Cognitive Gear (post: 1448311) wrote:Well, people have different opinions, and they are bound to share them. I don't really see anything wrong with that, but I do think that things would be rather boring if everyone agreed on everything. As long as it stays civil, I think it's a good thing.
PrincessZelda (post: 1448317) wrote:I think this is becoming a debate.
Warrior4Christ (post: 1448327) wrote:Clearly, ladies and gentlemen, this is not the case.....
Radical Dreamer (post: 1448313) wrote:If I can pose a different question, what's the point of a forum if everyone only posts to say "I agree"? XD People don't have to agree on every subject, and I find that discussion and civil exchange of ideas and debate are healthy things to have. Disagreeing with one another while trying to understand the other's viewpoints on different subjects, regardless of the topic, are ways that help us to grow both mentally and spiritually (if you're referring to theology discussions). Also, I think it's good to learn about what other people think]is meant[/I] for "general discussion"), I also don't think it would be a bad thing if it had. XD
I agree. Having an HONEST sitdown and discussion is what helps everyone grow. I mean, its better than living in your own contrived world of ideas. "Your faith shall be tested through fire" as the bible says. sometime you have to get up and walk into the fires of opinion and test it.Radical Dreamer (post: 1448313) wrote:If I can pose a different question, what's the point of a forum if everyone only posts to say "I agree"? XD People don't have to agree on every subject, and I find that discussion and civil exchange of ideas and debate are healthy things to have. Disagreeing with one another while trying to understand the other's viewpoints on different subjects, regardless of the topic, are ways that help us to grow both mentally and spiritually (if you're referring to theology discussions). Also, I think it's good to learn about what other people think]is meant[/i] for "general discussion"), I also don't think it would be a bad thing if it had. XD
Warrior4Christ (post: 1448327) wrote:As the second speaker on the negative side, I would argue against any claims that every thread is turning into a debate. The Oxford Dictionary defines debate as "an informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views". Clearly, ladies and gentlemen, this is not the case.....
Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1448353) wrote:I wonder why some people always equate civil discussion with flaming or fruitless arguing. They're very different things.
MxCake (post: 1448407) wrote:with what mysngoeshere56 said about people just not reading what the message was intending is probably the biggest negative thing about the texting and Iming era is theirs really no emotion or body language so its probably easier to get hostel but that's a little off topic sorry T.T
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