it would be difficult to adapt something like this so it's still visually engaging).

I kinda have a few questions about this, because the amount of water being held back would've had to have been enough to wipe out the Pharaoh's pursuing army so I'm not sure... (might have to see what there is on that)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:07 am
by Warrior4Christ
Nate (post: 1456889) wrote:Man, it wasn't even the season for figs! It's like, there's no way that fig tree could have possibly had figs. Jesus totally killed a living thing in a fit of rage. That's like...I dunno man.

Don't you realise? God hates figs.

So yeah, they're real. Jesus believed they existed.

There's also the legend of James Dean's Porsche 550 Spyder:*******.22
(He also died in the car on the day predicted (speculated?) by Alec Guinness:*******.27)
(Um.. okay, the links are censored. You can fill in the dots.)

And the Ancient Egypt curses:'s_curse

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:54 pm
by Sapphire225
[quote="Nate (post: 1456889)"]I dunno if I feel comfortable saying they're complete fiction, as God curses things a couple of times in the Bible, and Jesus got mad when that fig tree didn't have any fruit and cursed it.

Man, it wasn't even the season for figs! It's like, there's no way that fig tree could have possibly had figs. Jesus totally killed a living thing in a fit of rage. That's like...I dunno man.QUOTE]

Well, keep in mind that this is the guy that made the seas calm during a storm. The fact is that even plants (and nonliving things) can acknowledge him as the Son of God, but I'm guessing the tree didn't think so.

In all honesty, I don't know.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:16 pm
by Nate
Trees don't have brains and can't think. :p

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:23 pm
by Htom Sirveaux

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:27 pm
by mechana2015
Radical Dreamer (post: 1457200) wrote:Interjecting from an Egyptian historical standpoint: the "curse" of Tutenkamun's grave was actually not a curse at all, but the mold and bacteria that grew inside of the years-untouched grave that caused people that entered it to get sick. That's how I understand it, at least. XD

That and a lot of coincidences.