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the sad reality of porn stars

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:45 pm
by fermy6
Ok I've read an article about an ex porn star who is now a born again christian....sorry I'm using my phone so I can't post the link now, but I'll tell you guys as much as I can remember....this lady talked about much she hated the job cuz she mentioned about how the women got drugged with xanax(excuse the spelling) and the men were on sex performance drugs which made them more aggresive and the women were practically raped on set and were in pain after the scene was took, and the shot scenes are edited so everything looks fine....and what's worse is the frequent occurance of the spreading of STD's amongst porn stars which when one dies from it,the media make up stories to cover up the real cause for that persons death, as well as the amount of pregnancies and abortions happening between porn if anyone who reads this thread watches porn, please think about what you are doing because what's really going on with those people is actually horrible abuse of the people, and don't expect the pron industry to care cuz they make over a billion dollars a year

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:22 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
You mean Shelley Lubben? Yeah, her story is amazing. She actually had a book published a few months ago, The Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn. It's a real eye-opener.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:37 pm
by TopazRaven
I'm pretty sure I've heard of her to. I saw a video on YouTube not to long ago about the evils of porn and I'm pretty sure it was made by Shelley Lubben. The video was with the song Van Nuys by Sixx A.M. Anyway, I don't watch porn, but I never knew about all the terrible things those people have to go through every day until I saw that video. It really opened my eyes. I honestly think porn should be illegal.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:37 pm
by Atria35
I think it depends on where you're employed and whatnot. in the US, there are definite regulations about this sort of thing (can't say how often/how wll they're upheld, but they do a decent job monitoring STI's, at least). But I can't speak about other countries.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:02 pm
by fermy6
The worst thing is that its incredibly hard for these people to leave because most of them are actually supporting a drug habit

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:44 pm
by Kunoichi
Porn stars, really is all the same. And yes..the spiritual need, the suicide rate, the despair...its high. I won't share my own story on this thread..but its difficult and the fact this woman is being used by Christ and is able to impact others in a positive way hopefully..well praise God.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:58 pm
by Furen
That's absolutely horrible... I'm surprised how well the media is able to cover that up, I for sure figured many people would be present and have someone tell the media.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:21 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
Atria35 wrote:I think it depends on where you're employed and whatnot. in the US, there are definite regulations about this sort of thing (can't say how often/how wll they're upheld, but they do a decent job monitoring STI's, at least). But I can't speak about other countries.

Oh no, they don't. Porn studios are quite often in violation of public health laws. Actors/actresses get routine tests for a few STDs, but that doesn't prevent the industry being absolutely rampant with all kinds. A few months back, several major companies called a production halt because there were I think three cases of HIV reported and they suddenly wanted to get everyone else tested/cleared for it.

Also, many of the clinics that performers are directed to are linked with the industry and are quite lax with the quality of healthcare given. Some of the "doctors" don't even have a license to practice medicine.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:33 pm
by Lilac#18
fermy6 wrote:Ok I've read an article about an ex porn star who is now a born again christian....sorry I'm using my phone so I can't post the link now, but I'll tell you guys as much as I can remember....this lady talked about much she hated the job cuz she mentioned about how the women got drugged with xanax(excuse the spelling) and the men were on sex performance drugs which made them more aggresive and the women were practically raped on set and were in pain after the scene was took, and the shot scenes are edited so everything looks fine

[color="Plum"]I didn't know they had them take drugs before they go on set. That's terrible.[/color]

TopazRaven wrote:I honestly think porn should be illegal.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:44 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
Selenite wrote:[color="Plum"]I didn't know they had them take drugs before they go on set. That's terrible.[/color]

Yeah, it helps make the pain and humiliation more bearable. :shady:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:47 pm
by Nate
Selenite wrote:[color="Plum"]I didn't know they had them take drugs before they go on set. And that's terrible.[/color]

It's not ALL porn, just some. This is the equivalent of saying "One time I knew a cop who took bribes from people therefore all cops take bribes." Yes, some do, and the ones that do are absolutely terrible. But it's incorrect to say that all pornography companies do these things.

This is the problem when someone writes a "tell-all" book or whatever, because then everyone thinks it's a problem with the entire industry rather than just one or two specific businesses.

I would think as Christians, who have seen how one or two fringe organizations can make the rest of us look bad, that we would be against lumping everyone in the same category. After all, I don't think anyone here has protested at a US soldier's funeral, have they? But someone could easily say "This group protests military funerals, so therefore all Christians do that." And guess what? They'd be wrong.
I honestly think porn should be illegal.

I won't start an argument in this thread, but I want to say I disagree with this completely. Put some more regulation on the companies, make it safer, but making the whole thing illegal is the wrong solution.

Anyway, porn is like any other job. Some people hate it and hate themselves for doing it but they need money, some people just see it as a job and don't really care, and some people love it. I mean it was the same thing where I worked. I hated my job and myself and broke down crying twice and couldn't handle it. I packed boxes in a warehouse, by the way. Most other people there were just like "Meh it's a job, a paycheck is a paycheck." And there were also a couple who were like "I wouldn't quit this job for anything, I like it too much!" You have some of each group in any job.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:50 pm
by Okami
Yeah, back in October there was an issue of a porn actor who tested positive for HIV. I kept up with the news on XXXChurch. It breaks my heart to continuously know more of how the porn industry truly is, and helps me break all the more away from my previous addiction to pornography due to the disgust and heartbreak I feel for these people; I want to see these people get out of the industry, and I pray that God will touch their lives in knowing that that's not the only way to live...

It's so difficult knowing that sometimes those people don't have that option to escape, or they feel like they don't because they're supporting their drug addictions and other addictions. That's why I am grateful for the work that XXXChurch does with the Strip Church. They're helping teach these people about Christ, fighting to get them out of those situations, and get them back into a healthy lifestyle.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:51 pm
by TopazRaven
Nate (post: 1447101) wrote:I won't start an argument in this thread, but I want to say I disagree with this completely. Put some more regulation on the companies, make it safer, but making the whole thing illegal is the wrong solution.

Anyway, porn is like any other job. Some people hate it and hate themselves for doing it but they need money, some people just see it as a job and don't really care, and some people love it. I mean it was the same thing where I worked. I hated my job and myself and broke down crying twice and couldn't handle it. I packed boxes in a warehouse, by the way. Most other people there were just like "Meh it's a job, a paycheck is a paycheck." And there were also a couple who were like "I wouldn't quit this job for anything, I like it too much!" You have some of each group in any job.

I suppose we can agree to disagree then? I just don't see what good porn does anyone.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:53 pm
by Nate
Whether it does good for anyone or not is beside the point; soda doesn't do good for anyone, it causes cavities, caffeine addiction, diabetes, heart problems...but I wouldn't want anyone to make soda illegal just because it isn't good for me.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:57 pm
by Edward
I think what Nate meant was that if it was made illegal, people would still try to get their porn. It's the same thing with guns or drugs. Making something illegal doesn't get rid of the problem, it just hides it, and it is impossible to regulate the production and sale of anything illegal. Making something illegal often makes the problem worse because of these reasons.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:03 pm
by Nate
That's partially true, I'm against outright banning most things in part because during the Prohibition era where alcohol was made illegal, it resulted in an increase in organized crime and murder, as well as being more dangerous because the illegal alcohol being produced wasn't subject to any health regulations.

There are other reasons I feel are more important than that one, but again, I'm not going to start a debate in this thread. If you really wanna know, PM me.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:07 pm
by TopazRaven
I guess it's just my own personal moral code talking then. I just don't like it, especially since I know all the bad things some people have to go through.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:10 pm
by Radical Dreamer
I'm just going to post an official note here that this is not going to turn into a thread about justifying the porn industry. I'm not saying it's gone there yet, and I'm not saying that it will based on what's happened so far. I'm just saying. Like Nate said, take those matters to PM, please.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:12 pm
by Nate
That's fine. Never said you had to like it. :p I don't like it much either myself, actually. I'm just saying that "I don't like this" should not lead directly to "Make it illegal." XD Otherwise I'd make sure people who wore socks with sandals got arrested. >:l

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:15 pm
by TopazRaven
Nate (post: 1447115) wrote:That's fine. Never said you had to like it. :p I don't like it much either myself, actually. I'm just saying that "I don't like this" should not lead directly to "Make it illegal." XD Otherwise I'd make sure people who wore socks with sandals got arrested. >:l

Lol. My uncle would be the first to go to jail if wearing socks and sandels at the same time was against the law. Hm...yes, you have a point though.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:42 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
Like Nate said, it probably isn't every single studio that gets so bad, but it's quite a lot, and any at all that permits such atrocities to be committed on human beings is enough. Porn is legalized sexual abuse, plain and simple.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with a "tell-all" book about the smut industry. Realistically, it's one of those things that will never go away this side of the Rapture. All we can do is tell more people the truth. Even if you yourself can somehow find a way to view only porn from studios that are in 100% complience with health & safety laws, it's all one and the same thing. Complience with law does not necessarily reflect human experience and emotional/physical/psychological condition.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:01 pm
by Kunoichi
I think what actually matters most in this the amount of people who are being sex trafficked, porn stars, prostitutes etc..their spiritual, emotional and physical need is very great. I've been able to minister to some prostitutes because of my own experiences..and its heart wrenching the stories they have. Prayer definitetely needed

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:51 pm
by Aedin
I agree with Atria, Nate, and Edward. I won't really bother explaining why, since they explained well enough themselves. Not all the places are like that. However, I wouldn't be surprised if most of them were. I used to visit this one site, (not a plug) and they have a section, specifically for people who either are in the industry, or used to be in the industry. I read some of the threads in that section. There's a lot of messed stuff up in the industry, a lot of the people in it (the women anyway, I didn't see any posts by guys) really hate it.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:34 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
Nate (post: 1447110) wrote:That's partially true, I'm against outright banning most things in part because during the Prohibition era where alcohol was made illegal,

Except that there's nothing actually sinful about alcohol, whereas being a whore for money (which is what pornstars are...) is... I mean, I totally understand what you guys mean about forbidden fruit, and too many laws just create criminals, but the people who are in/into porn kinda already are.


It just makes me sad. Porn studios are just brothels with cameras. These people are destroying their souls.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:41 pm
by Kaligraphic
I'd rather have the porn industry run by at least nominally law abiding companies than by the mob.

Still, I think that if we want to take a lesson from all this, as the background music swells, perhaps it should be that many of the people we may be judging as sinners in our hearts are just people, suffering in their own way - perhaps their situations differ from our own, but perhaps it is just luck and the grace of God that's kept us from those same traps.

Because, ultimately, porn stars are people too.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:22 pm
by Nate
Shao Feng-Li wrote:Except that there's nothing actually sinful about alcohol, whereas being a whore for money (which is what pornstars are...) is...

Well, actually, some denominations DO think alcohol is sinful. XD I disagree with them obviously (and you do too) but there are groups that say any alcohol is a sin.

Of course I think you won't find any denomination that won't say porn is sinful. Still it isn't exactly the best comparison. XD
too many laws just create criminals, but the people who are in/into porn kinda already are.

Wait I don't get this. I would agree they're sinful, but how are they criminals if it's not illegal? I don't mean the more shady producers that have been mentioned. Obviously they're criminals. But how is someone who's into porn a criminal? They're sinning, but that isn't a crime.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:46 pm
by Peanut
Kaligraphic (post: 1447153) wrote:I'd rather have the porn industry run by at least nominally law abiding companies than by the mob.

Still, I think that if we want to take a lesson from all this, as the background music swells, perhaps it should be that many of the people we may be judging as sinners in our hearts are just people, suffering in their own way - perhaps their situations differ from our own, but perhaps it is just luck and the grace of God that's kept us from those same traps.

Because, ultimately, porn stars are people too.

Yeah, this is pretty much my view on this issue.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:43 am
by TopazRaven
Shao Feng-Li (post: 1447152) wrote:Except that there's nothing actually sinful about alcohol, whereas being a whore for money (which is what pornstars are...) is... I mean, I totally understand what you guys mean about forbidden fruit, and too many laws just create criminals, but the people who are in/into porn kinda already are.


It just makes me sad. Porn studios are just brothels with cameras. These people are destroying their souls.

*Eye twitch* Okay, no matter who they are or what they do with their lives I don't think anyone has the right to call someone else a whore, but this is probably just the fact I don't like the use of that word. Remember they are people to and it's not right to talk about them like they're the scum of the Earth or something. I've also come across plenty of Christian sites that do indeed think anything to do with alcohol is sinful, so you can't really use that as an example.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:45 am
by Furen
Nate (post: 1447159) wrote:Wait I don't get this. I would agree they're sinful, but how are they criminals if it's not illegal? I don't mean the more shady producers that have been mentioned. Obviously they're criminals. But how is someone who's into porn a criminal? They're sinning, but that isn't a crime.

I'm just as confused here, I don't agree with the field, but I don't get how it's a crime if it's not illegal.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:11 am
by Moonlitave
Maybe what Shao is trying to say is that they're not actual criminals legally, but spiritually?