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Buggy cereal

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:56 pm
by kairo14
I was posting tonight and eating a bowl of honey nut cherrios--minding my own business--and a silverfish bug came crawling out from beneath two Cherrios, then over the bowl and then onto the back.

Im 30 and this is a first for me. Totally ruined a good bowl of O's. I felt like screaming.

So am I the only one or has this happened to any one else?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:01 pm
by Midori
I think I once had an ant infestation in a bowl of cheerios. At the time I was tired of fussing about ants being everywhere so I just finished the bowl. It was spicy. It's better than pepper at least. I'd have discarded the bowl if it had had black pepper on it.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:04 pm
by kairo14
Well, that more protein for ya' hahaha

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:26 pm
by Dante
Nah, my parents keep things forever. Mostly mealworm skins for me though (although I think we found a roach in there one time having a feast).

The problem is that my parents don't always realize this, and once tried to feed me mashed potatoes with gravy and the gravy had the worm-skins in it. Because my father didn't claim to see it and my mother was blind, they yelled at me for a good ten minutes because they claimed I wouldn't touch the food. They acted as though I were being stubborn and rebellious, when in reality, I just didn't want to eat bugs!

Of course, my father hasn't had the best history of seeing bugs. We once went into one of those corner Mexican fast food restaurants on a strip mall and my mother and I (she could see by that point again) noticed giant roaches crawling up the back wall in the kitchen. We hinted to him over and over to leave, but he yelled for disrupting his order and proceeded to eat there anyways. Although he doesn't remember biting into anything, you could say he's lucky he didn't get his meal "extra-crispy" with bonus "protein" XD.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:32 pm
by Rusty Claymore
This is why I live in Alaska... X.X

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:51 pm
by kairo14
Pascal (post: 1451863) wrote:.
... they yelled at me for a good ten minutes ....., I just didn't want to eat bugs!


PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:24 am
by PrincessZelda
One time when I was a kid I left a can of Cherry Coke outside on a table on the patio. Came back a few hours later and took a big swig of it, only to discover that ants had climbed into and died. It was one of the nastiest things ever. Ants taste disgusting. Ever since then, I've noticed that I can smell ants whenever someone squishes them... D: And, I don't really like Cherry Coke anymore.

And I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE when bugs are in or near my food. There's no one I'm going to eat it (on purpose) if it has bugs in it. I also found bugs in my cereal, though before I started eating it, and I through it out right then and there. Ew ew ew ewe ew ew ewewewe we ew, bugs are disgusting >_<

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:54 am
by kairo14
PrincessZelda (post: 1451876) wrote:. Ever since then, I've noticed that I can smell ants whenever someone squishes them......... Ew ew ew ewe ew ew ewewewe we ew >_<

That's kinda' cool in a weird way. You have this sixth sense now. lol

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:25 am
by Ally-Ann
It sounds like this had happened to a lot of people. I hope this doesn't happen to me! I've something almost gross as this happen to me before.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:25 am
by Shao Feng-Li
Man, this thread is giving me dry heaves. Huh, except for the occasional fly landing on my plate, I don't think I've ever had a bug in my food. At least none that I noticed. Well, Chinese gave me food poisoning once. There was a bug, I just couldn't see it...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:27 am
by K. Ayato
Back when I still lived in CA, we would find those little brown, shiny bugs in most of the dried goods such as pasta or flour. Since I moved to VA I've only found one bug around the dishes, but I killed the sucker. None in or around food yet.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:51 am
by LadyRushia
I've never had bugs in my food, but I've had bees or wasps get all up in my noms and not go away. I hate those suckers.

I also hate centipedes, millipedes, and silverfish.

This year, however, my mortal enemies are stink bugs. They are brown, nasty, slow, and make scary noises when they fly. Back in September, I cleared at least 20 of them from my window screen at school. I get angry when I see them, but I know how to kill them properly, so it's not a big deal.

Now, I come to the rescue of the super girly girls on my hall whenever they show up because they scream and run away. lol

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:58 am
by Ante Bellum
I've found bugs in my ramen before. More than once, I think...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:01 am
by K. Ayato
Worst part back in CA was when the winter ant invasions hit the kitchen. Yeah, disgusting.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:27 am
by PrincessZelda
kairo14 (post: 1451879) wrote:That's kinda' cool in a weird way. You have this sixth sense now. lol

I guess so! People act like I'm crazy when I say I can smells the ants, though XD

Ally-Ann (post: 1451901) wrote:It sounds like this had happened to a lot of people. I hope this doesn't happen to me! I've something almost gross as this happen to me before.

Well, if you keep your dry goods in air tight plastic containers it's a lot less likely to happen.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:58 am
by Atria35
WE've had multiple ant invasions in the kitchen, but we store all dry good or stuff in boxes... not in boxes or packages that can be gnawed away at. They were going for the food drippings in the dishwasher, since if it wasn't full we'd leave it for the next meal or two to fill up.

We took care of them by washing the dishes as the ants were crawling around inside, and doing a throrough cleaning of the area with vinegar and bleach.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:48 am
by Midori
The Argentina Ants we have in California, by the way, have developed a mutation, whereby when two hives meet, they merge and cooperate instead of fighting. United in the face of a common enemy, I suppose. What this means practically is that we will never be permanently rid of ants here. Ever.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:18 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
Ante Bellum (post: 1451911) wrote:I've found bugs in my ramen before. More than once, I think...

How else are you gonna get any nutrition out of ramen?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:57 pm
by Ante Bellum
By not eating it and therefore reducing my sodium intake?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:32 pm
by Yamamaya
Why do people hate bugs so much? What did bugs ever do to you except sit there and annoy you?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:17 pm
by Beau Soir
Yamamaya (post: 1451967) wrote:Why do people hate bugs so much? What did bugs ever do to you except sit there and annoy you?
Crawl on me, scare me by suddenly appearing, die in my drinks. o__o

Especially bees. I can't stand them. I like cicadas though, they're kind of cute... and I love the noises they make in summer in Japan...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:43 pm
by kairo14
Shao Feng-Li (post: 1451951) wrote:How else are you gonna get any nutrition out of ramen?

that was too funny. Although I have to say the ramen Naruto eats in the anime looks so good and nutritious for some reason

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:21 pm
by Sebastian Michaelis
We have ant issues... They tend to ruin my fav cereal's Dx but lately they have died down ^_^ :hug:

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:40 pm
by Dante
Yamamaya wrote:Why do people hate bugs so much? What did bugs ever do to you except sit there and annoy you?

I don't hate bugs. I'm fairly certain that they don't want to be eaten every bit as much as I don't want to them! XD

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:05 pm
by FllMtl Novelist
Never had bugs in my cereal. But when I was little my grandpa had a box of tootsie pops for us kids to snack on when we visited. I guess one box sat for a while, and I took a tootsie pop out, ignoring the mysterious hole in the outside, and started eating it. I was horrified when I spotted the wriggling ant embedded in the chocolate center. *shudders*

We've had infestations of large ants on occasion, but it seems we finally got rid of that. They were attracted to the then-badly-sealed food, but we never actually found them in what we were eating.

Wasps seem to like the outside of our house, particularly our porch roof. (There was also a nest near our back door that grew to be bigger than a baseball before one of us spotted it and alerted Mom and Dad.) Even I got uneasy when I was painting the front porch. Despite wasps being common around here, I think I've only been stung (lightly) once.

We used to get ladybugs like crazy, too. They'd coat the outsides of some of the windows, and scatter across the screens... When my middle (for lack of a better word) sister was tiny, she allegedly tried to eat one. Amazing that there's only one story of that in the house, really. Oddly enough, the ladybug was like my signature animal when I was younger. I thought they were the neatest thing.
LadyRushia (post: 1451910) wrote:This year, however, my mortal enemies are stink bugs. They are brown, nasty, slow, and make scary noises when they fly. Back in September, I cleared at least 20 of them from my window screen at school. I get angry when I see them, but I know how to kill them properly, so it's not a big deal.

Our house gets stinkbugs bad sometimes, and sparsely others times. My littlest sister's scared to death of them, but I barely notice them anymore. XD When you say 'kill them properly', do you mean there's a way to do it without making them stink?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:14 pm
by Furen
never has happened to me, EVER so are you kicking the o's?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:18 pm
by Blacklight
PrincessZelda (post: 1451876) wrote:Ants taste disgusting. Ever since then, I've noticed that I can smell ants whenever someone squishes them... D: And, I don't really like Cherry Coke anymore.

You're not crazy. Though I have not had the same experience (exact same, anyway, I don't recall drinking ants), I do notice the smell. People seem to think I'm crazy when I mention the smell too. I think they smell like some kind of cleaner. Weird thing.

I'm really happy that in the winter (where I live), the ants don't come out. In the summer, they swarm, and I think I remember finding an ant or two taking a swim in my cereal or drink, and it not being a pleasant sight for me... The worst I think was when I bit into a flea. (Don't ask, this was years ago and not even food-related.) I also dread the thought of eating or drinking whatever had the insect contact.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:50 pm
by kairo14
Furen (post: 1452081) wrote:never has happened to me, EVER so are you kicking the o's?

I'll take more than one little bug to cause me to give up the O's!

Bugs-0, Oshea-1

PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:27 pm
by Yuki-Anne
PrincessZelda (post: 1451917) wrote:I guess so! People act like I'm crazy when I say I can smells the ants, though XD

No, they do have a smell! At least the tiny ones do. I can't smell big ants, but when tiny ants are crushed, I smell it.

Also, them thinking you're crazy might have something to do with you saying, "I can smells the ants."

PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:29 pm
by Ante Bellum
kairo14 (post: 1452009) wrote:that was too funny. Although I have to say the ramen Naruto eats in the anime looks so good and nutritious for some reason

Because real ramen is probably a lot more nutritious than the oversalted...stuff...that we call "ramen."