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A Dream That I Just have to Share

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:14 pm
by ChristianKitsune
Okay, I don't know if this is because I was watching my older sister play an Indiana Jones spoof-quest in World or Warcraft, and then she later handed me an anime dvd that my friend gave me. But I had this intense dream just now.

It was like the middle of the country had become a warzone. Mechas and Soldiers, were fighting, and yet people were still trying to enter the city. (I think it was happening in Kansas City? I'm not sure.) For some reason myself and a few members here on CAA were trying to get in as well (Which would later prove to be a huge mistake)

Some of our comic book and anime heroes were there. Like the Justice League, Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, and others whose faces I only recognized while I was dreaming. They were fighting with the "good" side in this battle.

Suddenly, all the college-age and younger citizens and tourists were captured by the enemy. He was some faceless, masked evil one. I remember being taken away from my friends and separated, and put into a room with crying girls. We were told the very next day we would all die. And everyone was like "But our heroes will come!" (the anime heroes) "We'll be saved!" We even received a message from someone on the outside telling us they would get there in time...

I can remember as my dreamself was laying in her bed. She looked to all sorts of manga scenarios to try to save herself.
I can remember this overwhelming sensation of fear...that I was going to die in less than 12 hours.

And then My dreamself reached into her bag, and pulled out this little Bible that I always carry around in real life. And she started reading, and then she started praying...and she did that for hours, and then finally she fell asleep.

The next day she woke up to the sound of two girls leaving. When she asked them what was going on, they told her "We have been set free." And then they quickly left.

My dream ended with my dream girl singing a few praise and worship songs to herself as he packed up her belongings to leave. And soon after, reuniting with her companions.

I guess this story seemed to me like it was easy to figure out. Nothing on this earth can save us. Nothing here can set us free. We can look to our favorite hobbies, or friends, and even our armed forces, and our leaders. But the only one who can truly save us, is God. It's still totally okay to have those thingts, but when my dreamself put away all her distractions and focused on God, things got better. I even remember feeling a lot more relaxed XD.

I dunno if that was something worth sharing or reading. XD But it seemed pretty cool to me, that in the smallest things God shows his presence.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:26 pm
by Aedin
That's interesting. Reminds me of a dream I once had.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:19 pm
by Midori
That's a pretty cool dream, CK!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:29 pm
by Furen
Which fellow members went with you? Do you remember?